Acanthocephalans Of The Genus Centrorhynchus (Palaeacanthocephala, Centrorhynchydae) From Birds Of Ukraine With The Description Of A New Species Author Lisitsyna, O. I. Author Greben, O. B. text Vestnik Zoologii 2015 2015-06-01 49 3 195 210 journal article 10.1515/vzoo-2015-0022 2073-2333 6452328 Centrorhynchus aluconis (Muller, 1780) Lühe, 1911 ( fig. 1 , A–E) Syn. Echinorhynchus aluconis Müller, 1780 ; E. otidis Schrank, 1788 ; E. inequalis Rudolphi, 1808 ; E. appendiculatus Westrumb, 1821 ; E. soricis Rudolphi, 1819 ; Centrorhynchus appendiculatus Westrumb, 1821 ; C. olssoni Lundström, 1942 . G e n e r a l (8}, 10 {). Trunk elongate, almost cylindrical. Proboscis divided into 2 parts by constriction at level of receptacle attachment. Proboscis anterior part spatulate or spherical, proboscis posterior conical. Neck short. Proboscis with 28–34 longitudinal rows of 13–17 (16) hooks. First 3–5 (4) hooks large with posteriorly directed strong roots. Next 3–4 hooks transitional, with roots consisting of 2 antero–lateral alate processes, remaining hooks spiniform with anteriorly directed simple roots. Length of blade increasing from first to third, then gradually decreasing, blade of transitional hooks smallest. Roots increase from first to 4–5th, roots of transitional hooks smallest. Proboscis receptacle double– walled, attached in proboscis middle, forming constriction. Lemnisci sacciform, longer than proboscis receptacle. Gonopore subterminal in both sexes. M a l e s. Trunk 19.80–35.00 (22.56) mm long with maximum width in testis region 780–1080 (907). Proboscis 760–1020 (866.25) long with maximum width at anterior part 380–440 (402), anterior part of proboscis up to constriction 450–530 (483) long, width at constriction 201–380 (322). Proboscis with 28–32 (29.7) longitudinal rows of 13–17 (15.15) hooks. First 3–5 (4) hooks large with posteriorly directed strong roots. Hook blade length: 1, 31–55 (42.94); 2, 41–60 (52.47), 3, 45–58 (52.82); 4, 32–53 (44.6); 5, 25–40 (33). Hook blade thickness: 1, 7–13 (9.86); 2, 10–18 (14.8); 3, 18–25 (20.2); 4, 10–25 (19.2); 5, 8–13 (10.3). Hook root length: 1, 33–55 (50.73); 2, 53–63 (55.37); 3, 49–68 (63.93); 4, 37–73 (58.4); 5, 25–31 (26.89). Transitional hook blade length 25–40 (34.87), 8–10 (9) thick, hook root 20– 25 (23.5) long. Spiniform hook blade length 33–43 (38), hook root processes 20–25 (24.3) long. Proboscis receptacle 1150–1500 (1328) long, with maximum width 320–410 (376). Neck short, 50–130 (102) long. Lemnisci 1080–2430 (1868) long, sacciform, extend behind proboscis receptacle, but not up anterior testis. Testes in tandem slightly overlapping one another. First testis 925–1310 (1100) × 450–550 (486), second testis 850–1220 (1185) × 380–520 (486). Cement glands 6.2–10.57 (8.94) mm long. Säfftigen pouch 2.23–2.76 (2.50) mm long. Table 1. Materials of the Acanthocephales collection of the genus Centrorhynchus Таблица 1. Материалы коллекции Acanthocephales рода Centrorhynchus
Host Locations N Data Name of species Number, {} Collector
