New euophryine jumping spiders from Central and South America (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryinae) Author Zhang, Jun-Xia Author Maddison, Wayne P. text Zootaxa 2012 3578 1 35 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.209883 1bc33fdf-676b-4ac9-8baf-8f7282e1b671 1175-5326 209883 Soesilarishius ruizi sp. nov. Figs 109–114 Type material. Holotype : male, BRAZIL : AMAZONAS: Manaus, Campus UFAM , synantropic, 3.098° S , 59.972° W , 22–23 May 2009 , coll. G. Ruiz, T. Gasnier & B. Machado (UBC-SEM AR00163, IBSP # INPA 5033). Paratype : 1 female , same data as in holotype (UBC-SEM AR00164, IBSP # INPA 5036). Etymology. The specific epithet is a patronym in honor of Dr. Gustavo Ruiz, who collected the specimens of this species and has provided much help in loaning material from Brazil for this study. FIGURES 109–114. Soesilarishius ruizi sp. nov. 109 male holotype, dorsal view; 110 female paratype, dorsal view; 111 male left palp, ventral view; 112 male left palp, retrolateral view; 113 epigynum, ventral view; 114 cleared epigynum, dorsal view. Scale bars: 109–110, 0.5 mm; 111–114, 0.1 mm. Diagnosis. Differs from Soesilarishius micaceus by the shorter and wider embolus ( Fig. 111 ), the large and round depressions at the anterior part of the epigynum, the absence of a “roof” but the presence of a longitudinal groove on the epigynum ( Fig. 113 ), and the kidney-shaped spermatheca of the vulva ( Fig. 114 ). This species is also similar in the male palp shape to S. aurifrons (Taczanowski) (see Ruiz 2011 ), and in color and markings to S. minimus Ruiz, 2011 . It can be distinguished from S. aurifrons by the wider embolus of the male palp ( Fig. 111 ); and from S. minimus by the longer and wider embolus of the male palp ( Fig. 111 ), the larger anterior depression and the presence of the groove on the epigynum ( Fig. 113 ), and the smaller spermatheca of the vulva ( Fig. 114 ). Description. Male ( holotype , UBC-SEM AR00163). Carapace length 1.0; abdomen length 0.8. Chelicera: dark brown; back surface with a depression. Palp ( Figs 111–112 ): gray brown. Embolus relatively short and wide; retrolateral tibial apophysis short and finger-like. First tibia with three pairs of ventral macrosetae, first metatarsus with two pairs of ventral macrosetae. Measurements of legs: I 2.2, II 1.7, III 2.3, IV 2.1. Color in alcohol ( Fig. 109 ): carapace dark, scattered with white scales; abdomen with a relatively sclerotized area, dorsum of abdomen dark with two pairs of white spots, anterior pair smaller and round, posterior pair larger; legs gray brown proximally and brownish to cream distally. Female ( paratype , UBC-SEM AR00164). Carapace length 1.1; abdomen length 0.8. First tibia with three pairs of ventral macrosetae; first metatarsus with two pairs of ventral macrosetae. Measurements of legs: I 2.1, II 1.6, III 2.2, IV 2.1. Epigynum ( Fig. 113 ): with two round depressions anteriorly and one elongate depression in the middle. Vulva ( Fig. 114 ): copulatory duct slightly coiled; spermatheca swollen and kidney-shaped. Color in alcohol ( Fig. 110 ): similar to that of male except paler in color with legs all cream and dorsal abdomen without sclerotized area. Natural history. Specimens were found on humid leaf litter in a recovering rainforest.