The genus Afrosyrphus Curran (Diptera, Syrphidae), with a description of a new species Author Mengual, Ximo A509310D-B567-4830-B8A4-BCB139BB8768 Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, Leibniz-Institut für Biodiversität der Tiere, Adenauerallee 160, D- 53113 Bonn, Germany. Falkenweg 6, 53343 Wachtberg, Germany. Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids and Nematodes, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, K. W. Neatby Building, 960 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, K 1 A 0 C 6, Canada. Department of Biology, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, K 1 S 5 B 6, Canada. Naturalis Biodiversity Center, P. O. Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, the Netherlands. Finnish Museum of Natural History, Zoology unit, Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 13, P. O. Box 17, FI- 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland. Author Ssymank, Axel 58B9D453-586C-4B08-BAD6-BCC606E3D654 Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, Leibniz-Institut für Biodiversität der Tiere, Adenauerallee 160, D- 53113 Bonn, Germany. Falkenweg 6, 53343 Wachtberg, Germany. Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids and Nematodes, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, K. W. Neatby Building, 960 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, K 1 A 0 C 6, Canada. Department of Biology, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, K 1 S 5 B 6, Canada. Naturalis Biodiversity Center, P. O. Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, the Netherlands. Finnish Museum of Natural History, Zoology unit, Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 13, P. O. Box 17, FI- 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland. Author Skevington, Jeffrey H. 7731BE76-3A89-4F55-8362-07CBE2F99136 Author Reemer, Menno 9086F7C0-622F-4E5F-BDEB-14E71A027BEE Author Ståhls, Gunilla D19B1262-503A-48E2-91AE-F99D0F2EA3A3 text European Journal of Taxonomy 2020 2020-04-27 635 1 17 journal article 22443 10.5852/ejt.2020.635 65a16a5a-387d-46c2-93e9-1f0ac7e27896 3778829 AACC0A19-AB11-42E7-9ADA-8BBFB0B656DF Afrosyrphus varipes Curran, 1927 Figs 1–2 , 3A, C , 4A, D , 5A , C–E, 6 Afrosyrphus varipes Curran, 1927: 50 (type locality: Kisangani [=Stanleyville], Democratic Republic of the Congo ; holotype , ♂, AMNH, by monotypy). Differential diagnosis This species can be distinguished from A. schmuttereri sp. nov. as stated in the identification key. Overall a smaller species with slightly narrower abdomen, paler pilosity on calypter fringe, scutum and abdominal segments, and male frontal triangle with pale pruinosity along eye margin ( Fig. 4D ). Male genitalia as in Fig. 5 C–E, with ventrally pointed surstyli and postgonites with a large triangular posterodorsal process (see also Vockeroth 1969 : fig. 29). Females are also lighter than in A. schmuttereri sp. nov. Tergite 2 is entirely orange in A. varipes (with posterior black fascia in A. schmuttereri sp. nov. ), the femora are only slightly darker than the tibiae (femora darker than tibiae in A. schmuttereri sp. nov. ), and the face is pale in background colour (black in A. schmuttereri sp. nov. ). Both sexes have similar hind legs. The hind first tarsomere (= metabasitarsomere) appears dark and bristly due to the presence of long, black pile ( Fig. 5A ). Material examined Holotype DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO ; Tshopo Province , Kisangani [= Stanleyville]; 1° N , 25.1667° E ; ca 460 m a.s.l. ; Mar. 1915 ; Lang and Chapin leg.; based on image at http://research.amnh. org/iz/types_db/details.php?specimen_id=2410; AMNH . Other material CAMEROON1 ♂ , 2 ♀♀ ; Adamaoua Province , Ngaoundéré , Ranch de Ngaoundaba ; 7.12944° N , 13.69556° E ; 1265 m a.s.l. ; 12 May 2006 ; A. Ssymank leg.; specimen identifiers: ZFMK-DIP-00015968 to 00015970 ; ASPC 1 ♀ ; same collection data as for preceding; specimen identifier: ZFMK- DIP-00015971 ; GenBank: MN662551 ; ZFMK . DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO1 ♂ ; Tshopo Province , Yambuya ; 1.263669° N , 24.552813° E ; ca 400 m a.s.l. ; 24 Nov. 1913 ; J. Bequaert leg.; specimen identifier: USNM ENT 00114576; USNM 1 ♂ ; North Kivu Province , P.N. Albert , Lesse ( near Tungudu ); 0.75° N , 29.8° E ; 760 m a.s.l. ; 21 Jul. 1914 ; J. Bequaert leg.; specimen identifier: RMCA ENT 000034062 ; RMCA . UGANDA1 ♀ ; Central Region , Entebbe , Kisubi Forest ; 0.11928° N , 32.52831° E ; ca 1160 m a.s.l. ; 24 Apr. 1976 ; M. Paulus leg.; specimen identifier: CNC DIPTERA 102962 ; GenBank: MN662560 ; CNC . Genetics A total of two specimens was successfully sequenced, one sequence with a length of 627 bp ( ZFMK- DIP-0001597, Genbank: MN662551 ) and another one 307 bp long ( CNC DIPTERA 102962 , Genbank: MN662560 ). The obtained COI sequences have an uncorrected pairwise distance of 0.33% and differ by 5.54–6.54% from the COI sequences obtained for A. schmuttereri sp. nov. Distribution This species has previously been recorded from Cameroon ( Ssymank 2012 ), DRC ( Curran 1927 , 1938b ), Angola and South Africa ( Smith & Vockeroth 1980 ) (see also Dirickx 1998 ). No specimens from the latter two countries were studied by the present authors, as Smith & Vockeroth (1980) did not provide any information about the records. Here, we present the first records from Uganda . The material from Kenya collected and studied by Schmutterer (1974) was originally identified as A. varipes , but it belongs to A. schmuttereri sp. nov. Consequently, the presence of A. varipes in Kenya needs confirmation, as well as its presence in Angola and South Africa . MtDNA COI barcodes The topology of the tree with the highest likelihood ( Fig. 6 ) compared favourably with the Neighbor- Joining tree (not shown). A total of seven specimens were successfully sequenced. The obtained COI sequences have an uncorrected pairwise distance of 0.08–1.52% among the specimens of A . schmuttereri sp. nov. , 0.33% between the two specimens of A. varipes and 5.54–6.54% between the two species of Afrosyrphus .