Hemiboea albiflora, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Guizhou, China Author Wu, Zhaowen Author Guo, Zhiyou Author Deng, Chaoyi Author Li, Zhenyu Author Xiang, Xiaoguo text PhytoKeys 2019 122 79 86 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.122.33783 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.122.33783 1314-2003-122-79 FF8FFF84FFEAFF8AFC2AFFB8767EFF91 3238739 Hemiboea albiflora X.G.Xiang, Z.Y.Guo & Z.W.Wu sp. nov. Figs 2 , 3 Type. China. Guizhou: Xingyi City, Maling River Valley, 26°8.47'N , 104°57.27'E , altitude 967 m, on rock faces near the river, 12 October 2017, X.G. Xiang, Z.W. Wu & Z.Y. Guo 2017061 (holotype: PE!; isotypes: PE!, QNUN!). Diagnosis. H. albiflora differs significantly from H. gamosepala by its 5-parted calyx from the base (vs. 5-lobed from middle), longer peduncle, 3-6 cm (vs. 0.2-0.4 cm), white corolla (vs. pink corolla) and longer pistil, 2-2.5 cm (vs. ~ 1.5 cm). After extensive observations, Hemiboea albiflora is close to H. cavaleriei var. paucinervis W. T. Wang et Z. Y. Li and H. subcapitata C.B. Clarke, but differs from them through its longer petiole, 3-6 cm; larger involucre, 2-3 cm in diameter; white corolla, glabrous outside; and longer staminal filaments, 1.8-2 cm long. The detailed morphological comparisons are listed in Table 1 . Table 1. Morphological comparisons between H. albiflora and the similar species H. gamosepala , H. cavaleriei var. paucinervis and H. subcapitata .
- H. albiflora H. gamosepala H. cavaleriei var. paucinervis H. subcapitata
Petiole 3-6 cm 0.6-6 cm 0.5-6.5 cm 0.5-5.5 cm
adaxial surface green, sparsely pubescent deep green, glabrous green, glabrous deep green, glabrous or sparsely pubescent
abaxial surface pale green, glabrous pale green or pale purple, glabrous pale green or purple, glabrous pale green, glabrous or sparsely pubescent
Veins on each side of midrib 5-9 4-10 4-8(-9) 5-6
Peduncle 2-3 cm long 0.2-0.4 cm long 0.5-6.5 cm long 2-4(-13) cm long
Involucre 2-3 cm in diameter 1.8-2.3 cm in diameter 1-2.5 cm in diameter 1.5-2.2 cm in diameter
Corolla 4-5.5 cm long, outside white, glabrous 3.8-4 cm long; outside pink, sparsely glandular-puberulent 3.0-4.8 cm long, outside white, pale yellow or pink, sparsely glandular-puberulent 3.5-4.2 cm long, outside white, sparsely glandular-puberulent
Tube 3.5-4.5 cm long 3-3.1 cm long 2.3-3.3 cm long 2.8-3.5 cm long
Filaments 1.8-2 cm long 1.2-1.5 cm long 1.0-1.3 cm long 0.8-1.3 cm long
Anther ovate-elliptic, 2-3 mm long subovate, ca. 3 mm long elliptic, 3-3.2 mm long elliptic, 3-4 mm long
Staminodes 2 2 2 3
Pistil 2-2.5 cm long ca. 1.5 cm long 1.7-2.5cm long 3.2-3.5 cm long
Capsule 2-3 cm long 1.8-2.4 cm long 1.5-2.5 cm long 1.5-2.2 cm long
