New species for Thraulodes Ulmer, 1920 (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae) and the first key to adults from Brazil Author Lima, Lucas R. C. Author Mariano, Rodolfo Author Pinheiro, Ulisses text Zootaxa 2013 3709 3 230 242 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3709.3.2 05206976-826d-4c9d-b858-bf8c11bcb9ff 1175-5326 222475 1FC2BF4A-79A8-4C20-B95A-4B8CC0D45877 Thraulodes sternimaculatus sp. nov. , Lima, Mariano & Pinheiro ( Figs. 4–5 ; 12–13; 23–26) Diagnosis. The adult of this species can be separated from all the other congeners by a combination of the following characters: (1) costal membrane basal to bulla without cross veins ( Fig. 4 ); (2) costal and subcostal zones of the forewing translucent ( Fig. 4 ); (3) one band on femora ( Fig. 23 ); (4) abdominal segments in dorsal view predominantly translucent, with three lateral dark spots on terga II–VII ( Figs. 23, 26 ); (5) subapical spines of penes short and narrow, apicolateral area not forming an “ear”, lateral pouch present and without recurved folds ( Figs. 12–13 ). Male imago. Length: body, 6.5 mm ; forewing, 6.5 mm ; hind wing, 1.2 mm ; general coloration translucent. Head ( Fig. 23 ): black; antenna pale with scape dark brown; upper portion of eye reddish brown, lower portion black; ocelli white with a black ring at base. Thorax ( Figs 23–25 ): general color of pro-, meso and metanotum brown. Pronotum whitish, medial region with a triangular light brown macula. Meso and metanotum brown with sutures darker; scuto-scutelar suture whitish. Prosternum whitish with brown maculae tinged with black on the corners; mesosternum whitish with furcasternum dark brown. Wings ( Figs. 4–5 ): membrane of forewing hyaline, with dark spot near the base; costal and subcostal zones translucent; veins ICu2 and CuP not joined basally. Longitudinal and cross veins pale yellow. Costal membrane basal to bulla without cross veins, 11 cross veins distal to bulla. Hind wing hyaline with dark spot near base and 6– 8 cross veins. Legs ( Fig. 23 ): legs with femur pale yellow, apical 1/3 of femur with dark brown band followed by a blackish spot in the median region, and inner margin tinged with black on apical ½; basal half with a light brown spot. Tibiae yellowish with base brown; tarsi pale yellow. Abdomen ( Figs. 23–24 ; 26): segments in dorsal view predominantly translucent, with three lateral dark spots on terga II–VII. Terga I–II brown washed with black on anterior margin; terga III–VI translucent with a medial brown spot on posterior margin; tergum VI with anterior area translucent and posterior brown; terga VII and IX–X brown; tergum VIII translucent whitish, with medial line brown. Sterna II–VI translucent with yellowish spots on medial area and VII–X whitish with lateral margins reddish. Genitalia ( Figs. 12–13 ): forceps whitish, segment II–III washed with black. Posterior margin of subgenital plate rounded, without projection. Penes yellowish washed with black on ventral lateral region; 2/3 of penes divided apically, with a pair of short and narrow subapical spines, 1.2x the width of penes; apicolateral area not forming an “ear”; external margin forming lateral pouch and without recurved folds parallel to inner margin. Terminal filaments whitish, basal area of segments black. Female and nymph. Unknown. Type material. Holotype : one male imago, Brazil , Pernambuco State, Jaqueira, Rio Pirangi, 8°44'53.0"S , 35°48'51.1"W , 189m , 23.v.2012 , L.R.C. Lima coll. ( CZNC ). Paratype : one male, Brazil , Pernambuco State, Amaraji, Rio Amaraji, 8°21'48.9"S , 35°28'49.0"W , 320m , 20.i.2011 , L.R.C. Lima coll. ( IML ); same as preceding except one male, 21.iv.2012 ( IML ). Etymology. The specific epithet is due to maculae on the corners of prosternum. Remarks. In addition to T. sternimaculatus sp. nov. , only four species have the subgenital plate with posterior margin medially rounded and without medial projection: Thraulodes laetus (Eaton, 1883) and T. papilionis Traver & Edmunds, 1967 from Colombia , T. mucuy Chacón & Domínguez, 1999 from Venezuela , and T. regulus Traver & Edmunds, 1967 from Peru . Thraulodes sternimaculatus sp. nov. seems to be more related to T. laetus and T. papilionis , i.e both are small species (body length up to 8.0 mm), with abdominal segments lighter (whitish or translucent), forewing membrane hyaline and without costal cross veins basal to bulla. The new species can be separated from them by the presence of a lateral pouch, penes short and narrow, apicolateral area of penes not forming an “ear” and recurved folds absent.