New Australian Hexactinellida (Porifera) with a revision of Euplectella aspergillum * Author Tabachnick, Konstantin R. Author Menschenina, Dorte Janussen And Larisa L. text Zootaxa 2008 2008-09-03 1866 1 7 68 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.1866.1.3 1175­5334 5133305 Farrea occa mammillata Ijima, 1927 ( Tab. 15 ) Material . WAM Z 258 RV Soela , sta. SO 1/84/82, NNW of Cape Leveque , 13 o 7.20’S 123 o 15.70’E , depth 400 m . WAM (p4135)— RV Soela , sta.?, NNW Cape Leveque , 13°7’S 123 o 15’E , depth 400 m . Description. Body: Fragments of dichotomously branching tubes about 22 mm in diameter; the specimens WAM Z 258 are two fragments 70x50x 60 mm and 50x30x 40 mm ; the other specimen is a small lamella­like fragment. The thickness of the wall is about 1.5–3 mm . Spicules: There are no significant differences of spicule forms compared to the primary description by Ijima (1927) . The differences in the spicule dimensions seen in Tab.15 are not significant and require no special discussion. TABLE 15 : Some measurements of spicules of Farrea occa mammillata Ijima, 1927
Type from Ijima, 1927 p4135 p761
n avg min max std n avg min max std n avg min max std
L. derm. pentact. tangent. ray .185 .250 15 .165 .092 .230 .034 15 .174 .128 .219 .022
L derm. pentact. proximal ray 15 .271 .194 .347 .044 15 .265 .163 .377 .056
L. atr. pentact. tangent. ray 15 .186 .128 .214 .025 15 .213 .168 .281 .030
L. atr. pentact. distal ray 15 .228 .143 .306 .045 15 .216 .112 .281 .046
L pileate clavule .196 .220 12 .220 .179 .245 .022 3 .221 .179 .255 .039
D disc of pileate clavule .016 .025 10 .013 .010 .015 .002 3 .014 .010 .015 .003
L disc of pileate clavule 10 .019 .016 .020 .002 3 .016 .014 .016 .001
L anchorate clavule .196 .220 10 .224 .184 .265 .030 15 .219 .173 .326 .040
D anchor, anchorate clavule .026 10 .027 .018 .036 .005 15 .027 .018 .041 .006
L anchor , anchorate clavule .015 10 .021 .010 .031 .005 15 .019 .013 .028 .004
L cusped or cusped clavate clavule .216 .258 15 .293 .245 .357 .031 15 .338 .311 .388 .021
D oxyhexaster .075 .107 15 .088 .071 .101 .008 15 .091 .076 .113 .010
d oxyhexaster .044 .080 15 .046 .034 .059 .006 15 .047 .029 .059 .009
Euretidae Zittel, 1877 Genus: Eurete Semper, 1868