First record of the genus Loxopsis from the Philippines with the discovery of two new species (Phasmida, Diapheromeridae, Necrosciinae) Author Bresseel, Joachim text Zootaxa 2012 3326 49 61 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.214995 e2ed4db4-9e90-477c-be34-0e7bd24f682d 1175-5326 214995 Paraloxopsis sp. Loxopsis tuberculata sensu Klante, 1969 nec Redtenbacher, 1908 : 5 , fig 1(3); Klante, 1975 : 93 Material examined. 3: Philippinen , leg. v. Möllendorf ( SMNG ) Comments. This specimen was identified as Loxopsis tuberculata Redtenbacher, 1908 by Klante (1975:93) , who expressed doubt about the locality. The male of Loxopsis tuberculata was at that time unknown, but was recently described by Bragg (2006:6) when he placed this species in Paraloxopsis Günther, 1932 . PLATE 6: 3 Paraloxopsis sp. 1. habitus dorsal view; 2. habitus lateral view; 3. head and thorax lateral view. This specimen represents a new species of Paraloxopsis Günther, 1932 . Considering the state of the specimen, I believe it is better to await further material to name this species. Only one of the tegmina is present, the antennae are broken almost at the base, all legs are missing and only the first four abdominal segments are present. Diagnosis. Diagnosed as Paraloxopsis Günther, 1932 because of the pointed head. According to Bragg (2006) , the head of Loxopsis Westwood, 1859 is conical but not pointed. Furthermore, Paraloxopsis Günther, 1932 has swollen hind femora but unfortunately this could not be confirmed as both hind legs are missing. The value of the characters used for separating Loxopsis from Paraloxopsis will need further investigation when more material becomes available. The species is closely related to Paraloxopsis tuberculata ( Redtenbacher, 1908 ) , but differs by the larger size (e.g. 4.5 mm when measured from head to the end of the wings) and the less spinose mesonotum. Description. Male (plate 6, figs 1–7) Whole body brownish, but most probably colour faded during drying process. Head: Much longer than wide, vertex pointed. Dorsal area of cone with ten spines, five spines on each side form two latero-dorsal carinae. Cone with one latero-ventral spine on each side. Between eyes a small raised strongly granulose area. Thorax: Pronotum strongly granulose, shorter than head with transverse groove at about one third of its length. Posterior of depression, the pronotum is wider and gradually becomes narrower again towards the posterior. Posterior margin rounded. Mesothorax longer than head and prothorax combined and cylindrical in cross section. Mesonotum strongly granulose. Anterior margin with a ‘hump’ followed by two small latero-dorsal spines. Anterior of middle of mesonotum are two larger latero-dorsal spines. Posterior part of mesonotum granulose but spineless. Tegmina darker than body with many indentions, which create a granulose surface. Tegmina with a distinct hump. Costal area of alae coloured as tegmina with distinct veins. Anal area coloured transparent greyish. Abdominal segments II – IV about equal in length. Other body parts missing. Female. Unknown PLATE 7: live Loxopsis spp. 1. Ƥ HT Loxopsis sarmientoi n. sp. ; 2. 3 PT Loxopsis sarmientoi n. sp. ; 3. Ƥ HT Loxopsis tboli n. sp. ; 4. 3 PT Loxopsis tboli n. sp.