Tityus ythieri Lourenço, 2007 is a synonym of Tityus magnimanus Pocock, 1897 (Scorpiones: Buthidae): a combined approach using morphology, hybridization experiments, chromosomes, and mitochondrial DNA Author Kovařík, František Author Šťáhlavský, František Author Kořínková, Tereza Author Král, Jiří Author Ende, Tom van der text Euscorpius 2009 2009-12-31 77 77 1 12 https://mds.marshall.edu/euscorpius/vol2009/iss77/1/ journal article 4295 10.18590/euscorpius.2009.vol2009.iss77.1 ca7c6941-4e88-4a1c-924a-32def88faf29 1536-9307 4649049 8E8E52B3-2846-4B56-9986-0D973B4FBF9E Tityus ( Atreus ) magnimanus Pocock, 1897 Figures 1–19 Tityus magnimanus Pocock, 1897: 514 ; Fet & Lowe, 2000: 249; Kovařík, 2002: 20 ; Lourenço & Bruehmueller Ramos, 2004: 285; Lourenço, 2007a: 376 . Tityus ( Atreus ) magnimanus : Lourenço, 2006: 61 . = Tityus falconensis González-Sponga, 1974: 62 ; Fet & Lowe, 2000: 244; Rojas-Runjaic & De Sousa, 2007: 287 (syn. by Lourenço & Bruehmueller, 2004: 286). Tityus ( Atreus ) falconensis : Lourenço, 2006: 61 ; Lourenço, 2007b: 477 . = Tityus ( Atreus ) ythieri Lourenço, 2007a: 377 ; Lourenço, 2007b: 477 . Syn. n. TYPE LOCALITY AND TYPE DEPOSITORY . Brazil (error, see comments); BMNH ( The Natural History Museum , London , United Kingdom ) . MATERIAL EXAMINED. Venezuela , Falcón Province , 56♂ 42♀ 138 juvs, 2006. Ecuador , Morona-Santiago Province, south of Yaupi , 38♂ 24♀ 86 juvs, direct descendants of the of the holotype female and paratype male of T. ythieri collected by local Indians. Hybrids No. 1, 12♂ 9♀ 2juvs. ( from Venezuela and descendants of the holotype female and paratype male of T. ythieri ), 26 juvs. descendants of the hybrids No. 1. Hybrids No. 2 , 8♂ 5♀ 11juvs. ( from Venezuela and descendants of the of the holotype female and paratype male of T. ythieri ), 21 juvs. descendants of the hybrids No. 2. All specimens were reared by first and fifth authors in 2004–2008, and are in first author’s collection ( FKCP ) . DIAGNOSIS. Adults 45 72 mm long. Females mature after fifth ecdysis; males mature after fourth or fifth ecdysis, which determines their final size. Base color reddish yellow to dark reddish (depending on age), young spotted. Pectinal teeth number 17 23. Subaculear tooth short and strongly spinoid. Basal middle lamella of female pectines dilated. Fixed and movable fingers of pedipalps with 14/16 rows of granules that include external and internal granules. Movable finger with minute basal tubercle in both sexes. Ventral carinae of third and fourth metasomal segments in Y-shaped configuration. Manus of pedipalp narrower in female than in male. Metasoma slightly longer in male than in female.