Peracarid crustaceans from three inlets in the southwestern Gulf of Mexico: new records and range extensions Author Cházaro-Olvera, Sergio Author Winfield, Ignacio Author Ortiz, Manuel Author Álvarez, Fernando text Zootaxa 2002 123 1 16 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.155951 bf95ac52-32bc-4182-8364-5cb42e47f213 1175­5326 155951 Cyclaspis sp. Material Examined : CNCR­20400; number of specimens: 2; CV station; collection date: 01/08/98 . Distribution : The genus Cyclaspis has been reported from southern Africa ( Day, 1978 ), the Gulf of Mexico ( Santos & Simon, 1980 ; Omholt & Heard , 1982 ; Modlin & Dardeau, 1987 ; Donath­Hernandez, 1988a ); the Caribbean Sea ( Donath­Hernandez, 1988a ; Ortiz & Lalana, 1989 ; Markham et al. , 1990 ), French Guiana , from southern Brazil to Argentina ( Roccatagliata, 1986 , 1989 ); the Gulf of California ( Donath­Hernandez, 1988?b ); Indonesia ( Soemodinoto et al . 1995 ); northern Australia ( Bacescu, 1990 ) and the east coast of India ( Radhadevi & Kurian, 1990 ). Range extension : For the Gulf of Mexico , some species of the genus Cyclaspis have been reported from South Florida estuaries ( Santos & Simon, 1980 ), the northeastern shelf ( Omholt & Heard , 1982 ), Perdido Key, Florida ( Rakocinski, et al. , 1993 ; 1996 ) and the Mobile Bay estuarine system, Alabama ( Modlin & Dardeau, 1987 ). The record of this genus at CV inlet, Veracruz State, extends its geographic distribution from Quintana Roo and the Mexican Caribbean ( Markham et al. , 1990 ) into the southwestern Gulf of Mexico . Remarks : The genus Cyclaspis is widely distributed. It is a macrozoobenthic, sometimes planktonic (especially males), sand bottom and seagrass inhabitant, as well as a deep­water epibenthic ­ suprabenthic component, and is also found in the continental shelf ­ slope assemblage ( Cartes & Sorbe, 1997 ). In addition, some species of Cyclaspis encountered within estuaries are euryhaline marine r­strategists and use the ecosystem only when the environmental conditions are favorable ( Modlin & Dardeau, 1987 ). This genus not identifiable to species because it appear to be new species. The salinity and temperature ranges measured at the site were 19 to 27 %o and 28 to 29 °C respectively.