Chlamydastis Meyrick of Costa Rica: barcodes, biology, and descriptions of 36 new species (Lepidoptera: Depressariidae) Author Phillips-Rodríguez, Eugenie Dry Forest Conservation Fund, Sector Santa Rosa, Área de Conservación Guanacaste, phillipsrodriguez @ gmail. com urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: E 798045 C-A 872 - 4 F 6 A- 82 F 4 - 5 AC 78 A 04 DDA 3 Author Brown, John W. National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution Washington, DC, 20013 - 7012, USA tortricidae. jwb @ gmail. com urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 3 C 52 FC 4 E-E 988 - 4 AD 6 - B 0 D 1 - 9 A 5 CA 74 CB 24 C Author Hallwachs, Winnie Department of Biology, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA Author Janzen, Daniel H. Department of Biology, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA text Insecta Mundi 2021 2021-05-28 2021 868 1 96 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5042023 1942-1354 5042023 1738B3CE-22AC-409B-9B04-DAD91322B278 Chlamydastis vitorbeckeri Phillips and Brown , new species Figures 46 , 85 , 119 , 134 Holotype . Male , Costa Rica , Guanacaste , ACG, Sector Rincón Rain Forest , Sendero Tucán , 410 m , 3.viii.2011 , A. Cordoba , 11-SRNP-43642, GenBank accession code MH827055 ( USNM ). Paratypes ( 10♂ , 3♀ ). See Appendix 1. Diagnosis. Chlamydastis vitorbeckeri is superficially most similar to C. noramartinae . Both are relatively small species with a distinctly two-toned pattern: yellow in the basal 0.33 and brown in the distal 0.66 ( Fig. 45, 46 ), with a narrow cream dividing line, and a copper, crescent-shaped patch in the termen. In addition, males of both have a conspicuously long, bushy haripencil from the end of the abdomen, and lack the long sensory setae of the antennae present in all other species groups. The male genitalia of C. vitorbeckeri can be distinguished by a broad, round tegumen lacking an uncus, and the absence of a gnathos. Description. MALE ( Fig. 46 ). Head . Frons cream, vertex cream with lateral tufts of brown scales; labial palpus cream intermixed with brown scales, a broad brown lateral band ca. 0.3 distance form base of second segment; antenna with extremely short, sparse sensory setae. Thorax . Tegula and dorsum ocherous with a narrow anterior brownish band. FW length 6.1–6.8 mm ; FW with basal 0.33 yellow with a white outer line, distal 0.66 brown with faint longitudinal reddish ocherous subcircular patch in terminal area. HW brown. Abdomen . Externally brown. Internally with long sheathlike hairpencil in middle of posterior 0.25–0.33 of abdomen. Genitalia ( Fig. 85 ) with tegumen broad and rounded dorso-posteriorly, with uncus absent; gnathos absent; valva extremely short, with rounded-subtriangular basal portion and slender dorsal portion, weakly crescent-shaped, fused with lateral parts of tegumen; specialized setae divergent from rounded lobe at distal end of dorsal portion of valva fused to tegumen; lateral processes of juxta extremely long and slender; phallus moderately long, with a slender, elongate, subdistal cornutus and a weakly sclerotized distal point. FEMALE. Head and Thorax . Essentially as described for male, except FW length 7.1–7.3 mm . Abdomen . Genitalia ( Fig. 119 ) with papillae anales narrowed and diverging posteriorly; ductus bursae extremely long, slender; corpus bursae rounded with small mustache-shaped signum, attenuate at each end and constricted in middle, spiny throughout with fewer spines medially. DNA barcodes. The 28 barcode sequences of C. vitorbeckeri form a uniform BIN (BOLD:AAA0071) with an average distance of 0.09% among the sequences and a distance of 1.44% to its nearest neighbor, BIN BOLD:ACE5261 (n = 4), which is most likely another species that we are unable to distinguish based on morphology. For purposes of this revision, we include only BIN BOLD:AAA0071 in our circumscription of C. vitorbeckeri . Distribution. In Costa Rica , C. vitorbeckeri has been recorded from low and middle elevations in the rain forest of ACG. Biology. In contrast to most Chlamydastis whose larvae feed primarily on Sapotaceae , the larvae of Chlamydastis vitorbeckeri have been reared only from Melastomataceae : Adelobotrys adscendens (Sw.) Triana (n = 6), Conostegia xalapensis (Bonpl.) D. Don ex DC. (n = 23), Miconia argentea (Sw.) DC. (n = 8), Miconia affinis DC. (n = 5), Miconia trinervia (Sw.) D. Don ex Loudon (n = 8), and Topobea maurofernandeziana Cogn. (n = 2) ( Table 1 ). Immature stages ( Fig. 134 ). Head capsule orange; prothoracic shield pale orange; T2 pale green; T3 brown; A1– A7 pale green with light brown bands centered in each segment; caudal segments greenish with narrow, lateral brownish bands. Parasitoids . In ACG the following parasitoids have been reared from C. vitorbeckeri : Hymenoptera : Braconidae : Microgastrini : Apanteles deifiliadavilae (n = 6, e.g., DHJPAR0051080), Hypomicrogaster Whitfield 11. Etymology. Chlamydastis vitorbeckeri is named in honor of Vitor Becker, our Brazilian colleague and friend, in recognition of his taxonomic contributions to the national biodiversity inventory of Costa Rica . Vitor first recognized this species as new, labeling it as an unidentified Chlamydastis in the USNM collection. Ronaldzunigai Species Group The Ronaldzunigai Species Group is composed of two Costa Rican species, C. ronaldzunigai and C. munifigueresae . With male forewing lengths of about 5.0 mm, the two are the smallest species of Chlamydastis in Costa Rica . They share similar male genitalia with an extremely long uncus, and a long, slender, free, rodlike sacculus. The forewing pattern is somewhat two-toned with the basal 0.4 uniform pale cream and the distal 0.6 darker, frequently with pattern elements.