Revision of Toxomerus Macquart, 1855 (Diptera: Syrphidae) from Brazil with synonymic notes, identification key to the species and description of three new species 2179 Author Borges, Zuleica M. Author Couri, Marcia S. text Zootaxa 2009 2009-08-06 2179 1 72 journal article 1175­5334 Toxomerus procrastinatus Metz ( Figs. 137–139 ) Toxomerus procrastinatus Metz & Thompson, 2001: 228 , 242 (key & descr.). Diagnosis. Face 1/3 as long as eye width, yellow; frontal triangle yellow. Proepimeron yellow; scutum black except broadly yellow laterally; scutellum brown with yellow margins or all brownish, black pilose; anepimeron brownish. Pro and mesofemora yellow, metafemur yellow on basal 1/3 and brown on apical 2/3; pro and meso tibiae yellow, metatibia brownish. Wing extensively microtrichose; alula broader than cell BM appically, microtrichose. Abdomen with yellow maculae on 3 rd and 4 th terga narrow. Surstylus a little concave apically, in lateral view; postanal process 1/3 as long as surstylus; aedeagus enlarged, slightly proeminent dorsally; superior lobe somewhat rounded with dorsal extension, with scattered hairs, longer along anteroventral and ventral margin, with small lobe medio-dorsal with hairs. Female genitalia: 9 th tergum with a somewhat “U” shape black macula; epiproct elliptical; cercus slender; hypoproct somewhat triangular; 9 th sternum as in Fig. 138 ; three oval spermatecae similar in size ( Figs. 137–139 ). Length. Body 9.6–11.5 mm, wing 8.2–9.6 mm. Type material examined . Paratypes . PARAGUAY . Ybycui : Ybycui National Park , , 12–24/IV/1980 , P. J. Spangler et al. ( USNM ) . BRAZIL . Rio de Janeiro : Nova Friburgo , , 1–31/I/1965 , Gred & Guimarães ( USNM ) ; Itatiaia , , IV/1945 , Barreto ( USNM ) ; , I/1948 , C. d’Andretta ( USNM ) . São Paulo : Cantareira , , XI/1946 , Barreto ( USNM ) ; , XI/1946 , M. Carrera ( USNM ) ; Santo Amaro , 3 ♂ , X/1962 , J. Lane ( USNM ) ; Coqueiros , , 10/I/1954 , E. Rabello ( USNM ) ; Rio Claro , , I/1977 , N. Papavero ( USNM ) ; H. Florestal , , XII/1951 , L. Trav. ( USNM ) ; Osasco , , V/1956 , F. Lane ( USNM ) ; Guapiara , , 6/III/1958 , K Lenko ( USNM ) ; Campos do Jordão , 3♂ , , 18/XI/1957 , 20/XI/1957 , 23/XI/1957 , 26/XI/1957 ; K. Lenko ( USNM ) , 5 ♂ , 6 ♀ , 23/IX/1962 , 21/X/1962 , L. Silva & E. Dente ( USNM ) ; Bocaina , , 4/XI/1965 , F. M. Oliveira ( USNM ) ; Santa Catarina : Nova Teutônia , 43 ♂ , 9 ♀ , VI/1964 , IX/1964 , X/1964 ,, XII/1964 ,, I/ 1970 , V/1970 , XI/1971 , V/1972 , F. Plaumann ( USNM ) ; ARGENTINA . Misiones : San Antonio , , XII/1973 , M. Fritz ( USNM ) . Other material examined . BRAZIL . Espírito Santo : Santa Tereza , , II/1972 , H. Ebert ( MNRJ ) . Rio de Janeiro : Itatiaia , , Travassos & Dalcy ( MNRJ ) . São Paulo : Bocaina , 2 ♂ & 2 ♀ , XI/1969 , Alvarenga & Seabra ( MNRJ ) ; , F. M. Oliverira ( MNRJ ) . Geographical record. Southeastern Brazil to Paraguay and Argentina .