Review of Tumidiclava Girault (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) from Xingjiang, China, with description of two new species and taxonomic notes on other Holarctic taxa Author Aishan, Zhulidezi Author Triapitsyn, Serguei V. Author Hu, Hong-Ying text Zootaxa 2015 3949 3 393 407 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3949.3.5 4426b990-142e-41c8-a4d1-e022a9b70557 1175-5326 245817 336861A4-7548-4578-86C1-E3FCEE5904C0 Tumidiclava tenuipenis Lin, 1991 ( Figs 15 –16) Tumidiclava tenuipenis Lin 1991 : 50 , 51 (illustrations). Tumidiclava tenuipenis Lin: Lin 1994 : 88–89 (redescription, illustrations). Tumidiclava tenuipennis [sic] Lin: Noyes 2013 (database). Material examined. CHINA . XINJIANG, Tekesi, 44°58´N , 81°01´E , 27.vii. 2006 , H.-y. Hu group [3♀, ICXU ]. Redescription (based on non-type specimens from Xinjiang). FEMALE. Body brown, except ocelli and eyes red, legs yellow. Body length 0.54–0.65 mm (n = 3). Head brown, subcircular in frontal view; eye 0.61× height of head (0.60–0.62×). Maxillary palp short, 1- segmented. Antenna ( Fig. 15 ) thick, scape 3.3× as long as wide (3.0–3.5×); pedicel narrow, 2.15× as long as wide (2.00–2.32×); club 3-segmented, thick, 2.32× as long as wide (2.13–2.53×), first (basal) segment the shortest, apical segment the longest and with 6 PLS, terminal process as long as second claval segment, its length/club length = 0.108 (4/37). Mesoscutum with reticulate sculpture; midlobe with 4 setae. Fore wing (Fig. 16) relatively broad, 2.38× as long as wide (2.26–2.50×), with a brown area behind apex of submarginal and base of marginal veins; venation short, extending 0.33×FWL, disc densely setae, setae irregularly arranged. Fringe setae short, FWFS /FWW = 0.23 (0.21–0.25). Hind wing with 3 complete linear setal tracks. Metasoma longer than metasoma; ovipositor long and slightly exerted, arising from fourth gastral sternite, ovipositor/hind tibia length = 1.15 (1.00–1.25). MALE. Unknown from Xinjiang but known from Fujian, China . Distribution. China (Xinjiang [new record], Fujian) ( Lin 1991 , 1994 ). Hosts. Unknown. Comments. This species was described originally from the holotype collected in Chongan County, Fujian, China and several paratypes from Fujian. The holotype (not examined) is deposited in the Biological Control Research Institute, Fujian Agricultural College, Fuzhou, Fujian, China ( Lin 1991 ).