A review of Anapausis Enderlein (Diptera: Scatopsidae) in the Neotropical Region, with four new species and comments on the phylogeny of the genus Author Amorim, Dalton De Souza Author Balbi, Maria Isabel P. A. text Zootaxa 2006 1300 1 29 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.173627 bc7c4215-6044-4a9e-8c41-ba797ada1f07 1175­5326 173627 Anapausis mourei sp. nov. ( Figs. 26–27 ) Material analyzed. HOLOTYPE female, BRASIL , SP, Ribeirão Grande, Parque Estadual Intervales, Malaise Trap T3, 24 º 15’ S, 48º 10’ W , 13–16.xii.2000 , M.T. Tavares & eq. cols. Diagnosis . The female of A. mourei sp. nov. can be immediately recognized by the large, tooth­like, well sclerotized projection mesally on T8+9. Description Male. Unknown. Female. Measurements (in mm). Body length, 2.48; wing length, 1.80; wing width, 0.72. Color. Regularly shining dark brown, with light brown transverse stripe on all femora and tibiae. Head elliptical, macrotrichia covering posterior 3/4 of occiput, microtrichia covering posterior half; eye­bridge complete; flagellum with 8 articles, single regular whorl of setae per flagellomere except for distal one, with 2 whorls; lateral ocelli about twice width of mesal one; no setae on front above antennae; labella small, maxillary palpus well developed, slender to apex, covered with setae and microtrichia, sensory pits and sensillae absent; cardo well developed. Thorax. Antepronotal setae, 32; proepisternals, 10; proepimerals, 8; spiracular sclerite setae, 8; anepisternals, 10/8; katepisternals, 13; mesepimerals, 6/3; merals, 4; subspiraculars, 4; supra­alars, 6; pedicelars, one; a number of longer scutellar setae not in regular row. Wing ( Fig. 26 ). M 1 long, broken at base, not converging basally towards M2; A1 produced; cell m1 with 3 macrotrichia; m2, 15; m4, 17–21; cuA2, 10–15; a1, 4–5. Abdomen. S7 and T7 rectangular, unmodified. Terminalia ( Fig. 27 ). Similar to those of A. clivicola , with pair of small, lateral tubercular projections on S8 with a number of setae, plus additional group of setae more anteriorly. T8+9 with odd mesal, well­sclerotized projection. Terminalia characteristically devoid of microtrichia. Etymology . This species is named after Father Jesus Santiago Moure, eminent Brazilian hymenopterist, who not only contributed to the systematics of the Neotropical bees, but also supervised a number of Brazilian entomologists. FIGURE 26. Anapausis mourei , holotype. Wing. FIGURE 27. Anapausis mourei , holotype. Female terminalia, lateral view. Comments. The presence of the pair of bursae associated with S 8 in the female terminalia is shared with other Neotropical species of the genus. Anapausis mourei sp. nov. is similar to A. clivicola and to A. fuscinervis , as can be inferred from the shape of the maxillary palpus, of the proepimeron, and of the spiracular sclerite. The shape of M 1 in the wing, directed basally toward R5, not toward M1+2, is shared as well with A. clivicola sp. nov. and A. fuscinervis . The very typical sclerotized mesal tooth on the female T8+9 is shared with A. fuscinervis , but the lateral setose lobes on S8 present in A. mourei sp. nov. are shared with A. clivicola sp. nov. , not with A. fuscinervis . The description of the male of A. mourei sp. nov. would help clarify the relationships of these three species within this small clade of the genus.