One new species and two new records of the spider wasp genus Telostholus Haupt, 1929 in China, with a key to the world species Author Song, Zhi-Yan 0009-0006-0849-1758 Department of Entomology, College of Plant Protection, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming, Yunnan, 650201, P. R. China Author Li, Qiang Department of Entomology, College of Plant Protection, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming, Yunnan, 650201, P. R. China Author Dong, Li-Li Department of Entomology, College of Plant Protection, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming, Yunnan, 650201, P. R. China Author Ma, Li Department of Entomology, College of Plant Protection, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming, Yunnan, 650201, P. R. China text Zootaxa 2024 2024-01-23 5403 4 447 458 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5403.4.3 1175-5326 10562238 AC3C7AA5-E12B-4D87-AF88-74E0A1A0643C Telostholus venarectus Song & Ma , sp. nov. 6F961192-EA0C-488E-9EAA-8858C0CC7DAC Figs 1A–I , 2A–H , 3A–C, 3G Material examined . Holotype : , CHINA , Yunnan , Yuxi City , Yuanjiang County , 23°18′N 101°39′E , 464 m , Malaise trap , V–VI.2016 , coll. YNAU . Paratypes : 22♀ 133 ♂ , same locality as holotype, 444–464 m , Malaise trap , V VI .2016 ( 9♀ 47♂ ), VI –IX.2016 ( 8♀ 56♂ ), IV– V .2016 ( 2 ♀ 2♂ ), V VI .2016 ( 2♀ 27♂ ), coll. YNAU ; 1♀ 1♂ , CHINA , Yunnan , Kunming City , Xishan , 25°19′N 102°89′E, 1956 m , Malaise trap , XII.2015 III.2016 , coll. YNAU . Remarks . The new species is similar to T . nontuberatus Li & Ma 2015 in having the following characteristics: in female, vertex strongly convex between eye tops ( Fig. 1B ); ratio of POD: OOD, F1 length 1.0 times scape length; dorsal surface of propodeum without tuberculate projections posterolaterally ( Fig. 1F ); in male. F2–F10 crenulated ventrally ( Fig. 2E ); POD>OOD; SGP ventral surface in apical portion with setae, lateral margin in basal portion without setae ( Fig. 3C ), but it can be separated from by having the following characters given in the Table 1 . TABLE 1. Structural differences between T . venarectus Song & Ma, sp. nov. and T. nontuberatus Li & Ma 2015 , female and male.
T. venarectus Song & Ma, sp. nov. T . nontuberatus Li & Ma 2015
a. half of MID 1.18–1.27 times eye width (Fig. 1B). (♀) half of MID 1.63 times eye width (♀).
b. Frons, ocellus, vertex covered with dense setae (Fig. 1B). (♀) Upper frons, ocellus without setae, lower frons and vertex with sparse setae (♀).
c. Occipital inconspicuous (♀, ♂). Occipital conspicuous (♀, ♂).
d. Gena in profile strongly narrowing towards vertex, in upper portion almost liner, 0.14–0.21 times eye width (Fig. 1D). (♀) Gena in profile narrowing towards vertex, in upper portion not liner, 0.29 times eye width (♀).
e. F1=F2 (Fig. 2E). (♂) F1<F2 (♂).
f. Fore wing with apical and subbasal bands (♀); without subbasal band (♂); fore wing crossvein cu-a almost vertical to vein 1A (♀, ♂). Fore wing with light brown apical band and markings (♀, ♂); fore wing crossvein cu-a clearly oblique to vein 1A (♀, ♂).
g. SGP short and broad (Fig. 3C). (♂) SGP long and narrow (♂).
h. Parapenial lobe short, in upper half somewhat crescent- shaped (Fig. 3A) (♂). Parapenial lobe long, in upper half not crescent-shaped (♂)
The new species is also similar to T. yasumatsui Ishikawa , 1967 (female) and T. kubani Loktionov, 2021 (male), but can be separated from them by having the following characters: The new species (female): Eye broad, half of MID 1.18–1.27 times eye width; ocelli located in acute triangle; fore wing with apical and subbasal bands. In T. yasumatsui Ishikawa , 1967 (female): eye narrower, half of MID 1.5–1.6 times eye width; ocelli located in right triangle; fore wing partially brown. The new species (male): F1 length 1.45–1.52 times its maximum width (in dorsal view), and 0.26–0.35 times UID; POD: OOD = 1.42–1.5; apical area of volsella broadened, oval-shaped, its ventral face along outer margin with few bristles. In T. kubani Loktionov, 2021 (male): F1 length 2.2–2.4 times its maximum width (in dorsal view), and 0.35–0.45 times UID; POD: OOD =1.6–2.0; apical area of volsella somewhat narrowed, elongated, its ventral face along outer and apical margins with long, slightly curved bristles, ending at top with small ball.
