False spider mites of the genus Pentamerismus McGregor (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) from Iran Author Khanjani, Mohammad Author Gotoh, Tetsuo text Zootaxa 2008 1768 52 60 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.182089 49f4be80-cb30-42e6-8d66-185abd4eba98 1175-5326 182089 Pentamerismus judiciarus Den Leon 1961 ( Figs. 17–24 ) Pentamerismus judiciarus Den Leon 1961 : 177 . Pentamerismus judiciarus Den Leon, Meyer, 1979 : 130 . FEMALE (n = 1). Color in life red. Idiosoma is broadly oval. Measurements of Iranian specimens as follows: Length of body (excluding gnathosoma) 274; (including gnathosoma) 321; width 188; length of leg I 129; leg II 120; leg III 96 , leg IV 102. Dorsum. Anterior margin of prodorsal shield deeply notched medially ( Fig. 17 ). The first ( ve ) and second ( sci ) pairs of prodorsal setae are leaf-like and less than half distance between bases of ve - ve setae whereas third pair ( sce ) are slightly serrate, and about half as long as ve and sci , and is less than a fourth distance vesci . Prodorsum lineate medially and few striae laterally, area posteriad of sejugal suture with transverse lines ( Fig. 17 ); Opisthosoma convex lineate; pores present. Dorso-centeral setae minute and dorso-lateral setae leaf-like; lengths of dorsal setae ve 18, sci 17, sce 9, c1 8, c 2 7, c 3 11, d1 5, d2 5, d3 21, e1 5 , e3 20 , f2 19, f3 19, h1 17, h2 19; distances between dorsal setae; ve-ve 43, ve-sci 36, sci – sci 97, sce-sce 143, sci-sce 36, c1-c1 36, c1- c2 33, c2-c3 34, c2-c2 100, c3-c3 178, c1-d1 41, c2-d2 42, c3-d3 50, d1-d1 43, d1-d2 46, d2-d3 30, d2-d2 123, d3-d3 198, d1- e 1 43, e1-h1 75, e1- e 1 27, e3-e3 177 e3-f2 27, d3- e 3 24, e1-f2 70, f2- e 3 26, f2-f2 162, f2-f3 29, f3-f3 126, f3-h2 29, h1-h1 34, h1-h2 34, h2-h2 90, f2-f3 33, e3-f2 28, e1-h1 79. FIGURES 17–24. Pentamerismus judiciarus DeLeon (female): 17. dorsum; 18. venter 19. palp; 20. infracapitulum; 21. leg I; 22. leg II; 23. leg III; 24. leg IV. Ve n t e r . Intercoxal setal area almost smooth and area posteriad of 4a setae with few broad striae; length of setae la 62, 1 b 20, 1 c 12, 2 b 64, 2 c 17, 3a 73, 3 c 14, 4a 77 and 4c 14. Intercoxal setae 1a, 3a, 4a and coxal seta II 2 b long, about six times longer than aggenital setae ( ag ). Pregenital and genital shields almost smooth ( Fig. 18 ); aggenital ( ag ) 11 setae sparsely barbed and about as long as genital setae ( g1-2 ); inner pair ( g1 ) posteriad of outer pair ( g2 ); anal setae ( ps1-3 ) shorter than genitals ( g1-2 ), setae g1 12, g2 11, ps1 10, ps 2 10, ps3 10. Distances: ag-ag 29, g1-g1 26, g2-g2 48, g1-g2 12. Gnathosoma . Rostrum extending beyond distal end of femur I ( Fig. 20 ); palps 5 segmented, with one solenidion and two eupathidia distally; second palpal segments with two setae, fourth segment with one dorsal seta ( Fig. 19 ). Legs. Legs are rather short, about one third length of the idiosoma. The counts for the legs setae and solenidia (in parentheses): coxae 3-2-1-1; trochanters 1-1-2-1; femora 4-4-2-1; genua 3-3-1-0; tibiae 4- 4-2-2; tarsi 8(1) - 8(1) -5-4. Dorsal setae stouter and serrated ( Figs. 21–24 ). Femur I with one dorsal seta leaf-like and another one minute and serrate and two ventral setae ( Fig. 21 ). Tarsal claws hooked-like. Material examined. One female, 12 October , 1995, was collected from Juniperus polycarpus L., Behshahr, Mazandaran, Iran ; by H. Barimani Varandi. Remarks. The Iranian specimens exhibit all characters of P. judiciarus Den Leon, 1961 however the opisthosomal pores clearly present, fourth segment of palp with rather long seta; femur II with one leaf like and one setiform dorsal seta. Also, in the original description, was illustrated propodosoma contact with hysterosoma, but we observed transverse lines between propodosoma and hysterosoma. In the type specimens prodorsum are rugose but looks faint of the Iranian specimen.