The female velvet ants (aka modkhong) of southern Thailand (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae), with a key to the genera of southeast Asia Author Williams, Kevin A. Author Lelej, Arkady S. Author Okayasu, Juriya Author Borkent, Christopher J. Author Malee, Rufeah Author Thoawan, Kodeeyah Author Thaochan, Narit text Zootaxa 2019 2019-05-07 4602 1 1 69 journal article 26916 10.5281/zenodo.2669927 f32a6f5a-0c9f-43c4-a273-4bc325ece96e 1175-5326 2669927 F066A962-743F-4899-AFAE-485C5A51EF2F Genus 25. Orientidia Lelej, 1996 Diagnosis. FEMALE. The following combination of characters separates Orientidia from other Oriental mutillid genera: the scutellar scale is present; the T2 disc has two laterally situated setal spots; and T6 lacks a defined pygidium. Other diagnostic features are listed by Lelej (1996c). MALE. See Lelej (1996c). Diversity and Distribution. Seven eastern Oriental species are recognized ( Lelej 2005 ). Remarks. Nearly 60 ♀ of Orientidia were collected during the 2017 and 2018 expeditions. This genus was most commonly encountered at forest edges or vegetated plantations. More than any other females, Orientidia were found crawling on vegetation above ground, which makes sense given their undefined pygidium (a trait associated with attacking above-ground cavity nesting hosts).