Nycticorax nycticorax (Linnaeus, 1758) Kherson Region, Chaplynka District, Sofiyivka 82–22 07.07.1952 C. spinosus 1} L. Smogorzhevska
Plegadis falcinellus Linnaeus, 1766 Odesa Region, Kilia District, Vilkove 466–2 16.06.1968 C. spinosus 1} L. Smogorzhevska
Buteo buteo Linnaeus, 1758 Kyiv Region, Brovarsky District, Zazimye 73–1 08.04.2003 C. polesiensis 2 {, 2} O. Greben
C. spinosus 1}
Cyrcus cyaneus (Linnaeus, 1766) Donetsk Region, Striltsivsky step 16.06.1963 C. conspectus 2 {, 1} V. Sharpilo
Circus aeruginosus (Linnaeus, 1758) Volyn Region, West Polissya 12 (1) 01.06.1956 C. spinosus 3 {, 2} N. Srebrodolska
Falco tinnunculus Linnaeus, 1758 Crimea, Bakhchisaray District, Skalyste 09.1956 C. globocaudatus 3 {, 1} V. Sharpilo
F. tinnunculus Chernihiv Region, Semenivsk District, Orlikovske forestry 320–1 21.06.1972 C. globocaudatus 1} V. Kornyushin
F. tinnunculus Kherson Region, Churyuk peninsula 20 18.04.1983 C. globocaudatus 5 {, 7} O. Lisitsyna
F. tinnunculus Kherson Region, Black Sea Reserve District 6/1 16.08.2010 C. globocaudatus 7 {, 10} O. Lisitsyna
C. spinosus 2 {, 1}
Falco naumanni Linnaeus, 1758 Kherson Region, V. Aleksandrivka 14.05.1962 C. globocaudatus 2 { V. Sharpilo
F. naumanni Crimea, Chornomorsk District, Tarhankut 136–1 15.07.1967 C. globocaudatus 12 {, 3} L. Smogorzhevska
Bubo bubo (Linnaeus, 1758) Kyiv Region, Bila Tserkva 403–1 19.12.1972 C. conspectus 8 {, 10} V. Kornyushin
B. bubo Ukraine 155–1 25.12.1972 C. conspectus 1 {, 3} V. Kornyushin
Strix aluco Linnaeus, 1758 Volyn Region, Lyubeshyv District, Nevir 639–1 24.07. 1973 C. aluconis 1 {, 3} V. Kornyushin
S. aluco Zakarpattya Region, Rahiv District, Luch 160 13.02.1985 C. aluconis 1 { L. Lugova
S. aluco Zakarpattya Region, Rahiv District 140 01.03.1985 C. aluconis 1 { L. Lugova
S. aluco Zakarpattya Region, Rahiv District, Luch 156 12.03.1985 C. aluconis 2} L. Lugova
S. aluco Zakarpattya Region, Rahiv District, Lazeschina 216 12.02.1986 C. aluconis 1 { L. Lugova
S. aluco Zakarpattya Region, Rahiv District, V. Bychkov 218 13.02.1986 C. aluconis 1} V. Chumak
S. aluco Ivano-Frankiv Region, Nadvonyansk District, Losva 4 13.02.1987 C. aluconis 4 {, 2} L. Lugova
S. aluco Zakarpattya Region, Rahiv District 03.02.1991 C. aluconis 4 {, 4} V. Chumak
S. aluco Zakarpattya Region, Rahiv District, Luch 6 10.02.1993 C. aluconis 2} B. Godovanec
S. aluco Zakarpattya Region, Rahiv District, Luch 6 23.02.1993 C. aluconis 6 {, 4} B. Godovanec
S. aluco Kyiv, zoological garden 05.03. 2000 C. aluconis 2 {, 3} R. Salamatin
Strix uralensis (Pallas, 1771) Zakarpattya Region, Rahiv District 104 05.02.1985 C. aluconis 4 {, 1} L. Lugova
S. uralensis Zakarpattya Region, Rahiv District, V.Bychkov 213 07.02.1986 C. aluconis 2} L. Lugova
S. uralensis Zakarpattya Region, Rahiv District, Laginiza 227 21.02.1986 C. aluconis 4 {, 4} L. Lugova
S. uralensis Zakarpattya Region, Rahiv District, Ch. Tysa 228 21.02.1986 C. aluconis 2 {, 2} L. Lugova
S. uralensis Zakarpattya Region, Tyachiv District, Kireshi 229 21.02.1986 C. aluconis 3 {, 4} L. Lugova
S. uralensis Zakarpattya Region, Rahiv District, V. Bychkov 230 21.02.1986 C. aluconis 3 {, 2} L. Lugova
