Six new species of Amblypsilopus Bigot (Diptera: Dolichopodidae: Sciapodinae) and a key to species of the Afrotropical mainland Author Grichanov, Igor Ya. 5320AD3A-92D8-4820-8091-24802F8C8C06 All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection, Podbelskogo 3, St Petersburg, Pushkin, 196608, Russia. text European Journal of Taxonomy 2022 2022-01-25 789 1 49 80 journal article 2400 10.5852/ejt.2022.789.1631 905fc45e-d75c-4b30-bd74-06550e492e6c 2118-9773 5906516 7C7817E9-A9CE-447B-8CDA-249FEDEC74D0 Amblypsilopus milleri sp. nov. 1C5CBD0D-34DE-4714-BF5E-2BF70F5B5A8F Fig. 4 Diagnosis Amblypsilopus milleri sp. nov. is close to A. bevisi in habitus, differing from the latter in the fore tibia and tarsus without erect pectination; the mid femur with at least 3 strong ventral bristles, as long as height of femur ( Fig. 4E ); the cercus elongate, with comb of regular dorsal setae except for distal fifth, with flattened area at tip covered ventrally with microscopic white hairs ( Fig. 4G–H ). Amblypsilopus bevisi is distinguished by the fore tibia and tarsus with erect pectination ( Fig. 3D ); the mid femur with short ventral hairs; the cercus broader at base, narrow apically, with sparse long black setae along entire length, without flattened area at tip (see above) ( Fig. 3F–G ). Etymology The species is named for one of the collectors of the types , Dr R.M. Miller (NMSA). Material examined Holotype SOUTH AFRICA ; S Cape , Diepwalle Forest ; 33°57ʹ S , 23°10ʹ E ; alt. 400 m ; 13 Jan. 1983 ; R.M. Miller leg.; NMSA . Paratypes SOUTH AFRICA1 ♂ , 3 ♀♀ ; Western Cape , Keurbos Forest ; 33°54.435ʹ S , 23°43.714ʹ E ; alt. 500 m ; 28–30 Mar. 2009 ; A.H. Kirk-Spriggs and S. Otto leg.; indigenous montane forest ; Malaise trap ; BMSA . Description Male ( Fig. 4A ) MEASUREMENTS. Body length 6.4 mm ; antenna length 5.1 mm ; wing length 6.3 mm ; wing width 2 mm . HEAD ( Fig. 4B ). Frons greenish black, white pollinose; 1 anterior vertical hair; 1 strong postvertical bristle; upper postocular setae black, short; lateral postocular setae white, uniserial; ventral postcranium covered with long irregular white hairs; face densely silvery-white pollinose, broadest above middle, wider than frons ( 5/4 ), bulging, 1.4 times as wide as high, under antennae about 5 times as wide as postpedicel; clypeus densely covered with short white hairs, projected, wider than high ( 4/3 ), separated from eyes; antenna ( Fig. 4C ) 5/6 as long as body, with orange-brown scape and pedicel; scape swollen, vase-like; pedicel rounded, with ring of short bristles; postpedicel brown, small, conoid, 1.3 times as long as high, with short hairs; arista-like stylus black, apical, glabrous, one-segmented; length (mm) of scape, pedicel, postpedicel, stylus, 0.12/0.11/0.16/4.76; proboscis orange; palpus blackish, with white and brown hairs. THORAX. Mesonotum orange with metallic reflection; scutellum shining greenish blue; pleura brownish orange, white pollinose; metepimeron yellow; 2 strong posterior dorsocentral bristles and 3 hair-like setae anteriorly with strongest posterior pair; acrostichals long and strong, 5 pairs gradually decreasing in size anteriorly; scutellum with 2 strong bristles and 2 minute setae laterally. Fig. 4. Amblypsilopus milleri sp. nov. , holotype, ♂ (A–G: NMSA); paratype, ♂ (H: BMSA). A . Habitus. B . Head. C . Antenna. D . Fore femur and base of fore tibia. E . Mid femur. F . Wing. G . Hypopygium, left lateral view, dry. H . Hypopygium after maceration, left lateral view. LEGS. Mostly yellow; tarsi brownish to brown from tip of basitarsi; fore and mid coxae with white hairs and 2–3 brownish subapical setae; hind coxa with 4–5 fine yellow setae at middle; fore ( Fig. 4D ) and hind legs simple, without remarkable setae or hairs; mid femur ( Fig. 4E ) with posteroventral row of 5–6 fine dark setae, at most as long as femur height; mid tibia with 2 short anterodorsals and 2 short posterodorsals, without ventral setae; mid tarsus simple, cylindrical; femur, tibia and tarsomere (from first to fifth) length ratio (mm): fore leg: 1.63/1.96/3.06/0.74/0.56/0.29/0.13, mid leg: 1.82/2.67/2.31/0.75/0.49/0.29/0.15, hind leg: 2.38/3.54/1.55/0.9/0.54/0.3/0.14. WING ( Fig. 4F ). Almost hyaline, veins brown; R gently curved to M 1 on apical third; M 1+2 almost straight; M 1 with strong elbow, forming obtuse angle with M 2; ratio of parts of costa between R 2+3 and R 4+5 to those between R 4+5 and M 1 , 4/1; crossvein dm-m almost straight; ratio of crossvein dm-m to apical part of M 1+2 (fork-handle) to apical part of M 4 , 73/125/54; anal vein and lobe distinct; anal angle acute; alula present; lower calypter yellow with black apex, with fan of white setae; halter yellow with brownish knob. 4+5 ABDOMEN. Thin, 1.8 times as long as head and thorax combined, with short white hairs and long black marginal setae; segment 1 yellow, with white hairs and setae; unmodified segments mostly orange-brown ( holotype ) or brownish yellow ( paratype ), becoming darker posteriorly, black posteriorly along sutures, shining green dorsally; segments 7 and 8 brownish yellow; segment 8 with short hairs; hypopygium ( Fig. 4G ) yellow; hypandrium brown; cercus yellow, broader at base, narrow apically, about 2 times as long as epandrium, with comb of regular dorsal setae except for distal fifth, with flattened area at tip covered ventrally with microscopic white hairs; surstylus projected, broad and relatively short, subtriangular, with few long dorsal and distal setae; 3 long pedunculate epandrial setae ( Fig. 4H ). Female MEASUREMENTS. Body length 4.2 mm ; antenna length 1.8 mm ; wing length 4.5 mm ; wing width 1.6 mm . Similar to male except lacking male secondary sexual characters. Frons with strong and long anterior vertical seta; face under antennae about 2 times as wide as postpedicel; mesonotum with 6 strong dorsocentrals, without acrostichals; fore basitarsus as long as fore tibia and 2.5 times as long as tarsomere 2. Ecology According to type specimen labels, imagos inhabit mountain forests at 400–500 m above sea level at the southern border of Eastern Cape and Western Cape Provinces of the Republic of South Africa .