Elanela kerzhneri sp. n., a new species of Pentatomidae from Brazil (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatominae)
Grazia, Jocelia
Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Av. Bento Gonçalves 9.500, 91501 - 970 Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
da Silva, A. N.
Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Av. Bento Gonçalves 9.500, 91501 - 970 Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Russian Entomological Journal
journal article
Elanela kerzhneri
Grazia & Silva
sp. n.
Figs 1–3
Ouro Preto
A.C. Mendes
DESCRIPTION. This species is very similar to
E. hevera
in dorsal aspect and size (
Fig. 1
); it can be distinguished by the morphology of the pygophore especially by the structure of parameres and segment X. (
Figs 2–3
Measurements: total length 6.15, head length 1.06, anteocular length 0.41, pronotal length 1.47, scutellar length 2.29, head width 1.80, interocular width 0.90, interocelar width 0.36, pronotal width 3.93, scutellar width 2.29, abdominal width at third segment 3.93, antennal segments missing.
Dorsal surface matte, darker than in
E. hevera
; disc of scutellum and corium with wider dark brown spots; membrane of hemelytra heavily infuscate. Lateroventral thirds of abdomen with dark brown spots in addition to the oblong spot on median third.
Male genitalia. Pygophore subquadrangular, posterolateral angles developed; lateral thirds of dorsal rim heavily depressed, inner wall of genital cup tumescent, posteriorly triangular, surpassing postero-lateral angles of pygophore. Parameres quadrangular in dorsal view, juxtaposed along mid line, and covering the base of the platelike and wide segment X; apical margin of segment X
* Contribution No. 484 of the Department of Zoology, UFRGS.
FigS. 1–3.
Elanela kerzhneri
sp. n.
holotype, dorSal view; 2 — pygophore, dorSal view; 3 — ventral rim of pygophore (d — denticle, dr — dorSal rim, if — inferior fold of ventral rim, iw — inner wall of genital cup, par — paramereS, pla — poSterolateral angleS, Sf — Superior fold of ventral rim, X — Segment X)
РИc. 1–3.
Elanela kerzhneri
sp. n.
1 — roЛoTИП, cBePxy; 2 — ПИroФoP, cBePxy; 3 — BeHTPaЛbHЫЙ oбoД ПИroФoPa (d — ЗyбeЦ, dr — ДoPcaЛbHЫЙ oбoД, if — HИЖHЯЯ cКЛaДКa BeHTPaЛbHoro oбoДa, iw — BHyTPeHHЯЯ cTeHКa reHИTaЛbHoЙ КaПcyЛЫ, par — ПaPaMePЫ, pla — ПocTePoЛaTePaЛbHЫe yrЛЫ, Sf — BePxHЯЯ cКЛaДКa BeHTPaЛbHoro oбoДa, X — XcerMeHT бPЮШКa).
with a V-shaped notch, deeper than in
E. hevera
Fig. 2
). Inferior fold of ventral rim of pygophore with a deep semicircular excavation; superior fold sinuate, median third with a U-shaped notch bearing a denticle at middle (
Fig. 3
ETYMOLOGY. This species is named in honor to Dr. Izyaslav Kerzhner for his outstanding contribution to the knowledge of the true bugs.