Bees of the Colletes flavicornis - group from China with description of one new species (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Colletidae) Author Niu, Ze-Qing Author Zhu, Chao-Dong Author Kuhlmann, Michael text Zootaxa 2014 3780 3 534 546 journal article 46144 10.11646/zootaxa.3780.3.5 4a93a1a8-487f-4ddd-bcd0-cb27a18d7718 1175-5326 228530 746D9B56-CA06-4849-BBF9-3847A2F80F5E Colletes vestitus sp. n. ( Figs 3 a–f, male; 4a–f, female; 6) Diagnosis. In the female of this species the abdominal terga are completely and densely covered with appressed white hairs ( Figs 4 e, 4f), a character that within the C. flavicornis -group is only shared by C. alicularis Noskiewicz and C. emaceatus Noskiewicz. From both species C. vestitus differs by its conspicuously raised clypeus ( Fig 4 d) and the combination of black legs (at least partly yellowish-brown in C. emaceatus ) and a sparsely punctate clypeus ( Fig 4 c) (densely punctate in C. alicularis ). In the male terga are also completely covered with appressed white pilosity ( Fig 3 f) like in C. alicularis (male of C. pallipes Noskiewicz unknown). Both species are very similar but in C. vestitus S7 more distinctly emarginate ( Fig 3 b) (almost linear in C. alicularis ) and the gonostylus is shorter but broader at its base ( Fig 3 d). Description. Male, BL=6.0– 6.5mm ( Fig 3 a); head broader than long, HW:HL=42:36; gena clearly narrower than eye in lateral view, GW:EW=5:10; width of metasoma slightly narrower than that between tegulae, MtW:TW=34:40. Antenna short, extending to scutellum, first flagellomere nearly as long as broad, 0.7 time as long as second flagellomere, second flagellomere longer than broad, nearly 1.3 times as long as broad, flagellomeres 3– 11 roughly 1.4 times as long as broad and nearly equal to each other in length ( Fig 3 e); malar area medially about 2.0 times long as width of mandible base; facial fovea shallow and narrow, only 0.5 times as wide as antennal FIGURE 6. Distributiοn map οf Chinese species οf the Colletes flavicornis -grοup. ●∶ Colletes popovi Nοskiewicz, 1936; ★∶ Colletes vestitus sp. n. FIGURE 3. Colletes vestitus sp. n. , ma1e. a∶ Bοdy in 1atera1 view; b∶ S7 in dοrsa1 view; c∶ Genita1ia in dοrsa1 view; d∶ Genita1ia in 1atera1 view; e∶ Head in 1atera1 view; f∶ Τ1-Τ2 in dοrsa1 view. Sca1e bar∶ a, e, f, 1mm; b, c, d, 0.5mm. FIGURE 4. Colletes vestitus sp. n. , fema1e. a∶ Bοdy in 1atera1 view; b∶ Mesοnοtum in dοrsa1 view; c∶ Head in frοnta1 view; d∶ Head in 1atera1 view; e∶ Metasοma in dοrsa1 view; f∶ Τ1-Τ2 in dοrsa1 view. Sca1e bar∶ 1mm. FIGURE 5. NJ tree based οn the DNA barcοde sequence οf mitοchοndria1 CΟI frοm different specimens οf genus Colletes frοm China. Fοr detai1s οf the sequenced specimens see Τab1e 2. Τhe symbο1s οf F and M represent the sex οf specimens is fema1e and ma1e respective1y. flagellum; propodeum laterally covered with sparse long erect hairs, integumental sculpture completely visible; disc of scutum shallowly and sparsely punctate, i=2.0–3.5d, and disc of scutellum smooth and shiny, without punctation; posterior margin of T1 yellowish brown ( Fig 3 f); disc of T1 dispersed and finely punctate, i=1.0–2.0d; metasomal terga densely covered with long appressed white plumose pilosity ( Figs 3 a, 3f); sloping anterior and lateral anterior parts of T1 covered with long white erect plumose hairs ( Fig 3 f); apical lobe of S7 medially emarginate and enlarged apically ( Fig 3 b); genitalia as showing in Fig 3 c (in dorsal view) and Fig 3 d (in lateral view). Antennal flagella ventrally yellowish brown ( Fig 3 e); tarsi of all legs yellowish brown, other parts black. Face covered with dense long white plumose hairs; gena, vertex, scutum, scutellum and mesepisternum covered with long white plumose hairs. Female, BL=6.0mm ( Fig 4 a); head broader than long, HW:HL=47:38 ( Fig 4 c); gena clearly narrower than eye in lateral view, GW:EW=5:12 ( Fig 4 d); width of metasoma narrower that between tegulae, MtW:TW=38:48. Clypeus nearly as long as broad, obviously raised ( Fig 4 d), finely and sparsely punctate ( Fig 4 c); disc of scutum smooth and shiny, marginal area of scutum finely and sparsely punctate, and scutellum smooth and shiny, without punctation ( Fig 4 b); malar area medially nearly as long as width of mandible base ( Fig 4 d); facial fovea narrower than width of antennal flagellum, only 0.5 times as wide as antennal flagellum; propodeum laterally covered with sparse long erect hairs, integumental sculpture completely visible; posterior margin of T1 yellowish brown ( Fig 4 f); disc of T1 densely and finely punctate, i=0.5–1.0d ( Fig 4 f); sloping anterior and basal parts of T1 covered with long white appressed plumose hairs, lateral anterior part of T1 covered with erect long white plumose hairs ( Fig 4 e, 4f); metasomal terga completely and densely covered with appressed white plumose hairs ( Fig 4 e). Antennal flagella ventrally yellowish brown ( Fig 4 b, 4c); mediotarsi and distitarsi of forelegs, mediotarsi and distitarsi of middle legs, and hind tarsi dark brown, other parts black. Face, vertex, scutum and mesepisternum covered with long white plumose hairs ( Fig 4 c, 4d); scutum and scutellum covered with long paler white plumose hairs ( Fig 4 b). Type material. Holotype : 1♀, China , Xinjiang, Fukang, Cainan ( 87º54′E , 44º06′N ), 27.V.2013 , coll. Liu- Sheng Cheng; Paratypes : 1♀, 9♂ , same label information as holotype . Distribution. China : Xinjiang (Fukang, Cainan) (Fig 6). Floral association. No record. Etymology. The specific epithet is Latin vestitus , meaning the metasomal terga densely covered with plumose hairs. DNA Barcoding. We sequenced 10 specimens of this species, with 8 males and two females. All sequences were grouped in the same highly supported branch to confirm the species identity of both sexes ( Fig 5 ).