Revision of Palearctic Trissolcus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae) Author Talamas, Elijah J. Systematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA / ARS c / o NMNH, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA Author Buffington, Matthew L. Systematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA / ARS c / o NMNH, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA Author Hoelmer, Kim Beneficial Insects Introduction Research Unit, USDA / ARS, Newark DE, USA text Journal of Hymenoptera Research 2017 2017-06-21 56 3 185 journal article 1314-2607-56-3 C3D00EFBD19C4F8695FFC9D01780A9A1 FFBAFFB3FFEFFFAFFF9FFF87FFD81245 1138671 Trissolcus semistriatus (Nees von Esenbeck) Figures 168-171 , 172-177 , 178-183 Trissolcus artus Kozlov & Le syn. n. m; Morphbank61 Trissolcus djadetshko (Rjachovskij) syn. n. m; Morphbank62 Trissolcus grandis (Thomson) syn. n. m; Morphbank63 Trissolcus manteroi (Kieffer) syn. n. m; Morphbank64 Trissolcus nigripedius (Nakagawa) syn. n. m; Morphbank65; Neotype designation. Watanabe (1951) determined specimen EIHU 0003 to be T. nigripedius based on the original description of Nakagawa. It is on this basis that we designate EIHU 0003 as the neotype for this species. Trissolcus pentatomae (Rondani) syn. n. m; Morphbank66 Teleas semistriatus Nees von Esenbeck, 1834: 290 (original description); Ratzeburg, 1852: 182 (description). Telenomus frontalis Thomson, 1860: 170 (original description, synonymized by Kozlov (1968) ); Kozlov, 1968: 214 (junior synonym of Trissolcus grandis (Thomson)). Telenomus grandis Thomson, 1860: 169 (original description). Telenomus nigripes Thomson, 1860: 170 (original description, synonymized by Kozlov (1968) ); Kozlov, 1968: 214 (junior synonym of Trissolcus grandis (Thomson)); Fergusson, 1984: 230 (lectotype designation). Telenomus Nigrita Thomson, 1860: 172 (original description, synonymized by Kozlov (1968) ); Kozlov, 1968: 214 (junior synonym of Trissolcus grandis (Thomson)). Telenomus ovulorum Thomson, 1860: 171 (original description, synonymized by Mayr (1879) ); Mayr, 1879: 704 (junior synonym of Telenomus semistriatus (Nees von Esenbeck)). Telenomus semistriatus (Nees von Esenbeck): Thomson, 1860: 171 (description, generic transfer); Mayr, 1879: 699, 701, 704 (description, synonymy, keyed). Teleas (?) Pentatomae Rondani: Rondani, 1874: 135 (nomen nudum). Teleas pentatomae Rondani, 1877: 199 (original description). Telenomus pentatomae (Rondani): Dalla Torre, 1898: 518 (generic transfer). Telenomus nigritus Thomson: Dalla Torre, 1898: 517 (emendation). Asolcus nigripedius Nakagawa, 1900: 17 (original description); Watanabe, 1951: 21, 26 (description, type information, keyed); Watanabe, 1954: 22 (keyed). Telenomus Manteroi Kieffer, 1909: 268 (original description). Aphanurus Frontalis (Thomson): Kieffer, 1912: 81 (description, generic transfer). Aphanurus Grandis (Thomson): Kieffer, 1912: 76 (description, generic transfer). Aphanurus Nigrita (Thomson): Kieffer, 1912: 79 (description, generic transfer). Aphanurus nigripes (Thomson): Kieffer, 1912: 75 (description, generic transfer). Aphanurus Semistriatus (Nees von Esenbeck): Kieffer, 1912: 74 (description, generic transfer). Liophanurus Pentatomae (Rondani): Kieffer, 1912: 69 (description, generic transfer). Aphanurus Manteroi (Kieffer): Kieffer, 1912: 84 (description, generic transfer). Liophanurus pentatomae (Rondani): Kieffer, 1926: 71 (description). Microphanurus frontalis (Thomson): Kieffer, 1926: 91, 103 (description, generic transfer, keyed). Microphanurus grandis (Thomson): Kieffer, 1926: 91, 99 (description, generic transfer, keyed); Debauche, 