Description. Perennial herbs. Stems ascending, subterete, 40-100 cm tall, 2-5 mm in diameter, simple, sparsely purple-spotted, glabrous, juicy when fresh, nodes 5-10, not swollen. Leaves opposite, herbaceous; petiole 3-6 cm long, about 2 mm in diameter, almost terete, adaxially valleculate, margin erect and rounded, glabrous, green; leave blade oblong-lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, 7-15 cm long, 3-5.5 cm wide, apex acuminate, rarely acute, margin repand-crenate, base usually oblique, adaxial surface green, sparsely pubescent, abaxial surface pale green, glabrous; lateral veins 5-9 on each side of midrib. Cymes subterminal, sometimes axillary, 4-8-flowered; peduncle 2-3 cm long, 3-4 mm in diameter glabrous, sparsely purple-spotted; involucre subglobose or broad ovoid, 2-3 cm in diameter, yellow-green, glabrous, apex acute. Pedicel 3-5 mm long, 2-3 mm in diameter, glabrous. Calyx white, 5-parted from the base, lobes equal, ovate-lanceolate, 1.2-1.6 cm x 0.3-0.4 cm, glabrous. Corolla white, with mauve lines and spots inside, 4-5.5 cm long, glabrous. Corolla tube 3.5-4.5 cm long, 1-1.4 cm in diameter at the mouth, 4-5 mm in diameter at the base, purple-spotted at throat, densely glandular-pubescent inside adaxial gibbous side of the tube, inside with a ring of hairs adnate to 7-8 mm above the corolla tube base; limb 2-lipped; adaxial lip 0.8-1.0 cm long, 2-lobed at apex, lobes equal, nearly semi-orbicular, abaxial lip 1-1.2 mm long, 3-parted, lobes subequal, oblong. Stamens 2, anthers fused by adaxial surfaces, adnate to 0.8-1 cm above the corolla base; filaments linear, glabrous, geniculate from the middle, 1.8-2 cm long, about 1 mm wide; anthers ovate-elliptic, glabrous, ca. 2-3 mm long, 2 mm wide, coherent at apex. Staminodes 2, glabrous, adnate to 1.2-1.5 cm above the corolla base, thick, 1.2-1.4 cm long, about 1 mm wide, apex capitellate, separate. Pistil 2-2.5 cm long; ovary linear, 0.7-0.9 cm long, 1.5-2.2 mm in diameter, glabrous; style 1.3-1.6 mm long, glabrous; stigma capitate, about 2 mm in diameter. Capsule linear-lanceolate, 2-3 cm long, 2-4 mm in diameter, glabrous, slightly curved. Figure 2. Hemiboea albiflora . A Adaxial leaf blade B flower side view C abaxial leaf blade D flower face view E stem and petioles F opened corolla showing stamens, staminodes and pistil G flowering habit H fruits. Photographs by Zhiyou Guo. Figure 3. Hemiboea albiflora . A Flowering habit B involucre C root D capsule E calyx segments F stamens G staminodes H pistil I flower inside view. Drawn by Zhaowen Wu. Distribution and habitat. Hemiboea albiflora is known from Maling River Valley and Pogang Nature Reserve, Xingyi City, Guizhou, China, growing on rock faces near Maling River and near streams in Pogang Nature Reserve, at an elevation of ca. 720-970 m. Phenology . Flowering occurs in August to October and fruiting in October to November. Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the corolla colour of this new species. Additional collection. CHINA. Guizhou: Xingyi City, Maling River Valley, ca. 950 m alt., 12 October 2018, X.G. Xiang, Z.W. Wu & Z.Y. Guo 2017060 (PE), X.G. Xiang, Z.W. Wu & Z.Y. Guo 2017062 (PE); Xingyi City, Maling River Valley, ca. 720 m alt., 12 October 2018, X.G. Xiang, Z.W. Wu & Z.Y. Guo 2017057 (PE); Xingyi City, Maling River Valley, C.Y. Deng 3071 (XIN); Xingyi City, Pogang Nature Reserve, ca. 1000 m alt.,11 October 2018, X.G. Xiang, Z.W. Wu & Z.Y. Guo 2017054 (PE), X.G. Xiang, Z.W. Wu & Z.Y. Guo 2017055 (PE), X.G. Xiang, Z.W. Wu & Z.Y. Guo 2017056 (PE).