Annotated checklist of the fishes of the archipelago of Madeira (NE Atlantic): I-Chondrichthyes Author Biscoito, Manuel Author Ribeiro, Cláudia Author Freitas, Mafalda text Zootaxa 2018 2018-06-07 4429 3 459 494 journal article 29945 10.11646/zootaxa.4429.3.2 afb60108-82be-4cff-9898-088349da5006 1175-5326 1285016 17EAB027-D9FB-4B8A-9847-3AA76EC96FCB Family Centrophoridae * Centrophorus granulosus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) —Ramudo; Gulper shark Günther 1870 : 420–421 | Belloc 1934 : 146 | Nobre 1935 : 448 | Fowler 1936 : 73 | Noronha & Sarmento 1948 : 122 | Maul 1948 : 138 | Nunes 1953 : 200| Albuquerque 1954 –56: 120 | Cadenat & Blache 1981 : 54–56 | Krefft & Tortonese 1973 : 38 | Compagno 1984a : 37–38 | McEachran & Branstetter 1984 : 130 | Sanches 1986 : 80 | Lloris et al . 1991 : 223 | Carneiro et al . 2014 : 13. Maul 1948 : 139 | Carneiro et al . 2014 : 13 (as Centrophorus lusitanicus ) Freitas & Biscoito 2007 : 5 | Carneiro et al . 2014 : 13 (as Centrophorus niaukang ) Distribution in Macaronesia. Madeira , Azores ( Santos et al . 1997 ; Arruda 1997 ; Porteiro et al . 2010 ; Menezes et al . 2012 ), Canary Islands ( Brito et al . 2002 ; Brito Hernández & Sancho Rafel 2003) and Cape Verde ( Reiner 1996 , 2005 ; Menezes et al . 2004 ). Remarks. According to White et al . (2013) C. lusitanicus Bocage & Capello, 1864 and C. niaukang Teng, 1959 are considered junior synonyms of C. granulosus . Both C. lusitanicus and C. niaukang had been recorded from Madeira ( Maul 1948 ; Freitas & Biscoito 2007 ). White et al . (2013) did not see the specimens in MMF collection (20 records, from 1940 until 2004) and doubts remain about the synonymy of the Madeiran specimens previously identified as C. niaukang with C. granulosus , a subject currently under study. * Centrophorus machiquensis Maul, 1955 —Quelmo ( Fig. 6 ) Maul 1955 : 5 | Krefft & Tortonese 1973 : 39 | McEachran & Branstetter 1984 : 131 | Lloris et al . 1991 : 223 Cadenat & Blache 1981 :58–63 (as Centrophorus “forme” uyatomachiquensis ). FIGURE 6. Centrophorus machiquensis , Holotype (MMF 3767). Female, 1050 mm TL, caught off Machico, Madeira, in 1941. Drawing made from the mounted holotype by Helena Encarnação. Distribution in Macaronesia. r ecorded with certitude only from Madeira . May also be present in the Canary Islands (A. Brito pers. comm.). Remarks. Madeira is the type locality. The holotype is a mounted specimen on exhibition in the Funchal Natural History Museum (MMF 3767) and there are a skin and several formalin preserved specimens in MMF collections, from 1941 until 1996. The taxonomic status of this species has been questioned by Krefft & Tortonese (1973) , McEachran & Branstetter (1984) , Compagno (1984b) and ( Muñoz-Chapuli & Ramos (1989) , all pointing in the direction of a synonymy with C. granulosus . Cadenat & Blache (1981) also questioned the validity of C. machiquensis , as they found not possible to separate C. machiquensis from C. uyato (Rafinesque, 1810) . A revision of the latter is currently under way ( White et al ., 2013 ) and these authors recommend that C. machiquensis should be treated as a synonym of C. uyato , for the time being. The authors have decided to retain C. machiquensis as a valid species, based on morphological and ecological characters, separating it from C. granulosus and from C. uyato and this matter is being treated elsewhere. See also remarks under C. uyato . * Centrophorus squamosus (Bonnaterre, 1788) —Xara-branca; Leafscale gulper shark Lowe 1852 : 253 | Belloc 1934 : 147 | Cadenat & Blache 1981 : 63–68 | McEachran & Branstetter 1984 : 132 | Compagno 1984a : 43–44 | Sanches 1986 | Lloris et al . 1991 : 223 | Carneiro et al . 2014 :13. Johnson 1868 : 713–14 (as Machephilus dumerilli ) Günther 1870 : 422 (as Centrophorus dumerilii ) Fowler 1936 : 78 | Noronha & Sarmento 1948 : 132 | Maul 1948 : 139 | Nunes 1953 : 244 | Albuquerque 1954 – 56: 122 | Krefft & Tortonese 1973 : 44 (as Lepidorhinus squamosus ) | Martins & Ferreira, 1995 | Freitas & Biscoito 2001 | Severino et al . 2009 | Delgado et al . 2017. Distribution in Macaronesia. Madeira , Azores ( Santos et al . 1997 ; Arruda 1997 ; Porteiro et al . 2010 ; Menezes et al . 2012 ) and Canary Islands ( Brito et al . 