Descriptions of three new species and new records of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from America Author Galileo, Maria Helena M. Author Bezark, Larry G. Author Santos-Silva, Antonio text Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 2016 63 1 9 16 journal article 1860-1324-1-9 F7944EF144A84B7A961AEED57BB49F1E Taxon classification Animalia ORDO Cerambycidae Estoloides (Estoloides) flavoscutellaris sp. n. Figures 5-8 Description . Female. Integument dark-brown; apex of palpomeres yellowish. Pubescence dorsally mostly pale yellowish, interspersed with grayish-white pubescence, except for: distinctly more yellowish on head; more whitish on antennae, after antennomere IV; white on narrow basal ring at antennomeres IV-XI ; yellow on scutellum; yellow on margins of tibiae (mainly after middle); whitish on most of tibiae. Pubescence ventrally mostly grayish, except for: more yellowish on prosternum; yellow on narrow distal band at ventrites. Elytral yellowish pubescence uneven, with irregular, denser patches. Head. Frons moderately coarsely, abundantly punctate (punctures partially obliterated by pubescence); with long, sparse setae (distinctly longer close to lower eye lobes). Area between upper eye lobes coarsely, moderately sparsely punctate; with long, sparse setae (longer close to eyes). Area between posterior ocular edge and prothorax, finely punctate (punctures obliterated by pubescence). Pubescence behind eyes gradually narrowed toward gular region (nearly glabrous area close to prothorax gradually wider); finely, moderately abundantly punctate (punctures obliterated on pubescent region; punctures sparser toward prothorax); with coarse, sparse punctures close to eye (each puncture with long setae). Antennal tubercles with sculpture and setae as on frons. Coronal suture distinct from clypeus to anterior margin of prothorax. Gula shiny, smooth, glabrous. Submentum moderately finely, abundantly punctate; pubescent; anterior margin distinctly elevated. Genae pubescent (glabrous on apex); finely, abundantly punctate (smooth on apex). Basal half on outer side of mandibles pubescent interspersed with long setae. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.65 times length of scape; distance between lower eye lobes, in frontal view, equal to length of scape. Antennae as long as 1.45 times elytral length; reaching elytral apex at base of antennomere XI. Scape, pedicel and antennomere III with long setae ventrally; antennomere IV with moderately long, sparse setae ventrally. Antennal formula based on antennomere III: scape = 0.67; pedicel = 0.14; IV = 0.77; V = 0.54; VI = 0.47; VII = 0.41; VIII = 0.38; IX = 0.35; X = 0.35; XI = 0.31. Thorax. Prothorax distinctly wider than long, distinctly wider at base than anterior margin; lateral tubercles large, conical, placed about middle. Pronotum coarsely, moderately abundantly punctate (punctures partially obliterated by pubescence); with three longitudinal, slightly distinct bands with yellowish pubescence: one narrow, placed centrally at basal quarter; two moderately wide, placed laterally from base to about anterior third; with three callosities: one centrally, longitudinal, on basal half; two laterally, subelliptical, transverse, on anterior half; with moderately long, sparse setae. Lateral sides of prothorax with sculpture and setae as on pronotum. Prosternum coarsely, moderately abundantly punctate centrally on basal half, smooth laterally and anteriorly. Prosternal process wide; coarsely, moderately abundantly punctate from base to posterior level of procoxae. Mesosternum shiny, centrally glabrous, except for some short central close to base of mesosternal process. Mesosternal process moderately coarsely punctate laterally and distally. Metasternum moderately coarsely, sparsely, shallowly punctate (punctures not obliterated by pubescence), except for sub smooth central region. Scutellum with glabrous, small area on center of base. Elytra moderately finely and sparsely punctate (part of punctures obliterated by pubescence); with short, yellow, decumbent, moderately abundant setae throughout; apex rounded. Abdomen. Ventrites moderately coarsely, sparsely, shallowly punctate (punctures not obliterated by pubescence), except for smooth central area of ventrite V; with long, sparse, yellow setae. Legs. Femora moderately coarsely, sparsely punctate (punctures partially obliterated by pubescence). Variability. Glabrous area of scutellum from small to large, from glabrous to with short, sparse setae. Figures 5-12. 5-8 Estoloides (Estoloides) flavoscutellaris , holotype female: 5 dorsal habitus 6 ventral habitus 7 lateral habitus 8 head, frontal view 9-12 Esthlogena (Esthlogena) setosa , holotype female: 9 head, frontal view 10 dorsal habitus 11 ventral habitus 12 lateral habitus. Dimensions (mm). Female. Total length (including mandibles), 10.00-15.20; prothoracic length, 1.90-2.70; anterior prothoracic width, 1.95-2.90; basal prothoracic width, 2.30-3.30; largest prothoracic width, 2.90-4.30; humeral width, 3.25-5.05; elytral length, 7.10-10.70. The largest dimensions are those of the holotype. Type material. Holotype female, from ECUADOR, Manabi: Vicinity of La Pila (200 m; 01.11198S / 080.58068W ), 18-27.II.2006, F. T. Hovore and I. Swift col. (CAS). Paratypes - ECUADOR, Manabi: 50 KM S Montecristi, female, 10.III.2006, F. T. Hovore and I. Swift col. (MZSP); Vicinity of La Pila (200 m; 01.11198S / 080.58068W ), 2 females, 18-27.II.2006, F. T. Hovore and I. Swift col. (LGBC). Etymology. This species is named for the distinct dense yellowish pubescence of the scutellum. Remarks. Estoloides (Estoloides) flavoscutellaris sp. n. is similar to Estoloides (Estoloides) aquilonius Linsley & Chemsak, 1984, but differs as follows (female): prothorax wider (about 1.5 times wider than long); pronotum without narrow central glabrous area; elytra proportionally narrow; scutellar pubescence yellow. In Estoloides (Estoloides) aquilonius (see Bezark 2015 ) the prothorax is narrower (about 1.3 times wider than long), the pronotum has narrow central glabrous area, the elytra are proportionally wider, and the scutellar pubescence is whitish. It differs from Estoloides (Estoloides) alboscutellaris Breuning, 1943 by the scutellar pubescence yellow (white in Estoloides (Estoloides) alboscutellaris ), by the dorsal pubescence distinctly lighter (darker in Estoloides (Estoloides) alboscutellaris ). It can be separated from Estoloides (Estoloides) galapagoensis (Blair, 1933) mainly by the elytral pubescence without irregular lines with pubescence contrasting with remaining surface (present in Estoloides (Estoloides) galapagoensis - see Bezark 2015 ). Estoloides (Estoloides) flavoscutellaris sp. n. differs from Estoloides (Estoloides) paralboscutellaris Breuning, 1971 by the scutellar pubescence yellow (white in Estoloides (Estoloides) paralboscutellaris ), and by the prothorax wider (more elongate in Estoloides (Estoloides) paralboscutellaris ).