A reassessment of the Neotropical genus Pseudonannolene Silvestri, 1895: cladistic analysis, biogeography, and taxonomic review (Spirostreptida: Pseudonannolenidae) Author Iniesta, Luiz Felipe Moretti DEEF048E-97FB-4CCD-875F-5FA6184CA8AB&14A15A7F-730F-4D41-BDAC-D53514FAB85D Pós-graduação em Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. & Laboratório de Coleções Zoológicas, Instituto Butantan, Avenida Vital Brasil, 1500, 05503 - 090, São Paulo, Brazil. rodrigobouzan@outlook.com Author Bouzan, Rodrigo Salvador DEEF048E-97FB-4CCD-875F-5FA6184CA8AB&14A15A7F-730F-4D41-BDAC-D53514FAB85D Pós-graduação em Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. & Laboratório de Coleções Zoológicas, Instituto Butantan, Avenida Vital Brasil, 1500, 05503 - 090, São Paulo, Brazil. rodrigobouzan@outlook.com Author Brescovit, Antonio Domingos 14A15A7F-730F-4D41-BDAC-D53514FAB85D&D5B81D79-AFAE-47B1-8A6E-DAB448A24BCC Laboratório de Coleções Zoológicas, Instituto Butantan, Avenida Vital Brasil, 1500, 05503 - 090, São Paulo, Brazil. rodrigobouzan@outlook.com&antonio.brescovit@butantan.gov.br text European Journal of Taxonomy 2023 2023-04-27 867 1 1 312 http://dx.doi.org/10.5852/ejt.2023.867.2109 journal article 57602 10.5852/ejt.2023.867.2109 1d2570da-e150-4d75-94d8-bfc5813062bc 2118-9773 7891021 8DEF295C-A8B1-4A6B-B873-B30949F64E07 Pseudonannolene patagonica Brölemann, 1902 Figs 106–108 , 164F , 166E , 186 Pseudonannolene patagonica Brölemann, 1902a: 135 , pl. vii figs 160–165. Pseudonannolene patagonica Jeekel 2004: 90 . Diagnosis Males of P. patagonica resemble those of P. halophila , P. maritima , P. sebastianus , and P. insularis sp. nov. by having large and subrectangular coxae on the first leg-pair ( Fig. 107A ) and a suboval penis ( Fig. 107C–D ), but differing by having the stipes of gnathochilarium swollen distally ( Fig. 108C ). Etymology Although unspecified, the name is evidently an adjective referring to the locality where the type material was found, Carmen de Patagones. Material examined Holotype ARGENTINA [gonopods missing]; Buenos Aires , Carmen de Patagones ; [ -40.783233 , -62.982821 ]; R. von Ihering leg.; MZSP 242 . Descriptive notes Gonopod description adapted from Brölemann (1902a: 135) to supplement original description and to introduce gonopod terminology; remaining male sexual characters described based on examined holotype . MEASUREMENTS . 60 body rings (2 apodous + telson). Males: fragmented, body length ca 47 mm ; maximum midbody diameter 2.6 mm . COLOR . Body color faded, but apparently prozonites brownish, metazonites with a posterior brown band; head, collum, and legs lighter brown. HEAD . Antennae long ( Fig. 164F ), just reaching back to end of ring 6 when extended dorsally; antennomeres elongated; relative antennomere lengths 1<2<3>4=5=6>7. Mandibular cardo with ventral margin narrow. Ommatidial cluster well-developed, elliptical; ca 45 ommatidia in 6 rows. BODY RINGS . Collum with lateral lobes broadly rounded, with ca 12 striae ( Fig. 106A ). Very faintly constricted between prozonite and metazonite; prozonites smooth; metazonites laterally with transverse striae below ozopore. Anterior sterna in midbody rings subrectangular, without transverse striae. FIRST LEG-PAIR OF MALES . Coxae ( cx ) elongated (as long as the sum of remaining podomere lengths), subrectangular, with the base arched, densely setose ( Fig. 107A ); prefemoral process ( prf ) thinner than half the prefemur, subcylindrical, densely setose up to its median region ( Fig. 107B ); remaining podomeres with setae along the mesal region. SECOND LEG-PAIR OF MALES . Coxa ( cx ) large and rounded; penis ( pn ) located at proximal region, rounded, extended basally ( Fig. 107C ); prefemur compressed dorsoventrally; remaining podomeres setose. GONOPODS . Gonocoxa ( gcx ) subtriangular, short ( Fig. 108D ); with rows of papillae mesally. Seminal groove ( sg ) not visible on mesal cavity. Shoulder ( sh ) rounded. Telopodite ( tp ) large, but not as wide as gcx ; solenomere ( sl ) with apicomesal process ( amp ) rounded; ectal process absent; sa located at mesal portion, slightly visible apically. Internal branch ( ib ) short, subtriangular, with horizontal plate; setae apparently starting at midlength of ib exceeding seminal region of sl ( Fig. 108D ). Distribution Known only from the type locality Carmen de Patagones, Buenos Aires , Argentina ( Fig. 186 ).