A new record of Neoperla obliqua Banks, 1930 (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from Mt. Malindang, Mindanao, Philippines and association of life stages using DNA barcodes Author Dela Cruz, Ian Niel B. Author Nuñeza, Olga M. Author Lin, Chung-Ping text Zootaxa 2018 2018-11-06 4514 1 145 150 journal article 28106 10.11646/zootaxa.4514.1.12 235da605-d088-41da-98ce-5e9c7d141a47 1175-5326 2605782 F2CAE9F9-2975-48AF-868D-11173F16ED48 Neoperla obliqua , Banks 1913 Material examined. Philippines , Mindanao , Mt. Malindang , Layawan River . 1 ♂ , 127masl , N 08°26.314’ E 123°42.492’ , 5 October 2013 ; 3 ♀ , 185masl , N 08°25.418’ E 123°41.806’ , 3 October 2013 . 185masl, N 08°25.418’ E 123°41.806’ , 3 October 2013 ; 1 ♀ nymph, 1,218masl , N 08°18.495’ E 123°37.980’ . All material is deposited in the Natural Science Museum, MSU-IIT, Iligan City , Philippines . Ova. Shape oval, highly striated, ( Fig. 1A ). Collar present but flat. Length ca. 318.16 ± 10.37 µm (n=3), equatorial width ca. 222.63 ± 4.97 µm. Collar bare, with length ca. 16.2 ± 8.5 µm and width ca. 85.83 ± 9.7 µm, with uneven surface, resembling a lid ( Fig. 1C ). Chorionic surface rugose and somewhat ornate. Gyral structure irregular but usually follows a longitudinal ridge-like pattern which arises from the collar end, creating a sulci or irregular grooves in between studded with pores of almost similar sizes ( Fig. 1D ). Micropyles at distal end of the collar and present in all ova examined ( Fig. 1B ). Nymph. General color golden ochre to pale orange, while darker, usually dark brown to black margins on frons and labrum of head, the pronotal disc, tip of wingpads, and abdominal terga ( Fig. 2A ). Pronotal disc ovalshaped. Wingpads not elongated. Terga faintly striped. Antennae and cerci setaceous. Mandible ochre, ovateshaped but broad on its base possessing a five comb-like, blunted teeth of irregular sizes ( Fig. 2B ). Few fine setal hairs on the inner edges of mandible. Legs golden-brown without acute setal surface hairs ( Fig. 2C ). FIGURE 1. Neoperla obliqua ova. (1A) Entire ova. (1B) Chorionic details (arrow refers to micropyle). (1C) Collar end. (1D) Anterior end. Scale = 100µm. Female nymph. Body length of 17.44 mm (n=1), abdominal length 7.02mm . Width of head is 4.01mm , pronotal disc is 3.91mm . Ocelli 0.8mm diameters apart. Mandible 1.43 mm . Mesothoracic and metathoracic width 4.36 mm and 4.07 mm , respectively. Antenna 11.05 mm . Femur 4.13 mm , tibia 3.94 mm , tarsus 1.22 mm . Cercus 9.78 mm . Habitat . Adults of N. obliqua were sympatric with another unidentified perlid stonefly species. The single nymph of N. obliqua was found under large rocks in the Layawan River, in a section with moderate current. Life stage and sex association. Pairwise CO1 sequence comparisons revealed 0.2% intraspecific divergence between males and females of putative conspecifics. The sequence similarity between adult and nymphal stages was 99.9 ± 0.14% ( Table 2 ). Comparisons between divergences of interspecific CO1 sequences of all available perlid stoneflies based on Kimura-2-parameter (K2P) model were also shown ( Table 3 ).