1947: 256 (diagnosis). Microphanurus nigripes (Thomson): Kieffer, 1926: 91, 98 (description, generic transfer, keyed). Microphanurus nigritus (Thomson): Kieffer, 1926: 91, 100 (description, generic transfer, keyed). Microphanurus manteroi (Kieffer): Kieffer, 1926: 91, 102 (description, generic transfer, keyed); Boldaruyev, 1969: 163, 170 (description, keyed). Microphanurus semistriatus (Nees von Esenbeck): Kieffer, 1926: 91, 97 (description, generic transfer, keyed); Nixon, 1939: 131, 134 (description, keyed); Meier, 1940: 80 (description, keyed); Rjachovskij, 1959: 84 (keyed). Microphanurus alexeevi Meier, 1949: 114 (original description, not seen: reference from Kozlov (1963) , synonymized with Asolcus semistriatus (Nees von Esenbeck) by Kozlov (1963) ); Rjachovskij, 1959: 83 (keyed); Kozlov, 1963: 295 (junior synonym of Asolcus semistriatus (Nees von Esenbeck)). Microphanurus schtepetelnikovae Meier, 1949: 114 (original description, not seen: reference from Kozlov (1963) , synonymized with Asolcus semistriatus (Nees von Esenbeck) by Kozlov (1963) ); Kozlov, 1963: 295 (junior synonym of Asolcus semistriatus (Nees von Esenbeck)). Asolcus semistriatus (Nees von Esenbeck): Masner, 1959: 376 (diagnosis, variation); Delucchi, 1961: 44, 59 (diagnosis, taxonomic status, keyed); Kozlov, 1963: 295 (synonymy); Viktorov, 1964: 1013, 1020 (variation, keyed); Kochetova, 1966: 558 (description of immature stages); Javahery, 1968: 419 (keyed); Voegele , 1969: 150 (keyed); Szabo , 1976: 176, 178 (description, neotype designation, keyed). Microphanurus djadetshko Rjachovskij, 1959: 84, 87 (original description, keyed). Microphanurus stschepetilnicovae Meier: Rjachovskij, 1959: 83 (keyed, spelling error). Asolcus grandis (Thomson): Delucchi, 1961: 44, 60 (description, keyed); Voegele , 1964: 28 (keyed); Javahery, 1968: 419 (keyed); Voegele , 1969: 150 (keyed). Asolcus nigribasalis Voegele , 1962: 155 (original description); Voegele , 1964: 28 (keyed); Voegele , 1965: 96, 108 (variation, diagnosis, keyed); Voegele , 1969: 151 (junior synonym of Asolcus djadetshko (Rjachovskij)). Asolcus djadetshko (Rjachovskij): Viktorov, 1964: 1015, 1021 (description, generic transfer, removed from synonymy with Telenomus scutellaris Thomson, keyed). Trissolcus nigripedius (Nakagawa) syn. n.: Masner, 1964: 146 (generic transfer); Ryu & Hirashima, 1984: 37, 56 (description, keyed); He et al., 2004 : 321 (description). Trissolcus djadetshko (Rjachovskij): Viktorov, 1967: 91 (generic transfer, keyed); Safavi, 1968: 415 (keyed); Kozlov, 1968: 200 (keyed); Fabritius, 1972: 31 (keyed); Kozlov & Le , 1977: 512 (keyed); Kozlov, 1978: 636 (description); Kozlov, 1981: 187 (keyed); Kozlov & Kononova, 1983: 115 (description); Kononova, 1995: 96 (keyed); Kocak & Kilincer , 2000: 171 (description, diagnosis, new distribution record for Turkey); Kocak & Kilincer , 2003: 303, 313 (keyed, description); Ghahari, Buhl & Kocak, 2011: 595 (listed); Petrov, 2013: 326 (keyed). Trissolcus grandis (Thomson): Viktorov, 1967: 91 (generic transfer, keyed); Safavi, 1968: 416 (keyed); Kozlov, 1968: 200, 214 (description, lectotype designation, synonymy, keyed); Viggiani & Mineo, 1974: 156, 160, 161 (description, keyed); Kozlov & Le , 1977: 512 (synonymy, keyed); Kozlov, 1978: 636 (description); Kozlov, 1981: 187 (keyed); Kozlov & Kononova, 1983: 110 (description); Kononova, 1995: 96 (keyed); Doganlar, 2001: 112 (description); Kocak & Kilincer , 2003: 302, 307 (keyed, description); Buhl & O'Connor , 2010: 154 (distribution); Ali, 2011: 10 (keyed); Ghahari, Buhl & Kocak, 2011: 596 (host association, listed); Guz, Kocak & Kilincer, 2013: 87 (description, phylogenetic