Additional new records for 35 species of false click beetles (Coleoptera: Eucnemidae) in the Nearctic region Author Otto, Robert L. W 4806 Chrissie Circle, Shawano, WI 54166, U. S. A. text Insecta Mundi 2024 2024-03-01 2024 37 1 16 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.10793475 1942-1354 10793475 59455AAD-A59A-49BF-BFDE-1C7AD4B232FEABSCA Nematodes rugosipennis Otto, 2021 ( Fig. 18 ) This widespread, rarely collected eucnemid was previously taken in Florida , Georgia , and Oklahoma ( Otto 2021 ). It is reported for the first time in two additional states: Louisiana and South Carolina . Three specimens were taken from Lindgren funnel trap baited with ethanol. One specimen was taken from a UV light trap in South Carolina . Seven specimens were taken from Lindgren funnel traps baited either with Ips lure or Platypodinae lure in South Carolina . One specimen was taken from a Malaise trap placed in South Carolina . LOUISIANA : USA : LA: W. Feliciana Par. / Feliciana Preserve / N 30.7946, W −91.2537/ 18–24 May 2014 / Lindgren EtOH bait Farro , Flick (1, CUAC ) ; USA : LA: W. Feliciana Par. / Feliciana Preserve / N 30.795, W −91.254/ 24 May–1 June 2014 / Lindgren w/ EtOH –MFarro (1, CUAC ) ; USA : LA: W. Feliciana Par. / Feliciana Preserve / N 30.795, W −91.254/ 1–8 June 2014 / Lindgren w/ EtOH –MFarro (1, CUAC ) ; LOUISIANA : Plaque-/ mines Parish , 1.2 km / NW Saint Clair , 1m / 29.87671 , −89.97819 // 31 Mar – 27 May 2021 / Lindgren funnel trap / M. Troxler , L. Ramos / BSF# 100374 (1, CMNH ) ; SOUTH CAROLINA : Clemson S.C. / 18 May 1953 / J.T. Whitlaw [’18 May’ and ‘3’ handwritten on label](1, CUAC ) ; Nematodes / atropos/ ( Say ) [handwritten label] // S. Carolina : Greenville Co. / Jones Gap SP , Hosp. Rock Tr. / June 19, 2014 – UV light // Coll. J.C. / Ciegler (1, CUAC ) ; USA : SC: Georgetown Co. / 33.3302° N , 79.2469° W / Baruch / Hobcaw Barony / v.13–16.2015, M. Caterino / S. Meyers & A. Deczynski (3, CUAC ) ; USA : SC: Spartanburg Co. / N 34.87978, W −81.86531/ Camp Croft (2)/ iv.16–v.4.2016 BBSC16.BC03/ LindgrenIps lure (1, CUAC ) ; USA : SC: Florence Co. / N 34.2945, W −79.7238/ Florence , Dargan’s Pond / v.2–v.16.2016 BBSC16.MH014/ LindgrenIps lure (1, CUAC ) ; USA : S. Carolina : Barnwell Co. / N 33.33351, W −81.30316/ Barnwell State Park / v.4–v.23.2016 BBSC16.GC02/ LindgrenPlatypodinae lure (3, CUAC ) ; USA : SC: Pickens Co. / 34.7252° N , 82.8245° W / 5 mi. N. Clemson / v.31.2016, M & K Caterino (3, CUAC ) ; USA : SC: Chesterfield Co. / 34.6397° N , 79.8920° W / Cheraw St. Pk. / iv.5–8.2017, M. Howle / Lindgren Ips lure (1, CUAC ) ; USA : SC: Dillon Co. / 34.3300° N , 79.2700° W / Little Pee Dee St. Pk. / iv.5–8.2017, N. Mirmow / Lindgren Ips lure (1, CUAC ) ; USA : SC: Pickens Co. / 34.7252° N , 82.8245° W / 5 mi. N. Clemson / 10– , Malaise / M Caterino (1, CUAC ) .