1 |
Inflorescences composed of 2-several verticillate or alternate to subopposite cincinni, rarely composed of a solitary cincinnus, bracteoles persistent; flowers enantiostylous, sepals with glandular hairs or with a mixture of glandular and eglandular hairs, androecium glabrous or with minute glandular hairs; seeds with a ventri-lateral appendage |
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Inflorescences composed of a solitary cincinnus or fascicle-like, bracteoles caducous; flowers non-enantiostylous, sepals glabrous, androecium medially bearded with moniliform hairs; seeds without a ventri-lateral appendage |
2 |
Bracteoles cup-shaped; pedicels erect at post-anthesis and in fruit; petals glabrous, filaments, ovaries and capsules glabrous; hilum in a deep depression |
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Bracteoles flat; pedicels deflexed at post-anthesis and in fruit; petals with minute glandular hairs at base on the adaxial surface, filaments, ovaries and capsules with glandular hairs; hilum in a shallow depression |
3 |
Cincinni alternate, rarely subopposite, sinuate; plants generally delicate; stems prostrate, thin, densely branched at the base; leaves chartaceous, linear to linear-oblong; main axis of inflorescence with sparse eglandular and glandular hairs; cincinnus bracts with caudate apex; seeds densely farinose, the testa costate to slightly rugose |
Murdannia burchellii
(C.B.Clarke) M.Pell.
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Cincinni verticillate, straight; plants generally robust; stems ascending to erect, succulent, little branched at base to unbranched; leaves succulent, linear-lanceolate to lanceolate; main axis of inflorescence with dense glandular and sparse eglandular hairs; cincinnus bracts with acuminate apex; seeds farinose, the testa scrobiculate to foveolate |
Murdannia gardneri
(C.B.Clarke) G.
4 |
Inflorescence reduced to a solitary cincinnus (but sometimes several clustered in a synflorescence near towards the shoot apex), peduncles with a mixture of eglandular (scabrid) and glandular to densely glandular hairs, cincinni 2-7-flowered; plants without a definite base; leaves distichously-alternate; flowers buds ovoid; capsules broadly ovoid to broadly ellipsoid, locules 1-seeded |
Murdannia engelsii
M.Pell. & Faden
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Inflorescence a terminal thyrse composed of several whorls of 1-flowered cincinni, peduncles with glandular to densely glandular hairs, cincinni 1-flowered; plants with a definite base; leaves spirally-alternate; flower buds ellipsoid to narrowly ellipsoid; capsules oblongoid to broadly oblongoid, locules 2-seeded |
Murdannia paraguayensis
(C.B.Clarke ex Chodat) G.
Leaves distichously-alternate; inflorescences long-pedunculate, exerted from the leaf-sheaths, cincinni 2-12-flowered, pendent; flowers zygomorphic, stamens 2, staminodes 4 (1 staminode antesepalous, sometimes lacking the antherode), antherodes white to cream; capsules ovoid to subglobose |
Murdannia nudiflora
(L.) Brenan
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Leaves spirally-alternate; inflorescences sessile, enclosed by the leaf-sheaths; cincinni 1-flowered, erect; flowers actinomorphic, stamens 3, staminodes 3, antherodes yellow (flowers uncertain in
Murdannia aff. triquetra
); capsules oblongoid to ellipsoid
6 |
Annuals without a definite base; roots thin; stems trailing, apex ascending, densely branched; petals glabrous; capsules with 3-seeded locules; seeds transversely ellipsoid |
Murdannia aff. triquetra
(Wall. ex C.B.Clarke) G.
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Perennials with a definite base; roots tuberous; stems erect (only the short rhizome prostrate), unbranched; petals medially bearded with moniliform hairs on the adaxial surface; capsules with 6-seeded locules; seeds cuboid to polygonal |
7 |
Leaf-blades margins glabrous throughout, inflorescences-bearing leaves with expanded blades (2.2-13.6 cm long); anthers brown |
Murdannia schomburgkiana
(Kunth) G.
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Leaf-blades margins ciliate at least at base, inflorescences-bearing leaves reduced to bladeless sheaths or with much reduced blades (0.2-1.8 cm long); anthers purple |
Murdannia semifoliata
(C.B.Clarke) G.