relationships); Petrov, 2013: 326 (keyed). Trissolcus manteroi (Kieffer) syn. n.: Kozlov, 1968: 199 (keyed); Fabritius, 1972: 31 (keyed); Bin, 1974: 462 (type information); Kozlov & Le , 1977: 514 (keyed); Kozlov, 1978: 636 (description); Kozlov & Kononova, 1983: 117 (description); Kocak & Kilincer , 2000: 174 (description, diagnosis, new distribution record for Turkey); Kocak & Kilincer , 2003: 302, 310 (keyed, description of female); Kocak & Kodan, 2006: 41 (description of male); Ghahari, Buhl & Kocak, 2011: 596 (listed); Kononova, 2014: 1424 (keyed); Kononova, 2015: 262 (keyed). Asolcus nixomartini Javahery, 1968: 419, 429 (original description, keyed, synonymized by Kozlov & Le (1977)); Kozlov & Le , 1977: 512 (junior synonym of Trissolcus grandis (Thomson)). Trissolcus semistriatus (Nees von Esenbeck): Safavi, 1968: 416 (keyed); Kozlov, 1968: 200 (keyed); Fabritius, 1972: 31 (keyed); Kozlov & Le , 1977: 512 (keyed); Kozlov, 1978: 636 (description); Kozlov & Kononova, 1983: 113 (description); Graham, 1984: 92 (variation); Kononova, 1995: 96 (keyed); Kocak & Kilincer , 2003: 302, 305 (keyed, description); Ali, 2011: 10 (keyed); Ghahari, Buhl & Kocak, 2011: 597 (listed); Guz, Kocak & Kilincer, 2013: 87 (description, phylogenetic relationships); Petrov, 2013: 326 (keyed). Asolcus silwoodensis Javahery, 1968: 419, 425 (original description, keyed, synonymized by Kozlov & Le (1977)); Kozlov & Le , 1977: 512 (junior synonym of Trissolcus grandis (Thomson)). Asolcus djadestshko (Rjachovskij): Voegele , 1969: 151 (synonymy, keyed, spelling error). Trissolcus pentatomae (Rondani): Bin, 1974: 463 (generic transfer, lectotype designation). Trissolcus artus Kozlov & Le syn. n., 1977: 512, 519 (original description, keyed); Kozlov, 1978: 636 (description); Kozlov & Kononova, 1983: 112 (description); Kononova, 1995: 96 (keyed). Trissolcus nigribasalis ( Voegele ): Kozlov & Le , 1977: 518 (keyed); Kozlov, 1978: 637 (description); Kozlov & Kononova, 1983: 124 (description). Trissolcus nigripes (Thomson): Fergusson, 1978: 120 (generic transfer). Trissolcus nixomartini (Javahery): Fergusson, 1978: 120 (generic transfer); Fergusson, 1984: 230 (type information). Trissolcus silwoodensis (Javahery): Fergusson, 1978: 120 (generic transfer); Fergusson, 1984: 230 (type information). Description. Female body length: 0.99-1.33 mm (n=20). Male body length: 0.94-1.20 mm (n=20). Body color: head, mesosoma, and metasoma black. Figures 168-171. T. semistriatus 168 female (USNMENT01109059), head, mesosoma, metasoma, dorsal view 169 female (USNMENT01109059), head and mesosoma, dorsolateral view 170 female neotype (NHMW 0007A), head and mesosoma, anteroventral view 171 female (USNMENT01109059), head, mesosoma, metasoma, lateral view. Scale bars in millimeters. Figures 172-177. T. semistriatus 172 female (USNMENT00896318), head, anterior view 173 female (USNMENT00896062), head, anterior view 174 female (USNMENT00896262), head, anterior view 175 female (USNMENT00896226), head, anterior view 176 female (USNMENT00896205), head, anterior view 177 female (USNMENT00896254), head, anterior view. Scale bars in millimeters. Figures 178-183. T. semistriatus 178 female (USNMENT00896318), head, mesosoma, metasoma, lateral view 179 female (USNMENT00896062), head, mesosoma, metasoma, lateral view 180 female (USNMENT00896262), head, mesosoma, metasoma, lateral view 181 female (USNMENT00896226), head, mesosoma, metasoma, ventrolateral view 182 female (USNMENT00896254), head, mesosoma, metasoma, ventrolateral view 183 female (USNMENT00896205), head, mesosoma, metasoma, ventrolateral view. Scale bars in millimeters. Head. Color of radicle: