Mountains of millipedes. The family Odontopygidae in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida) Author Enghoff, Henrik FB09A817-000D-43C3-BCC4-2BC1E5373635 Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 15, DK- 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark. text European Journal of Taxonomy 2022 2022-03-14 803 1 136 journal article 20167 10.5852/ejt.2022.803.1691 af09c8e1-b481-4de0-b9d0-83ba26bf9876 2118-9773 6359066 8B66C8AE-F00A-42F6-9641-26B0ECC49F78 Chaleponcus sergeii sp. nov. A33D4AAF-96E3-40D8-ACA0-7ED685549D87 Figs 5 , 31–33 Diagnosis Resembles species of the C. dabagaensis gropy by having a metaplical shelf ( ms ), but differing from these by not having a ‘metaplical shelf spine’ originating on the shelf. Etymology After Sergei Golovatch, Russian myriapodologist, former resident of ‘Hotel Dolichoiulus’. Material examined (total 12 ♂♂ ) Holotype TANZANIA1 ♂ ; Uluguru Mts , Lupanga , West ; 1900 m a.s.l. ; 1 Jul. 1981 ; M. Stoltze and N. Scharff leg.; under stone ; NHMD 621728 . Fig. 31. Chaleponcus sergeii sp. nov. , holotype, ♂ (NHMD 621728). A–C . First pair of legs.A. Sublateral view. B. Anterior view. C. Ventral view. D . Sternum 9. Abbreviation: CXS =coxosternal setae. Scale bars =0.2 mm. Paratypes TANZANIA1 ♂ ; same collection data as for holotype; 1400 m a.s.l. ; NHMD 621729 1 ♂ ; Uluguru Mts , Lupanga , East ; 1600 m a.s.l. ; 10 Jul. 1981 ; M. Stoltze and N. Scharff leg.; in trunk ; NHMD 621730 1 ♂ ; Morogoro Region , Uluguru South FR, forest above Ukwama village ; 07°11′ S , 36°42′ E ; 1500– 1600 m a.s.l. ; Oct. 1993 ; L. Sørensen leg.; ULU 109; NHMD 621731 2 ♂♂ ; same collection data as for preceding; 1700 m a.s.l. ; Ulu 108; NHMD 621732 1 ♂ ; Morogoro Region , Uluguru South FR , Ukwama / Kimkondo Hill ; 1520 m a.s.l. ; 15 Oct. 1993 ; Louis A. Hansen leg.; NHMD 621733 1 ♂ ; Morogoro Region and district, Bondwa Road , Uluguru FR ; 24 Apr. 1980 ; K.M. Howell leg.; VMNH110630 3 ♂♂ ; Fn forest near Morningside ; 27 Apr. 1980 ; K.M. Howell leg.; KMH 1380 , 1381 , 1382 ; VMNH110631 . Fig. 32. Chaleponcus sergeii sp. nov. , holotype, ♂ (NHMD 621728). A–C . Right gonopod coxa. A. Anterior view. B. Mesal view. C. Posterior view. D . Midbody dorsal limbus. Abbreviations: CU =cucullus; LCS =lateral coxal spine; MP = metaplica; MF =metaplical flange; ms = metaplical shelf; PP = proplica; PPL =proplical lobe. Scale bars: A–C =0.2 mm; D =0.01 mm. Referred non-type specimen TANZANIA1 ♂ ; Uluguru Mts , Lupanga , West ; 1400 m ; 1 Jul. 1981 ; M. Stoltze and N. Scharff leg.; under stone, poorly preserved, esp. gonopods, but apparently this species ; NHMD 621734 . Description (male) SIZE. Length 60–83 mm , diameter 3.8–5.2 mm , 55–62 podous rings, no apodous rings in front of telson. COLOUR. After 37 years in alcohol head and antennae yellowish brown, but head above antennal socket dark brown. Collum marbled brown with dark brown margins, dark margins expanded in midline, especially anterior margin. Body rings and telson milky white, posterior ca 40% of metazonites amber. Legs yellowish. SUPRALABRAL SETAE. 6. MANDIBULAR STIPES. Distal margin bilobed. ANAL VALVES. With dorsal spine, no ventral spine or corner; margins not raised, with three sessile setae. LIMBUS ( Fig. 32D ). With long, weakly striate, rounded-triangular lobes, ca twice as long as broad. LEGS. With narrow ventral pads on postfemora and tibiae from leg-pair 6, pads missing from last several leg-pairs. FIRST PAIR OF LEGS ( Fig. 31A–C ). Prefemoral lobes rounded-triangular in ventral view. Two to three coxosternal setae ( CXS ) close to lateral margin of coxosternum, well separated from prefemoral lobes. Prefemora without setae or peglike sensilla. STERNUM 9 ( Fig. 31D ). Very large, triangular to bell-shaped, apically sometimes with more or less distrinct longitudinal blunt ridge. GONOPOD COXA ( Fig. 32A–C ). Proplica ( PP ) with straight, slightly diverging margins; proplical lobe ( PPL ) hidden in subapical metaplical concavity, not visible in anterior view. Metaplica ( MP ) with large metaplical flange ( MF ) in basal part; mesal margin with large metaplical shelf ( ms ), subapically forming mesad concavity into which proplical lobe projects; cucullus ( CU ) irregularly rectangular, its lateral margin forming a sharp flange basally ending in strong latero-basad, pigmented spine ( lcs ). GONOPOD TELOPODITE ( Fig. 33 ). Arculus 90º. Torsotope ( TT ) compact; a stout post-torsal spine ( PTS ) making a 270° turn around torsotope. Post-torsal narrowing ( PN ) very pronounced. Solenomere ( SLM ) very long, much longer than telomere, slender, making several coils, with a straight, mesad proximal spine ( BSS ) of variable length, distal part of SLM narrowly taeniate, longitudinally fluted. Telomere ( TM ) from a narrow base dividing into three branches: a very small anterior lamella ( tm1 ), a very large main branch ( tm2 ), and a small posterior lamella ( tm3 ) subtending proximal solenomeral spine. Main branch ( tm2 ) first directed mesad, with two pointed mesad lobes ( x , y ), from there flexed laterad, becoming narrower, taeniate, twisted, ending in thin terminal tip. Remarks Identified as Chaleponcus sp. by D. VandenSpiegel (unpublished).