Systematics of the New Zealand Weevil Etheophanus Broun (Curculionidae: Molytinae) Author Davis, Steven R. Author Brav-Cubitt, Talia Author Buckley, Thomas R. Author Leschen, Richard A. B. text Zootaxa 2019 2019-01-08 4543 3 341 374 journal article 27700 10.11646/zootaxa.4543.3.2 7520908e-3595-4ed3-96f8-9a0fffb45439 1175-5326 2617841 58142B27-5E25-46EE-A1B0-71BB31DFB3E2 Etheophanus nitidellus Broun ( Figs 1B , 2B , 3B , 4 , 5B, 5F , 8 , 9 ) Etheophanus nitidellus Broun, 1923 : 701 . Type locality: Mount Alfred. Etheophanus obscurus Broun, 1923 : 701 . Type locality: Harris Saddle, southwest Otago . New Synonymy. Diagnosis. Dorsal surfaces apunctate, alveolate microsculpture present, primary dorsal setae adpressed. Pronotal vibrissae present. Procoxa without semi-lamellate process. Eighth sternite of male with each sclerite bearing ca. 6 or 7 setae along apical margins; spiculum relictum slender. Aedeagus with setae present at apex of parameroid lobes; median lobe in dorsal view narrowing to subrounded, and slightly blunted apex with simple edges, in lateral view narrow and elongate and strongly curved ventrally near apex; apico-lateral margin of median lobe bearing a bundle of ca. 6 setae at each corner. Female tergite VIII apically subrounded; eighth sternite with arms of base parallel-sided, apices with 6–7 setae. Gonostylus with 5 apical setae. Spermatheca falciform without globular base. FIGURES 8A–D . Etheophanus nitidellus , male terminalia. A, aedeagus, dorsal view; B, aedeagus, lateral view; C, tegmen, dorsal view; D, sternites VIII and IX, showing spiculum relictum. FIGURES 9A–D. Etheophanus nitidellus , female terminalia. A, sternite VIII; B, tergite VIII; C, gonocoxites; D, spermatheca. Comments. Broun based the description of E. nitidellus on a single specimen that we confirmed as the holotype collected from Mount Alfred located north of Glenorchy. Immediately following this description, Broun described a second species from Harris Saddle, also located north of Glenorchy, that we we confirmed as the holotype of E. obscurus , and with the comment “this obscurely coloured species is separable by the elytral sculpture.” The differences among the specimens are well within the range of variation present in E. nitidellus and we consider the two as synonymns. Distribution. South Island: MK, OL, WD, FD, SI. Type material examined. E. nitidellus : Holotype ( BMNH ): card-mounted, “ Type [round label with red border] // 4310 [ Broun number in pencil, unknown hand] // New Zealand . [red underline] Broun Coll. Brit. Mus. 1922-482. // Mount Alfred. 3.2.1914 . [in Broun’s hand] // Etheophanus nitidellus . [in Broun’s hand] // HOLOTYPE [printed] Etheophanus nitidellus Broun, 1923 det. R. Craw , 1987 [in Craw’s hand on orange dayglow label]”. E. obscurus : Holotype ( BMNH ): card-mounted, “ Type [round label with red border] // 4311 [ Broun number in pencil, unknown hand] // New Zealand . [red underline] Broun Coll. Brit. Mus. 1922-482. // Harris Saddle. 12.2.1914 . [in Broun’s hand] // Etheophanus obscurus . [in Broun’s hand] // HOLOTYPE [printed] Etheophanus obscurus Broun, 1923 det. R. Craw , 1987 [in Craw’s hand on orange dayglow label]” . Dissected material (NZAC). South Island. WD/OL. Haast Pass summit, 560 m , 27 Jan 1978 , G. Kuschel , litter, ground plants, and decayed wood ( 1 male ). WD . Haast Pass W. of summit, 550m , 24 Jan. 1978 , G. Kuschel , sifted litter and rotten wood, 78/52 ( 1 male ); Simonin Pass , W. Olivine Rd , 1067m , FD , 27 Jan. 1975 , G.W. Ramsay , litter in Nothofagus forest, 75/38 ( 1 male ). FD . Secretary 1, Grono Bay , 26–30 Nov. 1981 , C.F. Butcher , pan trap ( 1 female , dissected); Lake Monowai , 700', 30 Jan. 1962 , J.I. Townsend ( 1 female , dissected, NZAC ) .