Description . Female . (Measurements of the holotype are given in parentheses). Length: body 7.1–11.6 (8.6) mm; fore wing 6.4–9.2 (8.1) mm. Body black, mandible red-brown at apical 1/2, maxillary palps dark-brown, clypeus with brown anterior rim, all claws brown ( Figs 1A, 1B ). Pterostigma entire brown; fore wing with distinct light translucent area along apical margin, and three semitransparent, brown markings: first, at marginal cell, SMC2 except lower base, and apical half of discal cell 2; second, at basal 1/2 of subdiscal cell and apical 1/6 of subbasal cell; third, at intersection of SMC1 , discal cell 1 and basal cell ( Fig. 1H ). Body covered with short whitish appressed pubescence; mandible with few pale setae, S3–S5 with few pale short setae, S6 with many scattered, pale, short and long setae, T6 with few long setae ( Fig. 1A ). Area between hind ocellus and eyes with sparse punctures ( Fig. 1C ). FIGURE 1. Telostholus venarectus Song & Ma, sp. nov ., ♀, holotype. A habitus, lateral view; B head, frontal view; C head, dorsal view; D head, lateral view; E pronotum, dorsal view; F postnotum, propodeum, dorsal view; G propodeum, lateral view; H fore wing; I hind wing. Scale bar: 1.0 mm. FIGURE 2. Telostholus venarectus Song & Ma, sp. nov ., ♂, paratype. A habitus, lateral view; B head, frontal view; C head, lateral view; D head, dorsal view; E antenna ventral side; F postnotum, propodeum, dorsal view; G fore wing; H hind wing. Scale bar: 1.0 mm. FIGURES 3. Male genitalia and pregenital sterna. A–C, G , Telostholus venarectus Song & Ma, sp. nov . (paratype); D–F, H , Telostholus lao Loktionov, 2021 . A, B, D, E , genitalia (A, D, ventral view; B, E, dorsal view); C, F , hypopygium and S7, ventral view; G, H , S6, ventral view. Scale bar: 1.0 mm. Head . In frontal view, head width 1.1–1.14 (1.14) times its height; MID 0.56–0.66 (0.56) times head width, MID 2.36–2.54 (2.36) times eye width; UID: MID: LID = 34–43 (36): 50–58 (58): 46–56 (48) ( Fig. 1B ). Mandible stout with two small subapical tooth, labrum exposed. Clypeus slightly convex medially, anterior margin straight, its width 2.5–2.69 (2.5) times length and 0.87–0.89 (0.87) times LID ( Fig. 1B ). Clypeus at base and lower frons including antennal socket laterally evidently concave ( Fig. 1B ). Malar space very short. Frons flat, with short and inconspicuous median line. Vertex strongly convex between eye tops ( Fig. 1B ). In dorsal view, anterior ocellus larger than posterior ones, ocellar area slightly raised, ocelli in acute triangle; POD: OOD= 1.5–1.7 (1.7) ( Fig. 1C ). In lateral view, frons hardly convex; gena in profile strongly narrowing towards vertex, in upper portion almost liner, medially 0.14–0.21 (0.19) times eye width. Upper gena: lower gena= 1: 4. Scape slightly concave ventrally ( Fig. 1D ). Flagellum filiform, last flagellomere blunt apically. Length ratios of scape, pedicel and F1–10 (on ventral side, in holotype ) = 25: 7: 25: 25: 21: 18: 18: 15: 15: 14: 11: 14. Scape length 0.58–0.69 (0.69) times UID. F1 length 3.57–3.65 (3.62) times its maximum width, 1.0 times scape length and 0.65–0.71 (0.69) times UID. Mesosoma . Pronotum length in dorsal view 0.39–0.48 (0.48) times its maximum width; anterior surface short and inclined, differentiated from dorsum by two small but distinctly produced, transverse, subtriangular processes medially; posterior margin arcuate and some specimens slightly angulate medially. In dorsal view, basal half of mesoscutum slightly raised, parapsidal sulcus reaching nearly 3/4 of mesoscutum ( Fig. 1E ). Mesoscutellum and metanotum conspicuously convex medially; posterior margin of metanotum produced at middle and covering metapostnotum partly, metapostnotum narrow and nearly fissuriform, its center deeply sunken, with dense transverse striae ( Fig. 1F ). Propodeum in dorsal view parallel-sided, its length 0.54–0.61 (0.57) times its width; dorsum in lateral view without convex, postero-lateral corner not produced into tubercle; posterior propodeum with short inclined slope, relative length of dorsal surface and inclined slope = 3: 2 ( Figs. 1F, 1G ). Wings . Fore wing ( Fig. 1H ) pterostigma length 3.6–3.77 (3.6) times its height (on inner distance) and 1.12–1.25 (1.12) times Rs2 . SCM2 length 2.72–2.86 (2.78) times its maximum height, receiving crossvein 1m-cu at basal 0.25–0.33 (0.26) and receiving crossvein 2m-cu at basal 0.81–0.86 (0.82); crossvein 3rs-m strongly arched towards wing apex; crossvein cu-a barely curved, originating