Synopsis of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Cerro Pirre (Darién Province, Panama) Author Ortiz, Orlando Oriel Author de Stapf, María Sánchez Author Baldini, Riccardo Maria Author Croat, Thomas Bernard text Check List 2019 2019-08-16 15 4 651 689 journal article 10.15560/15.4.651 1809-127X Philodendron grandipes K. Krause Material examined. Vicinity Cerro Pirre, 17 km S of El Real, along trail from base camp, along Río Perisenico; 0 8°01′N , 077°44′W ; 100 m ; 28 Jul. 1994 ; T . B . Croat 77177 ( MO ). Parque Nacional Darién , Serranía de Pirre, campamento Rancho Frío, cercano a la loma ensucia pecho; 07°59′49″N , 077°42′45″W ; 636 m ; 2 Aug. 2016 ; O . O . Ortiz 2666 ( PMA ). Identification. This species is characterized by having terrestrial habit, short internodes, fibrous persistent cataphylls, D-shaped petioles in cross section, broadly ovate blades, cordate at base, and inflorescences with green spathes. On Cerro Pirre, Philodendron grandipes is the only species of the genus that consistently have terrestrial habit. Due to the terrestrial habit and the ovate blades, it can be confused with individuals of the genus Adelonema , which differs substantially in having armed petioles and diminutive puberulent blades. Distribution and ecology. Colombia , Costa Rica , Ecuador , Nicaragua , and Panama . Philodendron grandipes ocurrs along the deciduous and evergreen forests of Cerro Pirre, between 100 and 800 m . It usually grows near banks and streams, in shady areas.