New State Records and Additions to the Alien Terrestrial Arthropod Fauna in the Hawaiian Islands Author Matsunaga, Janis N. Author Howarth, Francis G. Author Kumashiro, Bernarr R. text Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 2019 51 1 1 71 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.10832895 0073-134X 10832895 Eucorynus crassicornis (Fabricius) NEW STATE RECORD An adult weevil emerged from a Chinese imported garlic bulb purchased from an Oahu supermarket in 2010. According to G.A. Samuelson, a single specimen was turned in to him by W.D. Perreira previous to this collection, in 2005. Additional adults have been found at large in homes that had similar Chinese imported garlic bulbs sitting out on countertops. Specimens have also been found at large associated with Pritchardia palms and rotting Cassia . G.A. Samuelson sent one specimen to Barry Valentine to confirm the identification. The following records are in BPBM: Collection records: OAHU , Kalaeloa, 40 ft elev., 26.V.2005 , rotting Cassia , coll. W.D. Perreira, det G.A. Samuelson; Honolulu, Kalihi Valley , 21°20.7‘N , 157°51.6‘W , 5.VI. 2011 , 120 m, at light, coll. F.G. Howarth, det. G.A. Samuelson. The following records are in HDOA: Collection records: OAHU , Aiea, 29.VIII.2010 , ex. garlic bulb imported from China , coll. C. Young , Sent to SEL- no ID yet; Waimea Valley Arboretum , 6.VI.2011 , at large on Pritchardia sp ., coll. W. Nagamine, det. F.G. Howarth.