Four new species of Syringolaimus De Man, 1888 (Nematoda: Ironidae) from the Southeast Atlantic (Brazil), with redefinition of valid species and the proposal of a new key * Author Lima, Rita De Cássia Coelho Author Lins, Lidia Author Silva, Maria Cristina Da Author Esteves, André Morgado text Zootaxa 2009 2009-05-11 2096 119 136 journal article 1175-5326 Syringolaimus smolae sp. n. ( Figs. 5 and 6 ) FIGURE 5. Syringolaimus smolae sp. n .. A. Total view of male, B. Pharyngeal region of male, C. Pharyngeal bulb, D. Total view of female, E. Tail region showing copulatory apparatus, F. Tail region of female, G. Anterior ovary, H. Testis (arrow indicate glandular part). FIGURE 6. Syringolaimus smolae sp.n .. A. Male, B. Female, C. Pharyngeal region of male, D. Anterior region body of male showing buccal cavity, E. Anterior region body of male showing buccal cavity of female, F. Tail region showing copulatory apparatus, G. Tail region of female, H. Vulva region. Type material : One male and one female collected from Stations 74 and 85 (Appendix). Holotype 1: slide number MNRJ 333 station 74; allotype 1 slide number MNRJ 334 station 85. Type locality : Campos Basin ( Rio de Janeiro , Brazil ). Holotype 1 found at 750 m depth in silt-clay sediments, layer between 0–2 centimeters. Allotype 1: found at 1350 m depth in silt-clay sediments, vertical profile: between 2–5 centimeters. Etymology . The specific epithet honors Nicole Smol, Coordinator of the Nematology course at Ghent University, Belgium . Description . Measurements: Holotype 1: L: 1036.5; hd: 7.8; amph wid: 3.6; cbd: 13.2; amph (%): 27.3; amph dist: 7.2; buc cav l: 37.2; ph: 175.5; buc cav 1/ph (%): 21.2; nr/ph (%): 51.3; ex pore/ph (%): 51.3; bulb l: 35.4; bulb l/ph (%): 20.2; bulb d: 18.6; cbd: 24; bulb(%): 77.5; mbd: 22.8; abd: 21; t: 112.2; con/t (%): 44.9; cil/t%: 55.1; spin: 6; spin/t (%): 5.3; spic: 28.2; gub: 13.8; a: 45.4; b: 5.9; c: 9.9; c’: 5.3. Allotype 1: L: 992; hd: 9.0; amph wid: 3.6; cbd: 10.8; amph %: 33.3; amph dist: 7.8; buc cav l: 33; ph: 158.4; buc cav 1/ph (%): 20.8; nr/ph (%): not visible; ex pore/ph (%): 41.7; bulb l: 30.6; bulb l/ph/ (%): 19.6; bulb d: 13.2; cbd: 17.1; bulb (%): 77.2; mbd: 17.4; abd: 13.8; t: 115.8; con/t (%): 42; cil/t (%): 58; spin: 6.0; spin/t (%): 5.1; a: 57; b: 6.3; c: 8.6; c’: 8.4. Male Holotype : Body 1036.5 µm long, maximum body diameter 22.8 µm. Cuticle faintly striated. Six outer labial papillae and four cephalic papillae. Amphideal phovea occupying 27.3% of corresponding body diameter. Head diameter 7.8 µm. Cylindrical, sclerotized, buccal cavity, weakly involved by pharynx muscles, 37.2 µm long, 21.2% of pharynx length. Three bifid teeth of equal size, one dorsal and two subventral. Delicate pharynx with an oval basal bulb, 35.4 µm long and 18.6 µm wide, corresponding to 77.5% of body diameter and 20.2% of total pharynx length. Secretory-excretory pore and nerve ring at same level, situated 51.3% from anterior end. Rounded cardia. Single testis lying on right side of intestine, with glandular part splitting duct into regions of cells of varying degrees of maturity. Short deferent duct with sperm cells in beginning of duct. One precloacal papilla present. Spicule setiform, vellum present. Gubernaculum triangular. Conical-cylindrical tail with spinneret (6 µm), corresponding to 5.3% of tail length. Cylindrical region corresponding to 55.1% of tail length. Three caudal glands present. Female Allotype : Body slender, amphidelphic-didelphic, with reflexed ovaries located ventrally to intestine. Vulva situated at 57% of total body length, with two glands on each side of vulva. Diagnosis . Syringolaimus smolae sp. n. is characterized by the setiform spicule, the triangular gubernaculum, the position of the secretory-excretory pore at the same level of the nerve ring, and the presence of two glands located posterior and anterior to the vulva. Relationships . S. smolae sp. n. resembles S. loofi Gourbault & Vincx, 1985 ; both species share the presence of inner labial papillae, bifid teeth, and precloacal papillae; the equal value of De Man ratios b and c; and the proportion of the small spinneret in relation to the total tail length. However, the secretory-excretory pore in S. smolae sp. n. is situated in the middle region of the pharynx, whereas in S. loofi the pore is situated at the base of the buccal cavity. Other differences observed are the spicule, gubernaculum , and the tail shapes (conical in S . loofi and conical-cylindrical in S. smolae sp. n. ). The female of the new species possesses two glands, one on each side of the vulva. The presence of a glandular portion in the testis is not observed in S. loofi .