dark brown. Length of radicle: less than width of clypeus. Color of A1-A6 in female: variably yellow to black. Color of A7-A11 in female: pale brown to black. Number of basiconic sensilla on A6: 0. Number of basiconic sensilla on A7: 2. Facial striae: absent. Number of clypeal setae: 6. Microsculpture on gena directly above mandibular condyle: absent; present. Shape of ventral gena in lateral view: narrow. Genal carina: present only at base of mandible. Malar striae: absent. Sculpture of malar sulcus: antero-posteriorly striate. Orbital furrow: uniform in width between midpoint of eye and malar sulcus. Macrosculpture of frons between antennal scrobe and anterior ocellus: absent. Preocellar pit: present. Setation of lateral frons: sparse; moderately dense. Punctation of lateral frons: absent; sparse. Sculpture directly ventral to preocellar pit: dorsoventrally fluted. Macrosculpture of lateral frons: horizontally striate, striae of antennal scrobe extending to lateral frons. OOL: separated by less than one ocellar diameter. Hyperoccipital carina: absent. Macrosculpture of posterior vertex: absent. Microsculpture on posterior vertex along occipital carina: present. Anterior margin of occipital carina: coarsely crenulate. Mesosoma. Epomial carina: present. Macrosculpture of lateral pronotum directly anterior to netrion: finely rugulose. Netrion sulcus: complete. Pronotal suprahumeral sulcus in posterior half ofpronotum: undifferentiated from sculpture of dorsal pronotum. Number of episternal foveae: 3; 2. Course of episternal foveae ventrally: distinctly separate from postacetabular sulcus. Course of episternal foveae dorsally: distinctly separate from mesopleural pit. Subacropleural sulcus: present. Speculum: transversely strigose. Mesopleural pit: extending ventrally into dorsoventral furrow parallel to mesopleural carina. Mesopleural carina: well defined anteriorly, poorly defined to absent posteriorly. Sculpture of femoral depression: smooth. Patch of striae at posteroventral end of femoral depression: present, striae perpendicular to long axis of femoral depression. Setal patch at posteroventral end of femoral depression: present. Microsculpture of anteroventral mesopleuron: present throughout. Macrosculpture of anteroventral mesopleuron: absent. Postacetabular sulcus: formed by large cells. Mesopleural epicoxal sulcus: formed by open crenulae. Setation of posteroventral metapleuron: absent. Sculpture of dorsal metapleural area: absent. Posterodorsal metapleural sulcus: present as line of foveae. Paracoxal sulcus in ventral half of metapleuron: indistinguishable from sculpture to absent; absent. Anteroventral extension of metapleuron: not extending to base of mesocoxa. Metapleural epicoxal sulcus: present as coarse rugae. Mesoscutal humeral sulcus: present as a simple furrow. Median mesoscutal carina: absent. Macrosculpture of mesoscutum: reticulate anteriorly, becoming longitudinally strigose posteriorly. Pattern of mesoscutal microsculpture: uniform throughout. Mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus: comprised of cells. Length of mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus: about half the length of anterolateral edge of mesoscutum. Parapsidal line: absent. Notaulus: absent. Median protuberance on anterior margin of mesoscutellum: absent. Protruberance on anterior margin of mesoscutellum directly posterior to notaulus: absent. Shape of dorsal margin of anterior lobe of axillar crescent: acute. Sculpture of anterior lobe of axillar crescent: dorsoventrally strigose. Area bounded by axillar crescent: smooth. Macrosculpture of mesoscutellum: absent. Microsculpture