New taxa of Necrosciinae from Vietnam (Phasmatodea: Diapheromeridae) Author Ho, Wai-Chun George text Zoological Systematics 2018 43 2 178 189 journal article 10.11865/zs.201816 2095-6827 5366000 206BD7EB-065C-448D-9D17-DF9C31328974 Lamachodes brocki sp. nov. ( Figs 9–12 , 28–29 , 38–39 ) Diagnosis. This new species is similar to L. laevis Redtenbacher, 1908 , but can be easily diagnosed by more robust body and strongly elongate abdominal subgenital plate in female. Description. Female. Body cylindrical, more robust and larger than male. General colour of body brown. Legs brown with dark brown bands. Head oval, longer than pronotum. Vertex flat, with a few of minute and inconspicuous granules. Occiput gently convex, with distinct median and lateral longitudinal furrows, posterior margin with 6 small swellings. Compound eyes rounded, about 2 times as long as genae. Antennae long and filiform, projecting over apices of forelegs; scapus more or less flattened, about 2 times as long as pedicellus, roughly as long as third segment. Pronotum with small and inconspicuous granules, rectangular, longer than wide, with longitudinal and transverse sulci crossing before middle area, anterior margin curved inwards, posterior margin rounded. Mesonotum with small and inconspicuous granules, moderately constricted post-medially, anterior margin longer than posterior margin, with indistinct median longitudinal line. Metanotum with small and inconspicuous granules, square, roughly as long as median segment. Abdomen with inconspicuous granulations, cylindrical, tapering posteriorly. Median segment trapezoidal, expanded posteriorly. Seventh sternum lacking praeopercular organ. Eighth tergum as long as combined length of ninth tergum and anal segment. Anal segment longer than ninth tergum, with a broad U-shaped emargination on posterior margin, posterolateral angles pointed. Supra-anal plate small, posterior margin rounded, projecting over posterolateral angles of anal segment. Subgenital plate scoop-shaped, long and elongate, with median longitudinal carina, posterior margin distinctly notched, apex projecting over posterior margin of supra-anal plate. Cerci short, cylindrical, tapering posteriorly, apices reaching posterior margin of supraanal plate. Legs unarmed, slender and long. All femora roughly as long as corresponding tibiae. Profemora incurved basally. Tegmina and alae minute and scale-like. Male. Body slender and elongate, much slender than female. General colour of body brown. Forelegs rufous brown, midlegs and hindlegs green. Head lacking granulation, oval, longer than pronotum. Vertex flat, with an obscure and oval depression between compound eyes. Occiput weakly convex, with distinct median longitudinal furrow, posterior margin with 6 small swellings. Compound eyes rounded, about 2 times as long as genae. Antennae long and filiform, longer than body length, covered with dense short bristles; scapus flattened, about 2 times as long as pedicellus; third segment longer than pedicellus. Thorax inconspicuously and sparsely covered with small granules. Pronotum rectangular, longer than wide, anterior margin curved inwards, posterior margins rounded, longitudinal and transverse sulci crossing before middle area. Mesonotum gently constricted post-medially, with faint median longitudinal line. Metanotum as long as median segment. Abdomen sparsely and inconspicuously covered with small granules. Median segment trapezoidal, expanded posteriorly. Eighth tergum as long as ninth tergum. Anal segment shorter than ninth tergum, with a U-shaped emargination on posterior margin, posterolateral angles pointed. Poculum tapering posteriorly, posterior margin pointed. Cerci cylindrical, apices obtuse and curved inwards. Legs unarmed, slender and long. All femora roughly as long as corresponding tibiae. Profemora incurved basally. Tegmina and alae minute and scale-like. Measurements. Length. Body, 70.0–77.0 mm, 62.0–68.0 mm; antennae, 57.0–72.0 mm, 75.0–88.0 mm; head, 5.0– 5.5 mm , 4.0– 4.5 mm ; pronotum, 4.5–5.0 mm, 3.5–4.0 mm; mesonotum, 14.0–15.0 mm, 13.0–15.0 mm; metanotum, 4.0– 4.5 mm , 3.5 mm ; median segment, 4.0– 4.5 mm , 3.5 mm ; profemora, 17.0–20.0 mm, 18.5– 22.0 mm; mesofemora, 11.5–14.0 mm, 12.0–13.0 mm; metafemora, 16.0–19.0 mm, 17.5–19.0 mm; protibiae, 15.5–19.0 mm, 17.0–25.0 mm; mesotibiae, 11.0–13.0 mm, 11.5–13.0 mm; metatibiae, 16.0–20.0 mm, 18.0– 20.5 mm . Egg. Capsule olive-green, oblong, densely granulated, posterior pole rounded. Micropylar plate pale yellow, oval, elongated anteriorly, anterior apex pointed, posterior apex pointed. Micropylar cup placed at two-thirds of micropylar plate. Median line short, about one-third length of micropylar plate. Operculum olive-green, densely granulated, lacking capitulum. Measurements. Capsule length 4.0 mm, width 2.0 mm, height 2.0 mm. Material examined. Holotype , Vietnam , Thua Thien Hue , Bachma Mountain , 18–19 September 2016 , He Li ( HKES ) . Paratypes . 4♀ , 3♂ , 36 eggs , same data as holotype ( HKES & IEBR ) ; 1♀ , Vietnam , Gia Lai , c. 40km N of K’ Bang Town , Kon Chu Rang Nature Reserve ( 14°30'19''N , 108°32'28''E ; elev. 1020 m ), 24 May–2 June 2016 , Abramov A.V. , F3476.40 ( MMUE ) . Distribution. Vietnam . Etymology. This new species is named in honour of Mr. Paul Brock ( United Kingdom ) for his contributions to the taxonomy of Phasmatodea .