A revision of Aleurodicus Douglas (Sternorrhyncha, Aleyrodidae), with two new genera proposed for palaeotropical natives and an identification guide to world genera of Aleurodicinae Author Martin, Jon H. text Zootaxa 2008 2008-07-30 1835 1 1 100 https://biotaxa.org/Zootaxa/article/view/zootaxa.1835.1.1 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.1835.1.1 1175­5334 5127230 Aleurodicus etiennei sp. nov. (Fig. 54) PUPARIUM. Habitus . Not noted. Margin . Outline oval, 1.12–1.31 mm long, 0.86–1.00 mm wide, generally widest at abdominal segment II (n=7). Margin rather irregular, usually with submarginal wide-rimmed pores seen in profile on puparial edge. Dorsum (Fig. 54). Longitudinal moulting suture reaching puparial margin; transverse moulting sutures terminating anterior to compound pores on abdominal segment III. Abdominal segment VII medially about half length of segment VI. Vasiform orifice cordate, about as long as wide, situated on a shallow elevation that extends posteriorly from pockets; operculum trapezoidal, its posterior margin shallowly “m”-shaped, bearing a pair of stout setae similar to lingular setae; lingula head slightly acuminate, densely covered by seta-like spinules, bearing the normal 4 stout setae; lingular apex extends to midway between vasiform orifice and puparial margin. Chaetotaxy. A pair of long posterior marginal setae present; single submedian pairs of eighth abdominal, cephalic, pro-, meso- and metathoracic setae present, all long and hair-like, similar to 12 pairs of submarginal setae (including the nominal caudal pair) which extend beyond puparial margin. Pores . Cephalic compound pores slightly smaller than anteriormost 4 pairs of abdominal compound pores which are 50–60 µ in outer diameter, each pore with a dagger-like axial process; posteriormost 2 pairs of abdominal compound pores relatively large, broadly bell-shaped, each with a blunt axial process that does not protrude, pair on abdominal segment VII presenting laterally to viewer, 35–50 µ wide, pair on segment VIII presenting obliquely with basal cells clearly visible. Immediately within puparial margin is a very narrow band of tiny wide-rimmed simple pores, the margin usually slightly down-curled; mesal to the wide-rimmed pore band is a widely-separated irregular double row of large double-rimmed septate pores, with some of the submarginal setal bases situated between the two rows of pores; remainder of dorsal disc with small septate pores with those on abdominal segments II–VI in single rows across the middle of each segment. Venter . Ventral abdominal setae finer than dorsal setae. 2 pairs of large “sacs” of delicate ventral cuticle present anterolateral to vasiform orifice. Legs typically robust and two-segmented, smooth, each with a pronounced apical claw. Antennal apices extending to mid length of hind legs, their bases anterolateral to fore legs, pointed apically. Tracheal folds absent. ADULTS. Study material is available as listed below. Basic parameters typical for Aleurodicus . MATERIAL EXAMINED. Holotype puparium, FRENCH GUIANA, Roura, on Annona sp. (Annonaceae) , 20.v.1999 (J. Etienne, LNPV ref.0500080) ( MNHN ). Paratypes : 33 puparia, 3 adult females, 2 adult males, same data as holotype (all on slides, BMNH , LNPV , MNHN ); further adults in alcohol, same data as holotype ( LNPV ); 3 puparia, SURINAM , on Citrus sp. , “letter of 31.x.1968 ” (van Brussel 1747; USDA 68- 24068) ( USNM ); 2 puparia, BOLIVIA , on Papilionaceae , ii.1922 (Mann; Quaintance 23358) ( USNM ); 5 puparia, BOLIVIA , on Citrus (orange), vii.1921 (Mann; Quaintance 23357) ( USNM ). Other material: 7 thirdinstar nymphs, TRINIDAD (intercepted at John F. Kennedy International Airport, U.S.A. ), on Annona sp. , 02.v.1973 , (Walters; USDA 73-18346) ( USNM ). ETYMOLOGY. This species is named for the collector of the holotype sample, Jean Etienne , Guadeloupe . COMMENTS. The most characteristic feature of the puparia of A. etiennei is the submarginal widely-separated double row of large double-rimmed septate pores. Whilst the characteristics of the vasiform orifice and lingula suggest affinities with A. neglectus and A. magnificus (compare figures 25 and 54), both of those species have smaller double-rimmed pores that are situated within the submarginal wide-rimmed pore band (Fig. 59), and they also have many more septate pores on the dorsal disc: A. etiennei is therefore best placed within the capiangae / dugesii group of species. Seven third-instar nymphs, intercepted by the US quarantine service (see Material Examined, above) appear likely to belong to A. etiennei but no puparia-associated third-instars are available for comparison.