Supplement to the revision of the genus Brachelytrium Obenberger, 1923 (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Buprestinae: Anthaxiini) Author Bílý, Svatopluk Author Bellamy, Charles L. text Zootaxa 2010 2721 15 27 journal article 46935 10.5281/zenodo.199912 05c8fd25-b639-4c44-a2f3-d25b4f89f0b7 1175-5326 199912 Brachelytrium ( Brachelytrium ) beninense sp. nov. ( Figs. 3 , 11 ) Specimens examined. Holotype , male (NMPC): Benin , Papatia, mi 0 8.2009, sur Acacia sieberiana , J. F. Vayssieres / RVA 2234, J. F. Vayssieres coll.; Allotype, female (NMPC): Benin , Papatia, m 0 2.2009, ex Acacia sieberiana , J. F. Vayssieres / RVA 2233, coll. J. F. Vayssieres; one paratype , female (JVCB): same data as allotype. Diagnosis. Medium-sized ( 4.7–5.8 mm ), moderately convex, subparallel, rather lustrous; dorsal surface dark bronze, anterior portion of frons and genae with purple reflections in both sexes; ventral surface black bronze with purple reflections on lateroventrites; frons with very short, white pubescence (length of setae shorter than diameter of cells), remainder of dorsal surface asetose; ventral surface with indistinct, very short, sparse, white pubescence. Description of the male holotype . Length: 4.7 mm ; width: 1.8 mm . Head relatively small, narrower than anterior pronotal margin; frons flat, anterior margin of frontoclypeus straight; vertex 0.8 times as wide as width of eye; eyes small, reniform, not projecting beyond outline of head; antennae short, reaching mid-length of lateral pronotal margins when laid alongside; scape slightly pyriform, somewhat curved, four times longer than wide; pedicel ovoid, 1.4 times as long as wide; antennomere 3 distally slightly enlarged, 1.2 times as long as wide; antennomeres 4–10 trapezoidal, somewhat wider than long; terminal antennomere rhomboid, slightly longer than wide; sculpture of head consisting of oval cells with large, flat central grains. Pronotum convex, distinctly wider than elytra, 1.9 times as wide as long; lateroposterior depressions shallow, poorly developed; anterior margin deeply, widely emarginate, posterior margin slightly biarcuate; lateral margins widely rounded, maximum width at anterior 1/3; sculpture homogenous, consisting of small, dense, polygonal cells with small, sharp central grains. Scutellum triangular, microsculptured, slightly longer than wide. Elytra subparallel, 1.7 times as long as wide, shortly, obtusely rounded at apical 1/4; humeral swellings small, basal, transverse depression wide, nearly reaching scutellum; epipleuron narrow, extending to apex; transverse depressions well-developed; sculpture fine, punctato-rugose, somewhat denser, granulate at postscutellar portion of disc. Ventral surface matt, finely ocellate; anal ventrite shortly truncate to finely emarginate with shallow depression along entire margin, lateral serration very fine, poorly developed. Legs moderately long, slender; meso- and metatibiae nearly straight without inner serration; tarsal claws very thin, hook-shaped, not enlarged at base. Aedeagus ( Fig. 11 ) flattened, parameres narrowed at posterior half; median lobe sharply pointed apically. Measurements. Length: 4.7–5.8 mm ; width: 1.8–2.0 mm. Sexual dimorphism. Female differs fom male by somewhat narrower pronotum, distally slightly enlarged metatibiae and by more expressed purple reflections on lateroventrites. Bionomy. The type specimens were reared from Acacia sieberiana (Fabaceae) . Etymology. Named after the country of the origin, Benin . Distribution. Benin . Differential diagnosis. Brachelytrium ( B. ) beninense sp. nov. is very similar and probably related with B. ( B. ) mauritanicum sp. nov. differing from it by the frontal and elytral sculpture, less lustrous body, and by the shape of scutellum and tarsal claws (see above).