Review of the genus Paragolsinda Breuning, 1956 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Mesosini), with reconsideration of the endophallic terminology Author Yamasako, Junsuke Author Ohbayashi, Nobuo text Zootaxa 2011 2882 35 50 journal article 46890 10.5281/zenodo.277576 79c711c2-e4c9-43dd-bb25-2557e57e27af 1175-5326 277576 Paragolsinda fruhstorferi Breuning, 1956 ( Figs 20–21 ) Paragolsinda fruhstorferi Breuning, 1956 : 676 , fig. 6; 1959: 49. Redescription. Female ( Figs 20–21 ). Body length (from tip of head to elytral apices) 17.5 mm , body width (maximum width of elytra) 6.8 mm . Body black, evenly covered with grayish-brown pubescence. Head intermixed with light grayish-brown pubescence. Antennal scape intermixed with dark grayish-brown, light grayish-brown and pale rose pubescence; each basal part of third to the last antennal segments annulated by white and pale rose pubescence; the remainders covered with dark brown pubescence. Pronotum with disk with three indistinct longitudinal dark grayish-brown bands, of which lateral ones are wide, and median one is slightly narrower than lateral ones, laid on apical third of pronotum; each lateral side intermixed with pale rose pubescence arranged as a wide longitudinal band. Elytra with maculations consisting of dark brown pubescence, of which round ones on each basal boss of elytra, intermittent transverse band near middle and zigzag band on apical third, and also scattered with some small spots on apical third; apical half ornamented with pale rose pubescence. Femora and tibiae with intermixed white and pale rose pubescence. Body elongate, oblong in shape. Head slightly narrower than pronotum; eyes strongly emarginate; lower lobes well prominent, wider than long, slightly shorter than gena below it. Antennae slightly exceeding the elytral apices, with third segment distinctly longer than scape and fourth, respectively. Pronotum slightly convex above, widest near middle, narrowed towards base and apex, with three indistinct discal tubercles; disk sparsely punctured, with irregular rugae throughout and a transverse furrow near apex. Scutellum wide obtrapezoidal. Elytra long, about 1.8 times as long as width at humeri, almost parallel-sided with distinct constriction behind sub-quadrate humeri, and arcuately rounded toward apex; each disk sparsely punctured near base, thence getting smaller toward middle and almost indistinct on apical third, with a well developed two-hump shaped longitudinal boss, of which the anterior swelling is higher than posterior one. Type material. Holotype housed in MHNL ; 1 female , “ Paragolsinda / fruhstorferi / mihi Typ/ Breuning dét.” [white label printed], “ Tonkin / Moutes Mauson/ April Mai 2 -3000/ M. Fruhstorfer” [white label printed], “ TYPE ” [red label printed]. Distribution. It is known only from the type locality of Northern Vietnam . Notes. This is the type species of the genus Paragolsinda from Mt. Mauson, Tonkin described by Breuning (1956) . We were not able to examine any other specimen of this species. The above redescription is based on some photographs of the holotype .