2002 ; Brito Hernández & Sancho Rafel 2003). Remarks. Apart from the holotype of M. dumerilli Johnson, 1868 in the BMNH collections (1865.5.20.15) and one fluid preserved specimen in the AMNH (I-73241 collected on 20.10.1972 ), there are several formalin preserved specimens, jaws and skins in MMF collections (first dated from 1917 and last one from 1965). Maul (1948) refers as frequent all year, occurring offshore and indeed this is the commonest Centrophorid species in the bycatch of the black scabbard fish longline fishery in Madeira . Centrophorus uyato (Rafinesque, 1810) No common name in Madeira ; Little gulper shark – NEW RECORD ( Fig. 7 ) Distribution in Macaronesia. Madeira and Cape Verde ( Reiner 1996 , 2005 ; Menezes et al . 2004 ). Remarks. the usage of this name and validity of C. uyato is being debated for a long time, as it is pointed out by Muñoz-Chapuli & Ramos (1989) , White et al . (2013) and Veríssimo et al . (2014) . The authors have opted to preserve the present designation, based on the key provided by Veríssimo et al . (2014) . This new record is based on a preserved specimen in BMNH 1862. 4.22.29 , a 436 mm TL juvenile female caught at Madeira and presented by J. Y. Johnson. A thorough morphological comparison between this Madeiran specimen and specimens from C. machiquensis is being done in order to support the validity of the latter, unless the revision that is under way ( White et al . 2013 ; Veríssimo et al . 2014 ) brings sound evidence that C. machiquensis is not a valid species. See also remarks under C. machiquensis . FIGURE 7. Centrophorus uyato (BMNH 1862.4.22.29). Juvenile female (436 mm TL) from Madeira presented to The Natural History Museum, London, by J. Y. Johnson in 1862. * Deania calcea ( Lowe, 1839 ) —Gata; Birdbeak dogfish Lowe 1839 : 92 as Acanthidium calceus Lowe 1849 : 19 | Garman 1913 : 216 | Albuquerque 1954 –56: 123 (as Acanthidium calceus ) Lowe 1843: 93 | Günther 1870 : 423 | Belloc 1934 : 145 | Nobre 1935 : 454 (as Centrophorus calceus ) Capello 1872 : 88 (as Centrophorus crepidalbus ) Fowler 1936 : 79 | Maul 1948 : 139 | Nunes 1953 : 217 | Krefft & Tortonese 1973 : 42 | Nunes 1974 | Cadenat & Blache 1981 : 69–72 | McEachran & Branstetter 1984 : 137 | Sanches 1986 (as Deania calceus ) Compagno 1984a : 65–66 | Carneiro et al . 2014 : 13. Distribution in Macaronesia. Madeira , Azores ( Santos et al . 1997 ; Arruda 1997 ), the Canary Islands ( Brito et al . 2002 ) and Cape Verde ( Hanel & John 2014 ). Remarks. Madeira is the type locality. One preserved specimen in BNHM collections (1861.5.19.33), skin samples in MNHN (IC-AA-0025, collected by J. Cadenat in 1960 at 32° 30' N ; 14° 0' W ). Two preserved specimens in MMF collections (MMF 40030, MMF 42319). Maul (1948) refers as frequent all year, occurring offshore. A detailed comparative study including genetic analysis, of the species of Deania from off Portugal mainland, Madeira , Azores , Morocco , Mauritania , Cabo Verde and Namibia is being done by one of the authors (MF). * Deania hystricosa (Garman, 1906) —Sapata; Rough longnose dogfish Cadenat & Blache 1981 (as Deania mauli ) Compagno 1984a : 66–67 (as Deania histricosa sic) Carneiro et al . 2014 : 13 | Delgado et al . 2017. Distribution in Macaronesia. Madeira and Canary Islands ( Brito et al . 2002 ; Brito Hernández & Sancho Rafel 2003). Remarks. Several formalin preserved specimens in MMF collections collected on 2004 and 2005 . Type material of D. mauli in MNHN (1969–296, 298, 299, 300). This is the largest and probably the commonest of the three Deania species occurring in Madeira and is caught as a by-catch of the black scabbard fish fishery. See other remark under D. calcea . * Deania profundorum (Smith & Radcliffe, 1912) —Sapata; Arrowhead dogfish Freitas & Biscoito 2007 : 5–6 | Carneiro et al . 2014 : 13 | Delgado et al . 2017. Distribution in Macaronesia. Madeira , Azores ( Santos et al . 1997 ; Porteiro et al . 2010 ), Canary Islands ( Brito et al 2002 ; Brito Hernández & Sancho Rafel 2003) and Cape Verde ( Reiner 1996 , 2005 ; Menezes et al . 2004 ). Remarks. eight formalin preserved specimens in MMF collections (first dated from 1968 and last one from 2013). One specimen preserved in BMNH collections (1986.11.7.1). See other remark under D. calcea .