Katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) of Gorongosa National Park and Central Mozambique Author Naskrecki, Piotr Author Guta, Ricardo text Zootaxa 2019 2019-10-04 4682 1 1 119 journal article 25307 10.11646/zootaxa.4682.1.1 3981e1e7-9d35-4f45-857c-da0bca835157 1175-5326 3472787 430B98EF-BFCB-4608-A562-DEFA9539C8B2 Cymatomerella spilophora (Walker, 1870) http://lsid.speciesfile.org/urn:lsid: Orthoptera .speciesfile.org:TaxonName:4402 ( Figs. 24 F–J, 57G–L) Diagnostic remarks. This cryptically grey-brown katydid can be recognized by the cuticle of the legs and thorax covered with dense dark dots ( Fig. 24J ), flattened femora with broad lobes on their ventral margins, and aposematically colored, yellow- and black-banded abdomen ( Fig. 24I ). From Cymatomer denticollis it differs in the lack of two distinct lobes on the dorsal edge of mesothoracic femora ( Fig. 24G ), distinctly more curved ovipositor, and the abdominal sterna without the aposematic red coloration ( Fig. 24H ). Bioacoustics. Males of C. spilophora produce two types of calls, which they sometimes combine. Early in the evening (and sometimes during the day) the call is usually in the form of short, 2– 2.6 s bursts of syllables at the rate of 9–10 syllables/s; mean syllable duration is 0.05413 s (SD=0.005331, n=38); the peak frequency of the call is 8.7–10.8 kHz ( Figs. 57 G–I). Later at night the call often turns into a long, uninterrupted train of single syllables, produced at the rate of 2–3 syllables/s, with each syllable 0.1511 s long (SD=0.01996, n=28) ( Fig. 57 J–L). FIGURE 23. Mozambican Pseudophyllinae : A. Acauloplax exigua , male, dorsal view; B. ditto, female, lateral view; C. ditto, male subgenital plate; D. male cerci; E. Zabalius ophthalmicus , male, dorsal view; F. ditto, lateral view; G. ditto, male subgenital plate; H. ditto, male, frontal view. FIGURE 24. Mozambican Cymatomerini : A. Cymatomera deticollis , female, dorsal view; B. ditto, metathoracic femur, lateral view; C. ditto, female, ventral view; D. ditto, female in threat display; E. ditto, pronotum, dorsal view; F. Cymatomerella spilophora , female, dorsal view; G. ditto, metathoracic femur, lateral view; H. ditto, female, ventral view; I. ditto, male in threat display; J. ditto, pronotum, dorsal view Distribution and natural history. C. spilophora occurs across East and southern Africa, having been recorded from Tanzania ( Sjöstedt 1913 ), Mozambique ( Chopard 1935 ), Zambia , Zimbabwe , and South Africa (specimens in Material examined). Like Cymatomera denticollis , it is associated with open woodlands and these two species often occur sympatrically. C. spilophora also exhibits a similar defensive behavior, fanning its wings and displaying an aposematically colored abdomen if disturbed. Measurements ( 1 male , 3 females ). body w/wings: male 57, female 64; body w/o wings: male 45, female 39; pronotum: male 9, female 9–10 (9.5.7); tegmen: male 46, female 49–50 (49.5.7); hind femur: male 20, female 23; ovipositor: 20 mm . Material examined ( 56 specimens ). Tanzania : Lukuledi , (-10.56, 38.8)— 1 female ( holotype of Cymatomera cornuta Sjöstedt, 1913 ) ( NHRS ) ; East Africa [probably Tanzania]— 1 female ( holotype ) ( BMNH ) ; Mozambique : Cabo Delgado , Macomia , Quirimbas N.P. , Muanona , elev. 124 m ( -12.15117 , 40.19542 ), 24–25.i.2014 , coll. P. Naskrecki , H. Farooq , B. Nassongole— 2 females , 3 males ( MCZ ) ; Manica , Sussundenga , Nhahomba Ranger Station , Mussapa , elev. 606 m ( -19.585799 , 33.084969 ), 26.xi.