Illustrated key to the tribes of subfamilia Ichneumoninae and genera of the tribe Platylabini of world fauna (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) Author A. M text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2009 2009-12-18 41 2 1317 1608 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5277083 0253-116X 5277083 Tribe Trogini (FOERSTER) Trogoidae FOERSTER 1868 - Verh. Natur. Preuss. Rhein. West. 25 : 143. Trogini : HEINRICH 1962 - Can. Ent., Suppl. 29 : 844. Trogini : HEINRICH 1968 - Ichn. Stenop. of Africa 1 : 230, 233. Trogini : HEINRICH 1977 - Ichn. Florida and Neigb. States 9 : 283. Type genus: Trogus PANZER. D i s t r i b u t i o n: World-wide. I n t r o d u c t i o n: The point of view of G. HEINRICH on volume and structure of the tribe Trogini ( HEINRICH 1934 , 1962 ), in contrast to H. TOWNES (1961) seems to be more reasonable. The tendency to shortening of propodeum reaches at Trogini extreme expression and it is a key in determination of a tribal status. A profile of propodeum gains triangular form and its surface abruptly sloping both forward to postscutellum, and back to apex of propodeum from upper point. Area superomedia of propodeum gains a view of smoothed triangular boss, reaching extreme expression in genus Trogus , where it gains a view of curved forward transversal carina. Additional characters are triangle from lateral form of scutellum with tendency to pyramidal and quadrangular areolet of front wings with tendency to petiolate. Head morphology of representatives of subtribe Callajoppina is similar to morphology of Protichneumonini . At the same time the listed above characters are more significant and testify for the benefit of G. Heinrich’s point of view. An overwhelming majority of tribe representatives has amblypygous abdomen, whereas in Protichneumonini the invert correlation takes place. Form of abdomen of Trogini , in spite of sharp sculptural differences of the representatives of both subtribes, has broadlyoval, or drop-shaped ( Callajoppina ) form. The transitional Palaearctic genus Catadelphus WESMAEL. , placed by G. Heinrich to subtribe Callajoppina is more relative to tribe Protichneumonini (high scutellum without knoll-shaped swelling, expressed area superomedia and lateral carinae of basal field). To the transitional forms it is possible to attribute species of African genus Afrotrogus HEINRICH female of which has oxypygous abdomen and developed scopa on hind coxae. G. Heinrich gives also and reasonable arguments, based on a biology of the representatives of subtribe Callajoppina , parasitizing on the evolutionally oldest Sphingidae , as opposed to Protichneumonini , parasitizing on evolutionally younger Sphingidae . The tribe is characterized by extremely high elevated, to pyramidal scutellum, shortened and triangle from lateral propodeum with smoothed arcuate prominence at upper point on place of area superomedia, abruptly slanting from it forward to basal furrow and backwards to apex of propodeum. Areolet of front wings is quadrangular (trapeziform), pointed in front to slightly petiolate, slightly asymmetrical. Flagellum is bristle-shaped or semi bristle-shaped, of males with short-oval tyloides or without them. Mesonotum is longer than width; notauli are not developed, slightly im- pressed or marked only at base; prepectus behind hind coxae is not impressed; subalarum is thick at most part not sharpened; sternauli are absent or only just marked; lower part of mesopleurae is with distinct bend; mesopleural suture is straight; scutellum is convex, conical to pyramidal, from lateral not carinated. Hind margin of metanotum is with distinct projections opposite lateral longitudinal carinae of propodeum. Lateral carinae of basal area are absent; coxal carina is only in a form of only just visible trace of different structure; spiracles are large, slit-shaped. Hind coxae of females are without scopa, rarely with scopa ( Afrotrogus HEINRICH ). Claws are smooth. Abdomen is usually amblypygous with flattened hypopygium, rarely oxypygous (African Afrotrogus HEINRICH and Neotropical Macrojoppa KRIECHBAUMER ). As rule, there are large species, to largest in subfamily (Calojoppina). Tribe is presented by two subtribes Trogina FOERSTER and Callajoppina HEINRICH : 1 Segments of abdomen sharply separated from each other, with sharp longitudinal wrinkles and very rough sculpture, tergites 2-5 trapezoidal in cross section; clypeus with thin covcaved front margin; ocellar triangle expressed and not surrounded by deep furrow; frons often with two teeth or carinae .......................................... Trogina FOERSTER - Abdomen of normal structure; clypeus with thickened or normal front margin; ocellar triangle surrounded by deep furrow; frons always without teeth and carinae ....................... ......................................................................................................... Callajoppina HEINRICH