Yunguirius gen. nov., a new genus of Coelotinae (Araneae, Agelenidae) spiders from southwest China Author Li, Bing College of Life Sciences, Langfang Normal University, Langfang, Hebei 065000, China Author Zhao, Zhe Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China Author Okumura, Ken-ichi Department of Zoology, National Museum of Nature and Science, 4 - 1 - 1 Amakubo, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305 - 0005, Japan Author Meng, Kaibayier Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China Author Li, Shuqiang Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China Author Chen, Haifeng College of Life Sciences, Langfang Normal University, Langfang, Hebei 065000, China text ZooKeys 2023 2023-04-25 1159 51 67 journal article 1313-2970-1159-51 C2BD6C63A9D24C3E81893F9E3001AC64 50B1E98B0A3D5A3CAA77A799341023E9 Genus Yunguirius B. Li, Zhao & S. Li gen. nov. Type species. Coelotes ornatus Wang, Yin, Peng & Xie, 1990, from Kunming, Yunnan, China (designated herein). Etymology. The generic name is derived from the pinyin word "Yungui" , referring to Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau where the genus is distributed, and "- rius " refers to the genus as part of its sister groups of genera: Nuconarius , Hengconarius , and Sinodraconarius . The gender is masculine. Diagnosis. Morphological characteristics of Yunguirius gen. nov. resemble those of Nuconarius , Hengconarius , and Sinodraconarius , which are distributed in southeastern China, by cymbial furrow short, with a length less than half of cymbium (fig. 3 in Zhang 1993 ; fig. 31 in Peng and Wang 1997 ), embolus thick, conductor with two branches (figs 1-3 in Zhang 1993 ; figs 30, 31 in Peng and Wang 1997 ), and epigyne with posterior sclerite, epigynal teeth absent, atrium with sclerotic margin (Figs 2A , 3A , 4A ). However, it can be distinguished from these genera by habitus, and detailed structures of male palp and epigyne as follows: 1) carapace tonneau-shaped, first half wide, and abdomen beloid (Figs 2C , 3C , 4C ); 2) male palp with bifurcate conductor, the upper branch large and wide with groove, while the lower one is more elongated (fig. 2 in Zhang 1993 ; fig. 252D in Zhu et al. 2017 ); 3) epigynal atrium very large, in the centre of epigyne and occupying c. 1/2 the size of epigyne (Figs 2A , 3A , 4A ); 4) epigyne dark and sclerotic, with lateral folds that are located between the lateral margin of the atriumand the epigynal hood (Figs 2A , 3A , 4A ); 5) copulatory duct and spermathecal head concomitant, along the contour of the atrium (Figs 2B , 3B , 4B ); and 6) spermatheca located posteriorly, spermathecal head very long and continuous with the copulatory duct (Figs 2B , 3B , 4B ). Figure 2. Epigyne and female habitus of Yunguirius duoge sp. nov. A epigyne, ventral B vulva, dorsal C female habitus, dorsal D same, ventral E same, lateral. Scale bar equal for C-E . Abbreviations: A = atrium; CD = copulatory duct; CO = copulatory opening; F = fold; FD = fertilization duct; H = hood; PES = posterior epigynal sclerite; S = spermatheca; SB = spermathecal base; SH = spermathecal head; St = stalk. Figure 3. Epigyne and female habitus of Yunguirius ornatus comb. nov. A epigyne, ventral B vulva, dorsal C female habitus, dorsal D same, ventral E same, lateral. Scale bar equal for C-E . Abbreviations: A = atrium; CD = copulatory duct; CO = copulatory opening; F = fold; FD = fertilization duct; H = hood; MS = median septum; PES = posterior epigynal sclerite; S = spermatheca; SB = spermathecal base; SH = spermathecal head; St = stalk. Figure 4. Epigyne and female habitus of Yunguirius xiangding sp. nov. A epigyne, ventral B vulva, dorsal C female habitus, dorsal D same, ventral E same, lateral. Scale bar equal for C-E . Abbreviations: A = atrium; CD = copulatory duct; CO = copulatory opening; F = fold; FD = fertilization duct; H = hood; PES = posterior epigynal sclerite; S = spermatheca; SB = spermathecal base; SH = spermathecal head; St = stalk. Figure 5. Distribution records of species of Yunguirius gen. nov. in China 1 Y. duoge sp. nov. 2 Y. ornatus 3 Y. subterebratus 4 Y. terebratus 5 Y. xiangding sp. nov. Description. Small to very large spiders, body length 6.00 to 21.80. Carapace brown to black, tonneau-shaped, longer than or as long as abdomen, with longitudinal fovea and dark radial grooves; chelicerae black, with three promarginal and two retromarginal teeth; endites and labium brown to dark brown, anterior white with black hairs; sternum brownish to brown, longer than wide. Abdomen yellowish-brown, nearly oval, posterior widest, with four to six darker chevrons or speckles, or without any pattern. Leg formula 4> 1> 2> 3 or 1> 4> 2> 3. Male palp: patellar apophysis finger-shaped, retrolateral tibial apophysis large, lateral tibial apophysis small, median apophysis spoon-shaped; conductor large, with two branches; embolus thick, beginning at a 7 o'clock position, embolic base swollen; cymbial furrow short, with the length less than half of cymbium. Epigyne: posterior epigynal sclerite varying in shape; atrium very large, wide to narrow, with osteosclerotic lateral margin, inside white osteon, outside with brownish or brown markings and brown or darker folds; copulatory duct membranous, arising posteriorly, extending to anterior, opening anteriorly; spermatheca brown, spermathecal base swollen, spermathecal head long and line-shaped, extending anteriorly, opposite end swollen, lamellar or connected with a stalk. Distribution. Guizhou, Hunan, Sichuan and Yunnan, China (Fig. 5 ).