Taxonomic review of Chinese species of ground beetles of the subgenus Pseudoophonus (genus Harpalus) (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
Kataev, Boris M.
Liang, Hongbin
journal article
Key to species groups and species of
1. Elytral intervals 1, 3, 5 and 7 with a row of discal pores. Pronotal basal margin not bordered. Median lobe of aedeagus—Figs 11–12. Length 17.3–24.0 mm...................................................
H. capito
species group)
- Elytral intervals 1, 3, 5 and 7 without row of discal pores. Pronotal basal margin bordered (sometimes border interrupted or indistinct medially or laterally............................................................................ 2
2. Tarsomere 5 with spines, in addition to thin setae and hairs, ventrally (Fig. 10). Median lobe of aedeagus—Figs 86–87. Length 12.0–
14.2 mm
H. calceatus
species group)
- Tarsomere 5 without spines ventrally, only with thin setae and hairs (Fig. 9).................... (
species group) 3
3. All elytral intervals densely punctate and pubescent......................................................... 4
- Elytra at most punctate and pubescent on lateral intervals..................................................... 10
4. Pronotum with basal angles sharp at apex, usually slightly protruded laterad, or denticulate; and pronotal disc in central portion smooth or at most sparsely, very finely punctate............................................................ 5
- Pronotum with basal angles narrowly rounded or blunt at apex; pronotal disc in central portion smooth or distinctly punctate.................................................................................................... 6
5. Elytra mat, not iridescent, with microsculpture on disc consisting of distinct isodiametric meshes. Median lobe of aedeagus with a moderately large spine in internal sac medially (
Figs 24–25
). Length 11.1–16.0 mm...................
H. rufipes
- Elytra shiny, clearly iridescent, with microsculpture on disc in baso-medial portion consisting of transverse meshes. Median lobe of aedeagus with spiny patches in internal sac (
Figs 28–31
). Length
10.2–13.6 mm
H. aenigma
6. Pronotum densely and rather coarsely punctate throughout..................................................... 7
- Pronotal disc in central portion smooth or sparsely, very finely punctate......................................... 8
7. Legs black, occasionally tarsi slightly paler. Median lobe of aedeagus in internal sac with a small medial spiny patch and a sep- arate medium-sized spine apically (
Figs 22–23
). Length
16.9–20.1 mm
H. roninus
- Legs reddish brown or brownish yellow. Median lobe of aedeagus in internal sac usually without any sclerotized element (
Figs 20–21
), occasionally with a very small and short spine apically (
Fig. 19
). Length
12.2–16.9 mm
H. ussuriensis
8. Pronotum with several marginal setigerous pores on each side. Tempora with distinct setae. Median lobe of aedeagus—Figs 13–14. Length
12.5–14.8 mm
H. eous
- Pronotum with only one marginal setigerous pore on each side. Tempora glabrous................................. 9
9. Clypeus with one setigerous pore in each outer corner. Median lobe of aedeagus with almost parallel-sided terminal lamella and without any sclerotized elements in internal sac (
Figs 15–16
). Length 8.0–
12.5 mm
H. griseus
- Clypeus with one or several additional setigerous pores along anterior margin. Median lobe of aedeagus with converging sides of terminal lamella and with spiny patches in internal sac (
Figs 17–18
). Length 8.0–
12.6 mm
H. jureceki
10. Pronotum with basal angles sharp at apex, often denticulate.................................................. 11
- Pronotum with basal angles narrowly rounded or blunt at apex, never denticulate.................................. 16
11. Apical spur of protibia markedly dentate at margins (as in Figs 4–6)........................................... 12
- Apical spur of protibia not dentate at margins, at most slightly angulate (as in Figs 1–3)........................... 13
12. Elytral striae smooth, impunctate; elytral disc with distinct transverse microsculpture; all elytral intervals punctate apically; subapical sinuation of elytra shallow (Fig. 8). Internal sac of median lobe of aedeagus without distinct sclerotized elements (
Figs 40–41
). Length 8.8–14.0 mm................................................................
H. tridens
- Elytral striae finely punctate; elytral disc in baso-medial portion without microsculpture; only two lateral intervals densely punctate apically, intervals 6 and 7 with few punctures before apex; subapical sinuation of elytra rather deep (Fig. 7). Internal sac of median lobe of aedeagus with a large medial spiny patch (
Figs 42–43
). Length 9.7–13.0 mm...........
