A preliminary checklist of amphibians and reptiles from the vicinity of La Nube Biological Station, Bahuaja-Sonene National Park, Peru Author Llanqui, Irbin B. Author Y. Salas, Cinthya Author Oblitas, Melissa P. text Check List 2019 2019-09-20 15 5 773 796 http://dx.doi.org/10.15560/15.5.773 journal article 10.15560/15.5.773 1809-127X Allobates femoralis Zimmermann & Zimmerman, 1988 Material examined. MUSA 4925–6; ( 13°25′20″S , 069° 36′36″W ), 22.IX.2013 . Identification. A small frog, SVL 20–33.5 mm in males and 20.5–33.5 mm in females. It can be identified by Table 2. Reptiles recorded in the vicinity of La Nube Biological Station, Bahuaja-Sonene National Park, Peru. We only consider confirmed records.
Taxa Icochea (1994) Rodríguez (1994b) Venegas and Crnobrna (2015) This study
Family Alopoglossidae
1 Ptychoglossus brevifrontalis X
Family Dactyloidae
2 Anolis fuscoauratus X X
Family Gymnophthalmidae
3 Bachia dorbignyi X
4 Cercosaura ocellata X
5 Potamites ecpleopus X X
6 Ptychoglossus brevifrontalis X
Family Scincidae
7 Varzea altamazonica X
Family Teiidae
8 Ameiva ameiva X
9 Kentropyx pelviceps X X X
Family Tropiduridae
10 Plica plica X
11 Stenocercus rosieventris X
Family Boidae
12 Corallus hortulanus X
13 Epicrates cenchria X
Family Colubridae
14 Apostolepis nigroterminata X
15 Clelia clelia X
16 Dendrophidion sp. X
17 Erythrolamprus typhlus X
18 Helicops polylepis X
19 Imantodes cenchoa X X
20 Leptodeira annulata X X
21 Oxyrhopus formosus X
22 Pseustes poecilonotus X
23 Siphlophis compressus X
24 Xenodon severus X X
Family Elapidae
25 Micrurus obscurus X
Family Viperidae
26 Bothrops atrox X
27 Bothrocophias cf. microphtalmus X
28 Bothrops billineata X
Family Leptotyphlopidae
29 Epictia diaplocia X
Order Crocodylia
Family Alligatoridae
30 Paleosuchus palpebrosus X
Order Testudines
Family Chelidae
31 Phrynops geoffranus X
32 Platemys platycephala X
Family Podocnemididae
33 Podocnemis unifilis X
Family Testudinidae
34 Chelonoidis denticulatus X
Total 3 3 20 15
dark brown dorsum with conspicuous dorsolateral and ventrolateral white stripes; throat and chest black; venter bluish white with black blotches. A yellow or orange spot extends from the inguinal region to the dorsal thigh region, and another on the proximal dorsal surface of the arms. Dorsal surfaces of digital discs bear a pair of scutes. Similar species in adjacent localities, Ameerega hahneli and Lythodytes lineatus , differ by lacking a ventrolateral white stripe, venter is blue with black reticulation and uniformly gray respectively. Furthermore, L. lineatus lacks scutes on the dorsal surfaces of discs ( Duellman 1978 , 2005 , Rodriguez and Duellman 1994 ).
Figure 3. Accumulation curve (left) and Chao 2 estimator (right) for amphibians and reptiles recorded in the vicinity of LNBS, BSNP, Peru. Distribution. Allobates femoralis is a pan-Amazonian frog widely distributed throughout primary, non-flooded forest areas in the Amazonian forest in Bolivia , Brazil , Colombia , Ecuador , French Guiana, Guyana , Peru , Suriname and Venezuela (de la Riva et al. 2000 , Barrio- Amorós and Santos 2010, Simões et al. 2010 , Frost 2019 ).