Notes on some Abacetina (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pterostichini), with descriptions of a new genus and new species Author Fedorenko, D. N. text Russian Entomological Journal 2022 2022-03-31 31 1 15 26 journal article 10.15298/rusentj.31.1.03 0132-8069 10920167 Tiferonia sumatrensis Fedorenko , sp.n. Figs 39 , 42–43, 49, 54–55. MATERIAL. Holotype ( ZISP ), with a handwritten label: ‘ Sumatra / Indrapoera / E. Weyers’ . DIAGNOSIS. A Tiferonia species that shares single supra-ocular seta with T. brunnea and T. trapezicollis sp.n. It is very slightly different from the former chiefly in the pronotum infuscated, almost black ( vs . red), and slightly wider relative to the head (PW/HW 1.86 vs . 1.73), and from the latter in only having the pronotum differently shaped, with basal angles barely more obtuse. DESCRIPTION. As for the previous species except as follows: Body barely slenderer ( Fig. 39 ), BL 3.7 mm . Pronotum reddish along all margins. Head small, eyes rather small and convex; frontal sulci angulate, parallel behind clypeus, then strongly diverging and straight. Labrum apically truncate, with rounded angles. Pronotum quadrate, half wider than long, PW/PL 1.44, almost twice as wide as head, PW/HW 1.86, broadest just behind middle, PLw/PL 0.46, sides rounded, less so in basal half; apical angles slightly acute and a little projecting. Base barely more than half wider than apex, PB/PA 1.56, basal angles slightly obtuse. Basal sulci almost obliterate, hardly traceable as very superficial lines running parallel on second sixth. Median line very fine, obliterate in basal and apical fourths. Elytra: EL/EW 1.46, EW/PW 1.13. Legs: mesotibia with 3 spiniform anterolateral setae. Aedeagus (Figs 42–43, 49, 54–55) similar to that of T. trapezicollis sp.n. NAME. Refers to the type locality of the species. GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. Known from the type locality only. HABITATS AND HABITS. No data.