Fauna of Ascoidea (except Ameroseiidae) in Guilan province, Iran with two new species record for Iran mites fauna Author Karami, Fatemeh Author Hajizadeh, Jalil Author Ostovan, Hadi Author I, Northern text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2017 2017-12-11 49 2 1309 1321 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5410570 0253-116X 5410570 Zerconopsis remiger (KRAMER , 1876) ( Figs 4-6 ) Female ( one specimen measured) M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Nine female mites, details are available in the checklist part. D o r s a l i d i o s o m a ( Fig. 4 ): Dorsal shield with 560 µm long and 368 µm wide, proximal and lateral sides covered with a distinct reticulated pattern; posterior and central areas with fine irregular network pattern. Anterior dorsal shield with 22 pairs of setae of which one pair is paddle-like, the remainder simple; vertical setae j1 short, each on a tubercle. Posterior dorsal shield with 14 pairs of setae of which two pairs are paddle-like and the remainder simple; J5 are the shortest. V e n t r a l i d i o s o m a ( Fig. 5 ): Tritosternum with short base and pilose laciniae, and flanked by a narrow pair of pre-endopodal shields. Sternal shield with a fine granular pattern and bearing three pairs of simple setae. Genital shield with granular markings, and bearing one pair of setae. Ventrianal shield heavily reticulated and bearing six pairs of simple setae. With six platelets between the genital and ventri-anal shields. Peritrematal shields curving behind coxa IV; peritremes reaching nearly to the vertical setae j1. Metapodal plates conspicuous. With one pair of large, subtriangular metapodal shields. L e g s: Legs I with the tarsus longer than the tibia; claws small, pulvillus short. Tarsus I smooth with fine setae; tibia, genu and femur with majority of setae arising from strong tubercles. Tarsi II-IV with a pair of lanceolate setae; ambulacra with median lobes of pulvilli rounded apically. G n a t h o s o m a: Venter of gnathosoma with rostral and internal palptrochanter setae long, whip-like. All setae on pedipalp simple. Tectum three-pronged. Fixed digit of chelicerae with 2 teeth and a setiform pilus dentilis; movable digit with 2 teeth.