just beyond separation of vein M+CuA ; crossvein cu-a almost vertical to vein 1A ; vein M ending far from wing margin; vein CuA1 not touching wing margin. Hind wing ( Fig. 1I ) translucent, with slightly brownish apical portion; crossvein cu-a evenly arched and anterofurcal. Legs . Fore femur without spines; mid femur with two short spines dorso-apically; hind femur with 2–3 short spines dorso-apically. Fore tibia outer face with 2–3 spines and few different-length stout spines apically; mid and hind tibiae with scattered long spines, hind tibia longer spur length 0.55–0.63 (0.55) times hind tarsomere 1 length. Fore tarsomere 1 length 0.63–0.71 (0.71) times fore tarsomeres 2–4 length combined and with 1 longitudinal row of very short spines ventrally; mid and hind tarsomeres 1 with spines which shorter than that on tibia. Fore tarsomeres 2 and 3 with median longitudinal row of very short spines ventrally and tarsomere 4 with long spines apically; mid and hind tarsomeres 2–4 ventrally with median longitudinal row of short spines; mid and hind tarsomeres 2 except median row of spines with two spines on both sides of row. All tarsomeres 5 without spines ventrally, fore leg apical tarsus slightly expand. Tarsal claws symmetrical and bifid, inner tooth broad and obliquely truncated. Metasoma . In dorsal view, ventrally subfusiform, as wide as mesosoma. Posterior margins of T1–T5 and S1–S5 slightly emarginate medially; apex of T6 slightly compressed ( Fig. 1A ). Male . body length 5.2–7.4 (6.5) mm; forewing 4.3–5.7 (4.6) mm. Fore wing translucent, with brown apical portion and light area about 1/2 second submarginal cell 2 ( Fig. 2G ). Head . In frontal view, head width 1.12–1.15 (1.12) times its height, MID 0.61–0.67 (0.67) times head width, MID 3.25–3.31 (3.31) times eye width; UID: MID: LID = 35–38 (36): 36–45(43): 29–34 (33). Clypeus width 2.31– 2.44 (2.36) times length and 0.66–0.76 (0.76) times LID; vertex slightly and roundly produced above dorsal eye margin ( Fig. 2B ). In dorsal view, ocelli in right triangle; POD: OOD = 1.42–1.5 (1.5) ( Fig. 2D ). In lateral view, frons slightly convex, gena in profile narrow, medially 0.15–0.17 (0.16) times eye width ( Fig. 2C ). Flagellum somewhat short, scape normal shaped, F2–F8 crenulated ventrally, F9–11 with ventral depression, flattened; length ratios of scape, pedicel and F1–11 (on ventral side; in holotype ) = 15: 5: 12: 12: 11: 10: 10: 10: 9: 8: 8: 8: 10; scape length 0.42–0.46 (0.42) times UID; F1 length 1.45–1.52 (1.5) times its maximum width, 0.8–0.93 (0.8) times scape length and 0.26–0.35 (0.33) times UID ( Fig. 2E ). Mesosoma . Pronotum length in dorsal view 0.41–0.53 (0.53) times its maximum width; anterior face not differentiated from dorsum; posterior margin somewhat subangulate medially. Propodeum length in dorsal view 0.54–0.62 (0.57) times its maximum width; relative length of dorsal surface and inclined slope = 11: 9 ( Fig. 2F ). Wings . Pterostigma length 3.16–3.28 (3.2) times its height (on inner distance), and 1.1–1.15 (1.15) times Rs2 . SMC2 length 2.67–2.84 (2.67) times its maximum height, receiving crossvein 1m-cu at basal 0.25–0.29 (0.27) and receiving crossvein 2m-cu at basal 0.88–0.93 (0.89) ( Fig. 2G ). Legs . Hind tibia longer spur length 0.79–0.89 (0.85) times hind tarsomere 1 length. Metasoma . In dorsal view, metasoma lanceolate, slightly narrower than mesosoma ( Fig. 2A ). Genitalia: paramere broad and long, paddle-shaped, apex in inner corner more or less pointed, outer margin in apical portion with short bristles; apical part of volsella broad, oval-shaped, ventral surface along outer margin with few bristles; parapenial lobe in upper half somewhat crescent-shaped, with broadly rounded apex ( Figs 3A, 3B ). SGP in ventral view evenly narrowing toward apex, ventral surface in apical portion with setae, lateral margin in basal portion without setae ( Fig. 3C ). S6 deeply arcuately emarginate medially, and with small curved hooks on both side of emargination ( Fig. 3G ). Distribution . China ( Yunnan ). Sex association . Not only all the female and male specimens were collected from the same location and dates, as well as by the same Malaise trap, but they also have the same pattern and the following common characteristics: ratio of F1: F2; clypeus width <LID; POD>OOD; gena in profile narrow and body color. Etymology . The name venarectus originates from the Greek word "ven-" and "rectus", referring to the fore wing crossvein cu-a almost vertical to vein 1A .