Contribution to the knowledge of Chinese Gryllacrididae (Orthoptera) XIX: New supplements to the genus Apterolarnaca Gorochov, 2004 Author Zhang, Qianwen 0000-0001-6856-840X Key Laboratory of Ecology of Rare and Endangered Species and Environmental Protection (Guangxi Normal University), Ministry of Education, Guilin 541006, China. & Guangxi Key Laboratory of Rare and Endangered Animal Ecology, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541006, China. & Zhangqianwen 33 @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 6856 - 840 X Author Luo, Yehong Guangxi Huaping National Nature Reserve Management Office, Guilin 541000, Guangxi, China; Author Bian, Xun Key Laboratory of Ecology of Rare and Endangered Species and Environmental Protection (Guangxi Normal University), Ministry of Education, Guilin 541006, China. & Guangxi Key Laboratory of Rare and Endangered Animal Ecology, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541006, China. text Zootaxa 2023 2023-09-13 5343 6 501 520 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5343.6.1 1175-5326 8345886 E526459C-094A-4CA7-AE1B-3DF44F64C09E Apterolarnaca ( Bianigryllacris ) guizhouensis Zhang & Bian sp. nov. Ḃfflflüdzḋă Figure 16 Description. Male. Body medium. Face with scattered impressed dots ( Fig. 16A ). Fastigium frontis separated from fastigium verticis by a narrow suture. Ocelli indistinct. Pronotum with anterior margin slightly projecting in middle, posterior margin almost straight ( Fig. 16C ); lateral lobes longer than high, ventral margin widely rounded ( Fig. 16D ). Fore coxae swollen with 1 spine ( Fig. 16B ). Fore and middle femora unarmed on ventral surfaces. Fore tibiae with 4 pairs of spurs and 1 pair of apical spurs on ventral surface; middle tibiae with 3 pairs of spurs and 1 pair of apical spurs on ventral surface. Hind femora with 8–10 internal and 2 external spines on ventral surface; tibiae with 2–4 internal and 4 external spines on dorsal surface, apices with 1 pair of dorsal spines and 2 pairs of ventral spines. Second and third abdominal tergites each with two rows of stridulatory pegs ( Fig. 16E ). Posterior margin of eighth abdominal tergite prolonged to backwards, arched ( Fig. 16H ). Posterior margin of ninth abdominal tergite furrowed in middle area ( Fig. 16J ), posterior margin with triangular concavity ( Fig. 16F ), the lateral lobes with basal area swollen and ventral angles extended into a short spine which curved dorsad ( Fig. 16L ). Subgenital plate transverse, apical area with nearly U-shaped concavity ( Fig. 16I ), the lateral lobes prolonged into a long lobe which obviously longer than other species of the genus and depressed ( Fig. 16J ). Female. Unknown. Coloration. Body yellow brown. Dorsal surface of body with longitudinal black band along the midline from apex of fastigium verticis to posterior margin of ninth abdominal tergite, the band obviously widened at posterior margin of head. Margins of thoracic tergites black. Face with 1 longitudinal black stripe. Front-clypeal sulcus black with 1 pair of black spots ( Fig. 16A ). Genae with a short longitudinal black stripe below eyes. Flagellum black. Apical areas of all femora blackish. Basal and apical areas of all tibiae black. Material examined. Holotype : male, Nayong , Guizhou , July 23, 2023 , coll. by Yao Zhang . Paratype : 1 male , Nayong , Guizhou , July 26, 2023 , coll. by Yao Zhang . Measurements (mm). Male: BL 16.9–17.2, PL 3.63–4.00, HFL 7.5–7.7. Distribution. Guizhou (Nayong). Discussion. The new species differs from other species of Apterolarnaca ( Bianigryllacris ) in male ninth abdominal tergite with 1 spine on ventro-angles which curved dorsad, male subgenital plate with a long apical lobe on each side which depressed and directing dorsad. Etymology. The new species is named after the type locality.