S. uralensis Zakarpattya Region, Rahiv District 14 19.02.1990 C. aluconis 1 { V. Chumak
S. uralensis Zakarpattya Region, Rahiv District 12.12.1990 C. aluconis 1} juv. V. Chumak
S. uralensis Zakarpattya Region, Rahiv District 12.12.1990 C. aluconis 2} V. Chumak
F e m a l e s. Trunk 32.48–42.00 (35.70) mm long, with maximum width at anterior part 860–1800 (1186). Proboscis 670–900 (716) long with maximum width in anterior part 390–430 (371), anterior part of proboscis up to constriction 400–490 (455) long with wide at constriction 300–370 (337). Proboscis with 30–34 (32.28) longitudinal rows of 15–17 (16) hooks. First 3–5 (4) hooks large with posteriorly directed strong roots. Hook blade length: 1, 40–60 (47.33); 2, 50–58 (53); 3, 50–55 (52.63); 4, 30–54 (47); 5, 28–54 (38). Hook blade thickness: 1, 8–13 (11); 2, 13–18 (15.4); 3, 15–23 (19.9); 4, 20–24 (21.4); 5, 10–18 (11.7). Hook root length: 1, 35–50 (41.83); 2, 50–68 (56.71); 3, 55–70 (65.22); 4, 43–70 (62.66); 5, 25–37 (28). Transitional hook blade length 28–43 (35.16), 8–13 (10.6) thick, hook root 25–28 (26) long. Spiniform hook blade length 33–43 (38.7), hook root processes 20–25 (24.1) long. Proboscis receptacle 1115–1500 (1298) long with maximum width 320–440 (395). Neck short, 40–100 (68.75) long. Lemnisci 2370–2420 (2395) long. Reproductive tract 1.65–2.55 long, consist of vagina with two sphincters, uterus and uterine ball. Eggs elongate-oval, without polar prolongation of fertilization membrane, 56–65 (63.05) × 28–30 (29.66). Fig. 1. Centrorhynchus aluconis from Strix aluco : A — total view, {; B — proboscis, {; C — hooks of a longitudinal row, {; D — egg; E — terminal part of female reproductive system. Рис. 1. Centrorhynchus aluconis от Strix aluco : A — общий вид, {; B — хоботок, {; C — крючья продольного ряда, {; D — яйцо; E — терминальная часть половой системы самки. R e m a r k s. Proboscis of this species is armed with 30–34 longitudinal rows of hooks, 16–17 hooks in a row according to Petrochenko (1958) and Khokhlova (1986). Among them, the first 5–7 hooks are large, with well-developed roots. In the description of Dimitrova and Gibson (2005) which was based on the material from the Natural History Museum (London) from Strix aluco of the United Kingdom , 28–29 longitudinal rows of hooks were indicated, 14–15 hooks in a row, of which the first 4 hooks were large with developed roots. Our material is similar to the specimens described by Dimitrova and Gibson (2005) . The species was described from birds of prey in Europe. It is recorded from birds of the genera Accipiter , Buteo , Strix , Otus , Circus , Haliaetus , Milvus in Europe and Asia. It is found in Ukraine in western marsh harrier Circus aeruginosus 1 , common kestrel Falco tinnunculus 1 , brown owl Strix aluco 2 , ural owl S. uralensis 2 in Zakarpattya Region (Rahiv District — Luch, Lazeschina, V. Bychkov, Ch. Tysa, Tyachiv District — Kireshi), IvanoFrankivsk Region (Nadvornyansk District, Losva), Volyn Region (Lyubeshyv District, Nevir), Dnipropetrovsk Region (Pankovka) ( Ivanitzky, 1940 ; Khohlova, 1986 ; Lisitsyna, 1993 , 2008 , 2014 ).