H. suensoni
13. Pronotal basal angles with sharp denticle at apex protruding laterally and with oblique convex fold underneath. Median lobe of aedeagus—Figs 38–39. Length
12.8–15.9 mm
H. coreanus
- Pronotal basal angles without denticle at apex (occasionally denticle present but very small, indistinct) and without oblique convex fold underneath............................................................................... 14
14. Microsculpture on elytral disc in baso-medial portion in both sexes consisting of fine and very narrow transverse meshes. Median lobe of aedeagus—Figs 34–35. Length
9.9–12.5 mm
H. fokienensis
- Microsculpture on elytral disc consisting of isodiametric or wide transverse meshes............................... 15
15. Metepisterna shorter, less than 1.3 times as long as wide. Elytra finely pubescent along sides (in specimens from
, North and
South Korea
, and
); elytral basal border forming almost right angle with lateral margin; interval 7 often with one to four preapical setigerous pores. Protibia usually with two ventroapical spines in transverse row. Pronotum more strongly rounded at sides, with narrower base. Median lobe of aedeagus with a longitudinal spiny patch in internal sac (
Figs 32–33
). Length
9.4–14.6 mm
H. pastor
- Metepisterna longer, at least 1.3 times as long as wide. Elytra glabrous along sides; elytral basal border forming obtuse angle with lateral margin; interval 7 usually without preapical setigerous pores. Protibia usually with three ventroapical spines in transverse row. Pronotum less strongly rounded at sides, with wider base. Median lobe of aedeagus without any distinct sclerotized elements in internal sac (
Figs 36–37
). Length
9.8–13.1 mm
H. simplicidens
16. Apical spur of protibia markedly dentate at margins (as in Figs 4–6). Median lobe of aedeagus—Figs 44–45. Length
9.5–15.6 mm
H. sinicus
- Apical spur of protibia not dentate at margins (as in Figs 1–3)................................................ 17
17. Legs black or dark brown, occasionally tarsi or tibiae basally slightly paler. Microsculpture on elytral disc in baso-medial portion consisting of isodiametric or slightly transverse meshes.................................................. 18
- Legs reddish brown or brownish yellow. Microsculpture on elytral disc variable, consisting of isodiametric to narrow transverse meshes........................................................................................ 20
18. Elytral striae finely punctate. Median lobe of aedeagus—Figs 48–49. Length
10.5–13.1 mm
H. davidi
- Elytral striae smooth................................................................................. 19
19. Elytra mat, distinctly pubescent on two lateral intervals. Protibia with three ventroapical spines in transverse row. Metafemur with five to seven setigerous pores along posterior margin. Mesotarsomere 1 of male without adhesive vestiture underneath. Median lobe of aedeagus with relatively smaller basal bulb and with a medial spiny patch in internal sac (
Figs 50–51
). Length
11.6–12.8 mm
H. sericatus
- Elytra shiny, glabrous (occasionally at most with few very fine setae on two lateral intervals). Protibia with two ventroapical spines in transverse row. Metafemur with three or four setigerous pores along posterior margin. Mesotarsomere 1 of male with adhesive vestiture underneath in apical half. Median lobe of aedeagus with relatively larger basal bulb; internal sac with usually several spiny patches medially and apically, rarely without sclerotized elements (
Figs 52–59
). Length
9.2–11.6 mm
H. pseudohauserianus
20. Microsculpture on elytral disc in medio-basal portion consisting of isodiametric or slightly transverse meshes. Elytral intervals densely punctate and pubescent apically. Length 12.0–
12.5 mm
H. babai
- Microsculpture on elytral disc in medio-basal portion consisting of narrow transverse meshes. Elytral intervals 1–6 impunctate and glabrous apically................................................................................ 21
21. Lateral depressions of pronotum rather deep basally, separated from somewhat deep and narrow basal foveae by more or less convex areas; pronotal sides almost straightly converging posteriad; basal angles obtuse, blunted at apex. Humeral denticle prominent, visible dorsally. Elytra finely pubescent on one or two lateral intervals. Median lobe of aedeagus with two separate somewhat large spines in internal sac (
Figs 82–83
). Length
9.2–11.2 mm
H. singularis
- Lateral depressions of pronotum shallow basally, fused with somewhat wide and shallow basal foveae; pronotal sides rounded usually throughout; basal angles rounded, occasionally obtuse, blunted at apex. Humeral denticle very indistinct, poorly visible only from behind. Elytra glabrous. Median lobe of aedeagus without separate somewhat large spines in internal sac...... 22
22. Metafemur with two or three setigerous pores along posterior margin. Mesotarsomere 1 of male with adhesive vestiture underneath apically (in ssp.
). Median lobe of aedeagus—Figs 60–67. Length
9.4–13.6 mm
H. indicus
- Metafemur usually with four, more rarely with three or five, setigerous pores along posterior margin. Mesotarsomere 1 of male without adhesive vestiture underneath. Median lobe of aedeagus—Figs 72–81. Length
9.2–12.9 mm
H. hauserianus