on mesoscutellum: absent. Median mesoscutellar carina: absent. Setation of posterior scutellar sulcus: present. Form of metascutellum: single row of cells. Metanotal trough: foveate, foveae occupying more than half of metanotal height. Metapostnotum: invaginated near lateral edge of metascutellum. Length of postmarginal vein: about twice as long as stigmal vein. Color of legs: coxae dark brown to black, femora and tibia yellow to dark brown, trochanters and tarsi yellow to pale brown. Anteromedial portion of metasomal depression: punctate or crenulate. Metasoma. Longitudinal striae on T1 posterior to basal costae: present. Number of sublateral setae (on one side): 1. Setation of laterotergite 1: absent; present. Longitudinal striation of T2: present in anterior two-thirds of tergite. Setation of T2: present in a transverse line and along lateral margin. Setation of laterotergite 2: present. Diagnosis. Trissolcus semistriatus is most similar to T. basalis from which it can be separated by the complete netrion sulcus, distinct and regular cells of the postacetabular sulcus and, in most cases, by the distinct cells of the mesoscutal humeral sulcus (always indicated by a smooth furrow in T. basalis and very rarely so in T. semistriatus ). It is also similar to T. elasmuchae from which it can be separated by the absence of a well defined paracoxal sulcus in the ventral portion of the metapleuron. Link to distribution map. Comments. The immense geographical distribution of Trissolcus semistriatus , in combination with its capacity for variation in size, color, and surface sculpture (Figures 172 - 183 ) have resulted in numerous redescriptions of this species. It is by examining specimens across the Palearctic land mass that we have been able to document intermediate forms that connect phenotypes previously treated as discreet. The general trend is that specimens from higher latitudes tend to be larger, darker, and have more robust sculpture on the frons. The sculpture on the frons in Trissolcus semistriatus , T. basalis and T. elasmuchae have similar patterns when rugae are present and they share the same spectrum of sculptural development, varying from coarsely rugose to absent. Preliminary results on a study of phenotypic plasticity in Trissolcus indicate that color and size are directly influenced by temperature and host species. Species with distributions as large as T. semistriatus , T. basalis , and T. elasmuchae are likely to be oligophagous or polyphagous, increasing the degree of phenotypic variation that can occur. Material examined. Neotype , female, T. semistriatus : PALEARCTIC : no date, NHMW 0007A (deposited in NHMW). Neoparatype : PALEARCTIC : 1 female , NHMW 0007B (NHMW). Holotype , female, T. artus : RUSSIA : Altay Terr., Kosh-Agach , 6.VII.1964 , Kozlov, ZMAS 0119 (deposited in ZIN) . Paratype of T. artus : RUSSIA : 1 female , USNMENT00916276 (ZIN) . Paratypes of T. djadetshko : UKRAINE : 5 females , USNMENT00954012-00954016 (ZIN) . Lectotype , female, T. grandis : SWEDEN : Dalarna ( Dalecarlia ), no date, C. H. Boheman , NHRS-HEVA 000003869 (deposited in NHRS) . Holotype , female, T. manteroi : ITALY : Liguria , Genoa , 9.VIII.1997 , G. Mantero , MCSN 0013 (deposited in MCSN) . Lectotype , male, T. pentatomae : ITALY : no date, MZUF 0001 (deposited in MZUF) . Other material : ( 417 females , 86 males , 7 unsexed) AUSTRIA : 18 females , USNMENT00916100-00916104, 00916290-00916292, 00916295-00916299, 00916320-00916324 (BMNH). BULGARIA : 2 females , USNMENT00872173, 00872174 (BMNH). CHINA : 19 females , UCRC ENT 142621, 142628, 142631, 142641, 142649, 142657, 142666, 142672, 142677, 