A genus in disguise. Revision of the genus Salcedia Fairmaire, 1899 with descriptions of nine new species (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Scaritinae, Salcediini) Author Balkenohl, Michael text ZooKeys 2020 901 1 81 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.901.39432 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.901.39432 1313-2970-901-1 D8C38C1C3844549F8BEC7C1D884CDF8E 843F6065-D00E-48E6-9A26-9CEB044BF102 Salcedia perrieri Fairmaire, 1899 Figs 1 , 3 , 8 , 26 , 44 , 52 , 68 , 84 Salcedia perrieri Fairmaire, 1899: 512; Csiki 1927 : 546; Alluaud 1930 : 22; Jeannel 1946 : 233; Basilewsky 1973 : 293; Reichardt 1975 : 103; Peyrieras 1976 : 157; Dostal 1993 : 121; Deuve 1993 : 141; Lorenz 2005 : 155. Type material. Holotype : ♂, with labels and data: brownish, printed, black framed "Madagr. Suberblle. H.Perrier" (MNHN). Remark. The holotype is complete. The specimen was located in the collection Fairmaire in MNHN. Figures 8-13. Salcedia species, habitus, dorsal view, holotype 8 S. perrieri Fairmaire 9 S. unifoveata sp. nov. 10 S. faillei sp. nov. 11 S. coquilhati Alluaud 12 S. elongata Alluaud 13 S. africana (Britton). Additional material. 1 spec., Madagascar Ron Maroantsetra V 35 Vadon! (MNHN, CBB); 29 specs., Madagascar Ron Maroantsetra IV 38 Vadon! / Andranofotsy (MNHN); 2 ♂, 2 specs., same data but with label COLL. MUS. Congo Madagascar: Col.P.Basilewsky / one of them with additional blue label: MUSEUM PARIS 1938 J. VADON et E. LEBIS (MRACT); 4 specs., Madagascar Ron Maroantsetra IV 38 Vadon! / Antakotako (MNHN); 1 spec., same data but Mahakiry (MNHN); 1 ♀, 3 specs., Madagascar, Fampanambo XII.1958 86 (Inondations) / MUS. ROY. CENTR. Madagascar Est: Bale d'Antongli J. Vadon (MRACT); 1 spec., same data but Maroantsetra Fampanambo III. 56 (MRACT); 1 spec., Madagascar: Fampanambo II.1960 J. Vadon / Salcedia perrieri Frm. P. Basilewsky det., 1970 / COMP. TYP. BASILEWSKY (MRACT); 1 spec., same data but III 65 (Vadon) (MNHN); 1 spec., Maroantsetra Ambodivoangy J.Vadon / INSTITUT SCIENTIFIQUE MADAGASCAR (MNHN); 11 specs., Ankofa VII 56 n. 7 / INSTITUT SCIENTIFIQUE MADAGASCAR (MNHN, CBB); 1 ♂, 3 ♀, 1 spec., Ankofa XII. 55 n. 7 / INSTITUT SCIENTIFIQUE MADAGASCAR / COLL. MUS: TERVUREN (ex Museum Paris) Coll. P. Basilewsky (MRACT); 1 spec., Tananarive Tsimbazaza / INSTITUT SCIENTIFIQUE MADAGASCAR / Salcedia perrieri Fairm. P. Basilewsky det. 1971 (MNHN); 1 spec., same data but with add. label COLL. MUS: TERVUREN (ex Museum Paris) Coll. P. Basilewsky (MRACT); 1 ♂, 2 ♀, MADAGASCAR c. Antsiranana prov., 2002 Ambanja, Ambodidimaka r. 15-16.12., Ivo Jenis leg. (CBP); 1 spec., Madagascar Ron Maroantsetra IV 38 Vadon! / Andranofotsy / Salcedia perrieri Fm. / COLLECTIO KAREL KULT COLL.A.DOSTAL, 1999 / Coll. P. Bulirsch Prague Czech Republic (CBP); 1 ♀, MADAGASCAR ?? Perinet 1989 (CBP); 1 spec., right antenna, right hind tibia and right intermediate tarsomere missing, MADAGASCAR, Ambanja Antsiranana pr. XII. 2002 / BMNH (E) 2008-52 P.Bulirsch/ SALCEDIA perrieri Fairmaire, 1899 P.Bulirsch det. 2011 (BMNH); 2 specs., Madagascar Ron Maroantsetra IV 38 Vadon! / Andranofotsy / with additional blue label: MUSEUM PARIS 1938 J. VADON et E. LEBIS / with additional white label: BRIT.MUS. 1947-246. (BMNH); 1 ♀, Madag Perrier (MNHN); 1 ♂, Morondava foret sud de Befasy I-56 R.P. / INSTITUT SCIENTIFIQUE MADAGASCAR (MNHN). Diagnosis. A medium sized species, with sub-elongate oval outline of the elytra with maximum width at middle and the pronotum with three additional lateral carinae. The pseudohumerus is nearly rectangular and distinctly dentate. The antennomeres are elongate. Distinguished most clearly from the similar species S. faillei sp. nov. by the tubercle on the frons of the head, the twelve tubercles at the lateral margin of the pronotum, and the pseudohumerus of the elytron which shows a laterally projecting tooth. Moreover, the median lobe of the male genitalia is different and the dorsal paramere has a pilus at the apex. Redescription. Measurements in Table 1 . Colour and surface: Anthracite grey, opaque; top of carinae on head, pronotum and elytra shiny; mandibles and legs piceous, antennae and palpi leoninous. Head: Two-thirds of width of pronotum. Outline semi-circular. Clypeus wide, straight anteriorly, separated from convex clypeal wings by indistinct obtuse notches, clypeal wings separated from supra-antennal plates by distinct notches, with raised pentagon-shaped field at middle, separated from frons by deep transverse furrow, frons with two raised paramedian carinae, joining anteriorly, prolonged anteriorly into a central distinctly erected tubercle, with two small glossy teeth bilaterally anterior to central tubercle, with two parallel carinae paralaterally near base; frons and clypeus separated from supra-antennal and supraorbital plates by deep