New species of Colombian Triplocania Roesler (Psocodea: ‘ Psocoptera’: Ptiloneuridae) Author González-Obando, Ranulfo Author Carrejo-Gironza, Nancy Author García, Alfonso N. text Zootaxa 2017 2017-10-16 4336 1 1 113 journal article 31767 10.11646/zootaxa.4336.1.1 5b73da75-c73d-4433-88c8-e7c2a7f8cff6 1175-5326 1035261 FA65E14F-102F-4FF1-B8D5-D7E0C9126878 Triplocania sarriae n. sp. Female ( Figs 347–352 ) Diagnosis. Related to T. otunquimbayaensis n. sp. , from which it differs in the shape of the areola postica, in having the forewing M forked only once, and in having the ninth sternum distinct, with the posterior processes longer ( Fig. 352 ). Color (in 80% ethanol). Body pale brown. Compound eyes brown; ocelli hyaline, with ochre centripetal crescents. Head pale brown, pattern ( Fig. 349 ); genae ochre; antennae with scape and pedicel pale brown. Maxillary palps pale brown, Mx4 darker distally. Thorax pale brown. Legs pale brown, coxae cream. Forewing pattern ( Fig. 347 ). Hindwings mostly hyaline, pattern as illustrated ( Fig. 348 ). Abdomen pale cream, with subcuticular brown spots. Subgenital plate cream, with pale brown, V-shaped pigmented area; IX sternum dark brown, with sides more pigmented; gonapophyses pale brown; clunium brown; paraprocts and epiproct pale brown. Morphology. As in diagnosis, plus the following: Head ( Fig. 349 ): H/MxW: 1.65; H/D: 2.56, IO/MxW: 0.65, MxW/IO: 2.41. Vertex emarginate, slightly above the upper border of the compound eyes. Outer cusp of lacinial tip broad, with five denticles. Mx4/Mx2: 1.20. Forewings ( Fig. 347 ): L/W: 2.58, pterostigma: lp/wp: 5.13; areola postica high, la/ha: 1.77, Cu1a gently concave. Hindwings ( Fig. 348 ): l/w: 2.94. Subgenital plate ( Fig. 351 ) triangular, densely setose. Gonapophyses ( Fig. 352 ): v1 elongate, stout, acuminate, about 2/3 the length of v2 +3; this proximally wide, with short heel, four setae on v2 ; distal process long, straight, acuminate, with microsetae. IX sternum ( Fig. 352 ). Paraprocts ( Fig. 350 ) triangular, posterior margin widely rounded, with setae as illustrated; sensory fields with 28 trichobothria on basal rosettes. Epiproct triangular ( Fig. 350 ), with anterior border slightly concave in the middle; setae as illustrated. Measurements. FW: 4425, HW: 3085, F: 1175, T: 1900, t1: 875, t2: 75, t3: 150, Mx4: 300, ctt1: 28, IO: 425, D: 420, d: 302, IO/d: 1.40, PO: 0.72. Material studied. Holotype female. COLOMBIA . Valle del Cauca . Buenaventura, Alto Anchicayá , 3º26’N : 76º48’W , 900 m . , 17.VII.2001 , S. Sarria. Malaise trap . MAH . Etymology. This species is dedicated to Stella Sarria, biologist of the Natural National Park Farallones, collector of the holotype .