142707, 142737, 142744, 143823, 143841, 143857, 143859, 143882, 143909 (UCRC); USNMENT00979424 (USNM). CROATIA : 11 females , 1 male , USNMENT00872405-00872406, 00872408-00872409, 00916588-00916589, 00916598 (BMNH); USNMENT00896155-00896156 (CNCI); USNMENT00675788-00675790 (USNM). CYPRUS : 69 females , 6 males , USNMENT00916500-00916513, 00916515-00916523, 00916525, 00916527-00916528, 00916530-00916549, 00916551-00916552, 00916554, 00916557-00916579, 00916581, 00916583-00916584 (BMNH). CZECH REPUBLIC : 2 females , USNMENT00896164, 00896217 (CNCI). FRANCE : 66 females , 14 males , 1 unsexed, USNMENT00916074, 00916078, 00916080, 00916082, 00916087-00916089, 00916115, 00916117, 00916123, 00916126, 00916130, 00916136, 00916139, 00916141, 00916148, 00916150 (BMNH); USNMENT00896066, 00896123-00896124, 00896126-00896130, 00896132-00896133, 00896231-00896232, 00896235-00896236, 00896241-00896246, 00896251, 00896254-00896259, 00896261-00896288, 00896290-00896292, 00896294, 00896298-00896299, 00896302-00896303, 00896338 (CNCI). GREECE : 16 females , 2 males , USNMENT00916054, 00916056-00916058, 00916062, 00916064, 00916499, 00916585-00916586 (BMNH); USNMENT00896061-00896065, 00896131, 00896247-00896248, 00896250 (CNCI). HUNGARY : 7 females , USNMENT00896211-00896214, 00896219 (CNCI); OSUC523955-523956 (OSUC). IRAN : 11 females , 6 males , 2 unsexed, USNMENT00916475-00916476, 00916480, 00916482, 00916485, 00916487 (BMNH); OSUC145630, USNMENT00896225-00896229, 00896238-00896240 (CNCI); OSUC556692-556693 (HMIM); OSUC556691, 76299 (OSUC). IRAQ : 4 females , USNMENT00916488-00916491 (BMNH). IRELAND : 1 female , 1 unsexed, USNMENT00916138, 00916425 (BMNH). ISRAEL : 1 female , USNMENT00896141 (CNCI). ITALY : 17 females , USNMENT00916042, 00916092-00916099, 00916285, 00916597 (BMNH); USNMENT00896201-00896203, 00896205, 00896208, 00896220 (CNCI). JAPAN : 3 females , OSUC542382 (CNCI); OSUC 70461-70462 (OSUC). KAZAKHSTAN : 1 female , USNMENT00916599 (BMNH). LEBANON : 1 female , USNMENT00916602 (BMNH). MACEDONIA : 1 female , USNMENT00916596 (BMNH). MOROCCO : 18 females , 10 males , 1 unsexed, USNMENT00916000-00916009, 00916990-00916994, 00916998 (BMNH); USNMENT00896087, 00896093, 00896333 (CNCI); USNMENT01059170-01059172, 01059174-01059177, 01059179-01059181 (MNHN). PORTUGAL : 21 females , 2 males , 1 unsexed, USNMENT00916170, 00916172-00916175, 00916177, 00916185, 00916190-00916191, 00916201-00916203, 00916206, 00916210-00916213, 00916215-00916217, 00916223-00916234, 00916236-00916237 (BMNH). RUSSIA : 2 females , USNMENT00896111 (CNCI); UCRC ENT 133647 (UCRC). SERBIA : 4 females , 3 males , USNMENT00916592 (BMNH); USNMENT00675782-00675787 (USNM). SLOVAKIA : 1 female , USNMENT00916603 (BMNH). SOUTH KOREA : 2 males , OSUC542387, 542390 (OSUC). SPAIN : 16 females , 1 male , USNMENT00916151, 00916154-00916157, 00916159-00916161, 00916166, 00916168-00916169, 00916179 (BMNH); USNMENT00896153, 00896320-00896322, 00896325 (CNCI). SWEDEN : 10 females , 5 males , USNMENT00916046-00916047, 00916051-00916053, 00916067-00916068, 00916070, 00916305-00916311 (BMNH); USNMENT00896067 ( CNCI). SWITZERLAND : 20 females , 4 males , USNMENT00896297 (CNCI); 00916952-00916972, 01109058-01109059 (USNM). TURKEY : 49 females , 27 males , OSUC 17730, USNMENT00916032-00916034, 00916071 (BMNH); USNMENT00896190-00896193, 00896195- 00896199, 00896223, 00896319 (CNCI); USNMENT00675791-00675810, 00675812-00675846, 00675980-00675984 (USNM). UNITED KINGDOM : 26 females , 3 males , 1 unsexed, USNMENT00916246, 00916410, 00916419, 00916422-00916424, 00916429, 00916431-00916437, 00916439-00916441, 00916444-00916454, 00916456 (BMNH); USNMENT00896318 (CNCI).