Freshwater fishes of Israel; a revised and updated annotated checklist- 2023 Author Çiçek, Erdoğan Department of Biology, Faculty of Art and Sciences, Nevşehir Hacı BektaşVeli University, Nevşehir, Türkiye Author Fricke, Ronald Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde in Stuttgart, Rosenstein 1, 70191 Stuttgart, Germany Author Sungur, Sevil Health Services Vocational School, Nevşehir Hacı BektaşVeli University, Nevşehir, Türkiye Author Çapar, Osman Bahadir Faculty of Fisheries, Cukurova University, Türkiye Author Golani, Daniel Deparment of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel text Zootaxa 2023 2023-11-13 5369 4 451 484 journal article 278560 10.11646/zootaxa.5369.4.1 8a95fa8d-aaf9-4550-9a5b-0e8408ecb1bd 1175-5326 10146651 62878FA8-7CC7-462C-9FBF-C9BAEF177855 Tristramella sacra ( Günther, 1865 ) [N]—Long jaw tristramella; Tvarnun listani Taxonomy. Original description: Hemichromis sacra Günther, 1865: 493 [Lake Tiberias (Galilée), Israel ; lectotype : BMNH 1864.8.20.1; lectotype selected by Krupp& Schneider, 1989: 402 ].— Israel synonyms: Chromis paterfamilias Lortet, 1876 .—Revisions: None.—Illustration: Tristram (1884 : pl 18, fig. 2); Krupp & Schneider (1989: 402 , fig. 53). Status in Israel . Recorded from Israel in the original description by Günther (1865: 490) as Hemichromis sacra ; subsequently reported by Lortet (1883: 148) and Tristram (1884: 168) as Hemichromis sacra , Steinitz (1953: 218) , Goren (1974: 105) , Goren & Ortal (1999: 4) .—Israel material: HUJ. Distribution and habitat. Distribution in Israel : Lake Tiberias.—Distribution in River Basin: 3-Kinneret Basin.— General distribution: Lake Tiberias.—Distribution in Ecoregion: 438- Jordan River.—Habitat: This species was a lacustrine species. Reproduction occurred in spring (April-July): it was a paternal mouth-brooder. The species feed on zooplankton and small fish. Freshwater. Economic importance. Locally consumed, but of no commercial importance. Conservation. Conservation Status in Israel : Extirpated.—IUCN: EX ( IUCN 2023 ).—Threats: Unknown.—High sensitivity to human activities.—Not considered a keystone species.—Decline status: Extinct.—High priority for conservation action. Remarks. This species is extinct, apparently hybridizied with other species of the family of Cichlidae . Nonetheless, it was reported that this species is still found in Syria . This situation needs to be clarified by field studies and detailed molecular analyses.