–2.xii.2018 , coll. P. Naskrecki & M. Tomás— 1 female ( EOWL ) ; Sofala , Beira , ( -19.8436111 , 34.8388889 ), 22.vi.1973 , coll. H.D. Brown— 1 female ( SANC ) ; Cheringoma , Coutada 12, Chironde camp, elev . 156 m ( -18.32780 , 35.35799 ), 25.iii.–4.iv.2017 , coll. P. Naskrecki, J. Guyton & M. Castene— 1 female ; Coutada 12, rd. to Mungari, elev. 164 m ( -18.32796 , 35.35772 ), 2.iv.2017 , coll. M. Castene— 1 female ; Gorongosa , GNP, Chitengo-Vinho road, ( -18.992 , 34.3526 ), 14.iii.2015 , coll. R. Guta— 1 female ; GNP, Wilson Laboratory , ( -18.977761 , 34.35115 ), 15–30.xi.2016 , coll. P. Naskrecki— 1 male ; GNP, Picada 1, nr. big pan, elev . 20 m ( -18.95101 , 34.37322 ), 20.xii.2016 , coll. P. Naskrecki & R. Guta— 1 male ; Gorongosa Dist. , Boa Maria , ( -19.02261 , 34.18074 ), 13.ii.2014 , coll. P. Naskrecki— 1 male ( EOWL ) ; Center for Environmental Conservation , elev. 119 m ( -18.95472 , 34.1775 ), 19–21.ii.2014 , coll. R. Guta & T. Castigo— 1 female ( UEMM ) ; Claud’s Waterfall campsite ( Site 3), elev. 94 m ( -19.03011 , 34.67592 ), 1–6.v.2013 , coll. P. Naskrecki ( Site 3)— 1 female ( MCZ ) ; Wilson Laboratory , GNP, Chitengo , ( -18.97775 , 34.351333 ), 19.iii.–2.iv.2014 , coll. P. Naskrecki & R. Guta— 2 females ( EOWL ) ; GNP, Chitengo , elev. 29 m ( -18.98194 , 34.35122 ), 17.iii.–5.iv.2013 , coll. P. Naskrecki— 4 females ; same locality, 17–31.iii.2013 , coll. P. Naskrecki— 3 females ; same locality, 30.i.–13.ii.2014 , coll. P. Naskrecki— 2 females , 1 male ( MCZ ) ; Gorongosa Distr. , Chitengo , ( -18.981944 , 34.351222 ), 13–31.i.2015 , coll. R. Guta— 2 females ; same locality, 2–28.ii.2015 , coll. R. Guta— 1 female , 2 males ; GRP, E.O. Wilson Lab Chitengo , ( -18.9783 , 34.3514 ), 9.ii.–4.iii.2015 , coll. P. Naskrecki & R. Guta— 4 females ( EOWL ) ; Tete , Cahora Bassa , Brig. Eng. ( 1972–74 ), ( -15.5666667 , 32.8333333 ), ii.1974 , coll. M.C. Ferreira & G.V. Ferreira— 1 male ; Cahora Bassa , Mutarara , (-17.4, 35.1), 8.ii.1974 , coll. M.C. Ferreira & G.V. Ferreira— 1 female ; Cahora Bassa , Songo , Dzunhe , (-15.59, 32.76), iv.1974 , coll. M.C. Ferreira & G.V. Ferreira— 1 male ( UEMM ) ; Zambezi [?Mozambique]— 1 male ( syntype of Cymatomera brancsiki Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1895 ) ( NMW ) ; Republic of South Africa : Malamda (? Mala-mda ), ( -24.8166667 , 31.5666667 ), 28.xii.1987 , coll. M.V. Drimmelen— 1 female ; Mpumalanga , Manoutsa Park , Strijdoms Tunnel , ( -24.45072 , 30.60702 ), 29.v.1976 , coll. M.E. Kieser— 1 female ( SANC ) ; Nelspruit , ( -25.4666667 , 30.9666667 ), ii.1954 1 female ( TMSA ) ; Singeta Game Lodge , Sabi Sand , ( -24.805 , 31.42611 ), 15.iv.1998 , coll. C. Godley— 1 female ( SANC ) ; Transvaal , Ngwenya Lodge , ( -25.41667 , 31.86667 ), iv.1996 , coll. G. Bronner— 1 male ( TMSA ) ; Pietersburg Dist. , Griffin Mine , (-23.9, 29.383333), i.1915 , coll. H.G. Breyer— 1 female ( TMSA ) ; Zambia : Mutambara [Northern Rhodesia], Feb.1921 , coll. J.M. Springer— 1 male ( ANSP ) ; Zimbabwe : Birchenough Bridge , ( -19.9666667 , 32.3333333 ), i.1938 , coll. G. van Son— 1 male ; Umtali , 1906, coll. Campbell— 1 female ( ANSP ) ; Umtali District , ( -18.9666667 , 32.6666667 ), 8.i.1932 , coll. P.A. Sheppard— 1 female ( TMSA ) ; Mashonaland , Umtali , ( -18.9666667 , 32.6666667 ) -., coll. A. Bodong— 1 female ; same locality- 1 male ( SAMC ) ; same locality, xii.1917 , coll. Brauns— 1 female ( TMSA ) .