New Species of Neotibilis Grazia & Barcellos (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Pentatomini) Author Bernardes, Jorge L. C. Author Grazia, Jocélia Author Barcellos, A Line text Neotropical Entomology 2006 2006-06-01 35 3 344 348 journal article 10.1590/s1519-566x2006000300008 0df06122-5c83-45e3-848d-33ed148dbbb2 3578287 Key to the males of subgenus Neotibilis (modified from Grazia & Barcellos, 1994 ) 1. Scutellum with a conspicuous yellowish callus at apex.... ......................................N. ( N .) fulvicornis (Walker, 1867) 1’. Scutellum without apical callus ................................ ...2 2. Ventral rim of pygophore without laminar flaps ( Fig. 12 ) .................................................N. ( N .) parva (Distant, 1893) 2’. Ventral rim of pygophore with conspicuous laminar flaps .................................................................................................................. 3 3. Inner processes of ventral rim of pygophore hidden by proctiger, in dorsal view ( Figs 1 , 13 ) .................................... 4 3’. Inner processes of ventral rim of pygophore dorsally visible, not hidden byproctiger ............................................ 5 4. Proctiger clavate well developed, almost touching the tooth like laminar flaps of ventral rim ( Fig. 1, 2 ) .................. .................................................... N. ( N .) claviformis sp. nov. 4’. Proctiger ovate, smaller thaneach paramere ( Fig. 13 )....... ...................N. ( N .) chiapensis ( Thomas & Brailovsky, 1993 ) 5. Finger-like portion of parameres short, almost as long as auriculate portion ( Figs 10 , 14 )……… ................................ 6 5’. Finger-like portion of parameres elongated, well surpassing the auriculate portion ( Figs 5 , 12, 13, 15-17 )........ ......................................................................................... 7 6. Laminar flaps of ventral rim simple, not contiguous and not projected dorsad ( Fig. 14 ) ............................................... ........................N. ( N .) panamensis Grazia & Barcellos, 1994 Figs. 1-6. Pygophore dorsal and ventral views respectively. 1-2 N. ( N .) claviformis sp. nov. , 3-4, N. ( N .) ecuadorensis sp. nov . 5-6, N. ( N .) manauara sp. nov. (dr = dorsal rim; par = paramere; vr = ventral rim; X = proctiger). Scale 1mm. 6’. Laminar flaps of ventral rim complex, divided into two portions, one dorsad, and another sagitally disposed. ( Figs. 3, 4 ) ......................................N. ( N .) ecuadorensis sp. nov. 7. Laminar flaps of ventral rim auriculate, concave dorsally; inner processes of ventral rim in 1+1 small tubercles ( Figs. 5, 6 )…………………….......…… N. ( N .) manauara sp. nov. 7’. Laminar flaps of ventral rim semi-auriculate ( Figs. 15, 16 ) .................................................................................................................. 8 8. Inner processes of ventral rim triangular, well separated from each other ( Fig. 16 ) ....................................................... ...... ................N. ( N .) costaricensis Grazia & Barcellos, 1994 8’. Inner processes of ventral rim small, wing-like, contiguous basally ( Fig. 15 ) .................................................. ……………………………. N. ( N .) biguttata (Walker, 1868)