broad furrows, each furrow with deep circular pit between supra-antennal plate and clypeus; supra-antennal and supraorbital plates distinctly margined, margin raised, carina-like, indistinctly crenulated, supra-antennal plates vaulted. Base emarginated at middle, obtuse angled laterally (angle 120°). Eyes convex, genae slightly convex, both of them partly visible from above, with pentagonal shape in lateral view. Antenna with segments five to ten elongate (L/W 1.26), densely pubescent, segments two to four scarcely pubescent, scapus with longitudinal reticulation. Labrum excised anteriorly. Mandible moderately short, wide, slightly arcuate at apex. Mentum small, epilobes wide, projecting and obtuse angled anteriorly, completely margined, surface coriaciate-like with flat impressions. Pronotum (Fig. 26 ): Outline rectangular, transverse, a third wider than long. Lateral margin convex, maximum width at middle, converging anteriorly and posteriorly. Lateral margin distinctly crenulated, with 12 tubercles, with distinct emargination at posterior angles. Base posteriorly moderately wing-like produced, with distinct notch between wing and central part of base, straight posteriorly. Declining flat keel at middle of base pointing posteriorly. Disc slightly convex (lateral view), with two raised paramedian carinae parallel to median line, slightly diverging posteriorly, with median line small, short, ending in pits anteriorly and posteriorly, with four additional shorter carinae bilaterally, the paralateral one joining with the paramedian carinae at base and forming a tooth-like tubercle pointing posteriorly, extended anteriorly as less raised paralateral carina. Two much shorter and less raised inner and outer lateral carinae, the inner one joining with the anterior extension of paralateral carina, all carinae sub-crenulate. Lateral margin and space between lateral margin and paralateral carina wing-like bent up, with six large transverse pits, the basal ones partly separated into two small circular pits. Elytron (Fig. 44 ): Flattened in anterior half (lateral view), convex in frontal view. Sub-elongate, margin moderately convex, maximum width at middle. Pseudohumerus nearly rectangular, distinctly dentate. Apex rounded, acutely denticulate at suture. Disc with interneur six sub-crenulate, interneur two running up to apex as slightly convex line, conspicuously raised; interneur four running in parallel to interneur six, not reaching base, shortened at apex. Interneur five and six with two rows of serial pits, the latter ones partly doubled at base and transversally connected apically. Hind wings: Fully developed. Lower surface: Antennal channel of pronotum with isodiametric reticulation. Pseudoepipleura with one row of serial pits, lateral margin of elytron smooth. Metasternum and last five abdominal sternites with numerous irregularly situated larger and smaller pits, regularly arranged at carinae and margins. Legs: Profemora with irregular pits on dorsal surface. Protibia laterally with two larger and one smaller tooth, dorsally with one and ventrally with two carinae. Metafemora with small, short grooves at dorsal surface. External sexual dimorphism: Not observed. Male genitalia (Fig. 52 ): Median lobe large, moderately slender, in lateral view nearly straight, in dorsal view slightly arcuate in basal half and at middle, distinctly arcuate in apical third, with few fine pili at beginning of apical third, apex stick-like. Endophallus with two longitudinal groups of densely situated microtrichia, groups as long as one third of median lobe. Dorsal paramere moderately wide at base, bisinuate, with pilus at apex, lateral and basal apophysis blunt; ventral one of moderate size; both parameres somewhat distorted. Female genitalia (Fig. 68 ): Coxostylus moderately broad at base, obtusely curved, moderately broad in apical third, rounded at apex, at end of basal third with one broader and five slender nematiform setae laterally, with one long slender nematiform seta ventrally, SSO with one microtrichium. Variation: The carinae on the frons of the head are tuberculated to a different degree. The number and shape of the pits on the ventral surface varies to a small degree. Slight differences could also be observed with the flat impressions on the lower surface. The female specimen from Perinet (label indicating uncertain location) is slightly larger than the other ones but in all other characters matches S. perrieri . Distribution (Fig. 84 ): Known from several localities in north-east and Central Madagascar. As far as the label information allows it can be stated the specimens were collected at the margins of inland waters. Some of the specimens were collected after flooding. The type locality Suberbieville is located on the River Ikopa near Maevatana in the north-west of Madagascar.