A new species of Chaetiliidae (Crustacea: Isopoda: Valvifera) from the Río de la Plata estuary, Argentina-Uruguay, and reconsideration of Macrochiridothea and Chiriscus
Poore, Gary C. B.
journal article
Ohlin, 1901
Ohlin, 1901: 286
. —
Stebbing, 1914
: 353
-354. —
Nordenstam, 1933
: 105
. —
Sheppard, 1957
: 168
–173. —
Menzies, 1962
: 98
. —
Hurley & Murray, 1968
: 244
. —
Moreira, 1973
: 12
(key). —
Jones & Fenwick, 1978
: 619
. —
Poore, 1984
: 71
–72 (part). —
Harrison-Nelson & Bowman, 1990
: 127
(list of species). —
Carvacho, 1997
: 46
–47 (key).
Macrochiridothea michaelseni
Ohlin, 1901
, subsequent designation by
Menzies, 1962
: 98.
Body smooth, or ornamented with tubercles, spines or ridges. Head with lateral incisions. Eyes present or absent. Pereonites with dorsal coxal plates visible dorsally on 5–7 only. Pereonite 7 tergite about 6 times as wide as long. Pleonites 1–3 free. Coxa 7 significantly smaller than coxa 6. Antenna 1 peduncle article 2 with or without anterodistal prolongation; article 3, 0.4–0.7 times as long as article 2. Antenna 2 peduncle, article 4 quadrate or linear, without a posterodistal lobe overlapping article 5; article 4, 1–3 times as long as greatest width; article 5, 2–8 times as long as greatest width. Mandibles without molar; incisor with 4 acute teeth on left, 5 uneven teeth on right; lacinia mobilis with concave, denticulate margin on left, about as broad as incisor and with 4 blunt teeth on right; spine row of denticulate spines. Maxillipedal palp of 4 articles, articles 4 and 5 free. Pereopod 1 with grossly widened propodus, about as wide as long, much wider than propodus of pereopods 2 and 3. Pereopods 2 and 3 basis anterior margin with setae along most of length, or with setae only on proximal half (
only); carpus posterodistal corner angular, not dominating propodus, or grossly produced as a lobe (about half as long as and dominating propodus), bearing long distal setae (
only); dactyli subchelate, half as long as propodus, or subchelate (closing on truncate palm), or a minute terminal hook. Pereopod 4 dactylus short, cylindrical, with a minute terminal seta, or vestigial, dome-like, with a minute terminal seta, or present as a short seta only. Pereopod 5 dactylus short, cylindrical, with a long terminal seta. Pereopod 6, 1.3 times as long as pereopod 5. Pereopod 7 dactylus short, cylindrical, with long terminal seta. Pleopod 2, appendix masculina straight, apex laterally denticulate (with 20 saw-like teeth) or strongly curved, laterally with minute setae. Uropod endopod half length of exopod. Oostegites 1 broad, overlapping, longer than broad; oostegites 2–4 almost circular, overlapping; oostegites 5 linguiform, reaching midline.
is differentiated from
by the quadrate or linear article 4 of the antenna 2 peduncle that lacks a posterodistal lobe, the presence of dactyli on pereopods 2 and 3, and the short pereonite 7.