New species and new records of Tingidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) from Vietnam Author Guilbert, Eric text Zootaxa 2015 3956 4 531 546 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3956.4.5 00b94f83-9ac6-49e7-aeba-5ef28c3d198b 1175-5326 237848 0B929772-15E7-4B1B-993B-D88BA0FCC5C2 Tanytingis magnus sp. nov. ( Fig. 5 ) Diagnosis. This species has a broad tri- to quadriseriate paranota and a sharply widened hemelytra with a broad costal area, ten areolae wide. FIGURE 5. Habitus of Tanytingis magnus sp. nov. (male). Scale bar is 1 mm. Description. Male: Body large, length 6.24; width, 4.6. COLORATION: Brown, head, hind tarsi and body beneath darker. Areolae on hemelytra mostly embrowned except central part on costal area near subcostal area where areolae hyaline. SURFACE AND VESTITURE: Head slightly pilose dorsally, and third antennal segment pilose. STRUCTURE: Head: Small, armed with five spines; occipital spines long, slender, directed forwards and parallel; median spine very short and bulbous; frontal spines long, slender, and divergent; bucculae long and narrow, biseriate anteriorly and triseriate posteriorly, closed in front; first and second antennal segments short, the second shorter than the first; third is longest, and fourth missing, antennal segment measurements, I, 0.32; II, 0.20; III, 1.92; IV missing; rostral sulcus wide and wider on metasternum, open behind; laminae narrow; rostrum almost reaching meso-metasternal suture. Thorax: Pronotum wide, short, a little gibbose, tricarinate; median carina distinct but not raised, ridge- like, continuing in front on collar; lateral carinae only distinct in the anterior half of pronotum, ridge-like, absent on posterior process; collar wide, triseriate, not raised; paranota wide, tri to four areolae wide anteriorly, produced in front as to frame head until middle of eyes; posterior process short, not sharply ended but smoothly bilobed. Hemelytra wide, sharply widened at base; costal area wide, sinuate, ten areolae wide at widest part, areolae polygonal and large; subcostal area narrow, sinuate, sloping downwards, biseriate, areolae small, uniseriate posteriorly areolae as large as on costal area; discoidal area longer than half the length of hemelytra, five areolae wide at widest part; sutural area narrow, triseriate posteriorly. Female: Body length 6.12, body width 5. COLORATION: As in males. SURFACE: As in males. STRUCTURE: As in males. Etymology. The name “ magnus ” refers to the size of this species, larger than the other known species of the genus. Material examined. Holotype : 1M, Lam dong, Bi Doup massif, Dalat Hon Giao, 1567 m , 12°11,262’N 108°42,851’E , 13-VI-2008 , light trap, rain forest, Bourgoin rec., ( MNHN ); Paratype : 1F, Fyan, 1200 m , 11.VII– 9.VIII.1961 , N.R. Spencer coll. ( BPBM ); Discussion. This new species is close to T. latipennis Pericart , but differs by the much broader paranota and larger hemelytra.