Neodendryphiella, a novel genus of the Dictyosporiaceae (Pleosporales) Author Iturrieta-Gonzalez, Isabel Author Gene, Josepa Author Guarro, Josep Author Castaneda-Ruiz, Rafael F. Author Garcia, Dania text MycoKeys 2018 37 19 38 journal article 1314-4049-37-19 Neodendryphiella tarraconensis Iturrieta-Gonzalez , Gene & Dania Garcia sp. nov. Fig. 4 Etymology. Name refers to Tarragona, the geographical area where the fungus was collected. Type. Spain, Tarragona, from garden soil, Feb. 2017, I. Iturrieta-Gonzalez (holotype CBS H-23479, culture ex-type CBS 144324 = FMR 16234). Description. Mycelium superficial and immersed abundant, composed of septate, branched, smooth to verruculose, hyaline to pale brown hyphae, 1-2 μm wide. Conidiophores macronematous, mononematous, erect or slightly flexuous, branched or unbranched, up to 6-septate, cylindrical, 19-185 x 2-5 μm , brown, smooth, darker and finely verrucolose towards the base. Conidiogenous terminal and intercalary, subcylindrical to clavate, 9-35 x (2 -)3-4(- 5) μm , with up to 2 pores. Ramoconidia (0 -)1-2(- 3)-septate, usually slightly constricted at the septa, with up to 3 terminal and subterminal pores, pale brown, smooth to verruculose, mostly cylindrical, with rounded apex and truncate base, 12 -21(- 23) x 4-5 μm . Conidia catenate, with up to 7 conidia in the terminal unbranched part, (0 -)1- 2-septate, pale brown, verruculose, ellipsoidal or subcylindrical with more or less rounded ends, 6-21 x 3 -6(- 7) μm ; when 1-septate, the septum is often submedial and slightly constricted, when 2-septate, usually constricted at only one septum. Figure 4. Neodendryphiella tarraconensis sp. nov. (ex-type FMR 16234). A-E Colonies on APDAB PCA C SNA D OA E MEA at 25 °C after 14 d F-K Conidiophores and conidia. Scale bars:10 µm ( G-K ). Culture characteristics (14 d at 25 °C). Colonies on PDA reaching 23 mm diam., umbonate, velvety, greyish-brown to olive brown (5E3/4F8), with slightly fimbriate margin; reverse dark green (30F8) to black. On PCA attaining 24 mm diam., flat, velvety, olive brown (4F8), slightly fimbriate margin, reverse dark green to olive brown (28F5/3B2) with a pale yellow (4A3) diffusible pigment. On OA reaching 30 mm diam., flat, slightly granular, yellowish-brown to olive brown (5F8/4F4), aerial mycelium scarce, with regular margin; reverse yellowish-brown to olive brown (5F8/4F4). On SNA attaining 21 mm diam., flat, slightly granular, yellowish-brown to olive (5F4/3F5), aerial mycelium scarce, with fimbriate margin; reverse yellowish-brown to olive (5F4/3F5). On MEA reaching 8-10 mm diam., slightly elevated but depressed at the centre, radially folded, velvety, olive (2F8), with irregular margin; reverse olive (2F4). Cardinal temperature for growth. Optimum 25 °C, maximum 30 °C, minimum 10 °C. Distribution. Spain. Notes. In addition to the genetic differences mentioned above, N. tarraconensis differs from the other two species in the genus by the presence of ramoconidia with up to 3 septa and conidia from terminal branches with mostly 1-2-septate. It is noteworthy that 1-septate conidia usually show a slightly longer basal cell since the septum is submedial and, when 2-septate, often only one of the septa is constricted, features not described in any species of Dendryphiella and Neodendryphiella .